Tag: Debbie Wasserman Shultz Wants Romney to release records

Debbie W Shultz wants Romney to release

Debbie W Shultz wants Romney to release

Romney needs to release all financial dealings and records because “We don’t know what he’s been doing, he may be doing everything legit but until he releases his records we just don’t know”… Mmm.

Barack Obama needs to take a drug test. We just don’t know if he actually quit cocaine. He very well may have, but we won’t know for sure unless he takes a drug test.

Debbie W Shultz needs to release all of her employees data. She could have illegal Aliens working for her which would be a violation of federal law. She may not have hired any, but we won’t know for sure until she releases her records.

Eric Holder needs to take a lie detector test and release all documents related to voter intimidation and the fast and furious scandal. He may not be lying and he may not of known about Brian Terry and 300 Mexicans being killed by his guns. We won’t know for sure until he releases the documents.

We can play this game all day Debbie only the idiots who vote for you and Allan Grayson take you seriously. And that’s a very small minority of people living in your state. You want fairness and truth? Start in your own party then you may have a leg to stand on. Until then you sound like an idiot. But please continue, it’s making our job to rid the nation of your kind easier.