Tag: Democrat speech

Tea Party Assault caught on video!

Tea Party Assault caught on video!

Oh wait, it’s a leftist being violent again…Move along, nothing to see here..

HT Big Government

I’m waiting for the cries of extremists, racist and hate monger from the MSM…

Now I know one person who is very involved in putting together a forum for politicians to meet and greet their constituents. This video seems to be a similar function. If the public is invited why no video allowed? IF you are concerned that you will slip up and say something wrong and it will end up on youtube, I understand BUT; IF you tell the truth, if you stick to your beliefs and if you have confidence in your position then it shouldn’t be a problem.

I notice the guy that sat down next to the camera man’s name tag said “Black” something or other…Ummm, strange huh? The party of tolerance and equality must put their race on their name tag?…When will America wake up and see this for what it is… Pure racism and a communist take over of our nation.