Tag: Democrats Pledge

Breaking news: Democrats Release their Contract with America.

Breaking news: Democrats Release their Contract with America.

Just the first page of the contract is out but they promise more plans after the 2010 mid-term elections. Seems like they wordsmith’d the Republican pledge a bit:

America is more than a country it is a Democrat controlled country.

America needs to change – We need to realize that free people are not capable of governing themselves, that government’s powers are absolute and should be increased. We, the Democratic ruling class believe there is no Creator that has granted unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but rather the government grants those rights. And as such has the ability to remove them. Happiness should be granted to everyone at the expense of anyone that is truly happy. Liberty is subjective and needs to be debated at length to define the word. And finally life, life which depending who you ask begins about the time one is able to vote.

America needs to change the belief that any man or woman can – given economic, political, and religious liberty – advance themselves, their families, and the common good. This belief is conditional upon party affiliation. We Democrats will see to it that any “Common Good” is actually beneficial to our friends in the union and planned parenthood.

America was an inspiration to those who yearn to be free and have the ability and the dignity to determine their own destiny. That must stop. We need to be exactly like those countries that people are fleeing to stop the influx of people wanting to be here.

America needs to quit expecting congress to lead by example. We the Democrat ruling class are not able to do our job while looking over our shoulder for someone with a camera or microphone. Since 2006 we have been trying to clean up the corruption in the halls of congress the same way we are trying to solve the economic issues. We are spending money to get out of debt, and trying to be more corrupt to stop the corruption.

Please give us more time to finish our job.
