Tag: Dead Osama

Two Exterminators, an anology of UBL’s Death.

Two Exterminators, an anology of UBL’s Death.

After the last couple of days I’ve been seeing the media jumping through hoops to give Obama ALL the credit for this wonderful action of killing a monster. Obama’s command decision too over 8 months to make, but he finally made it. Kudos.

Now here’s my real unabridged analogy of Osama Bin Laden’s death:

You own a very large ranch, you have a huge bee hive on your property and they are the African killer bee’s. You tried to live peacefully with the bees, but you were stung repeatedly and finally had enough, so you called in an exterminator. The exterminator shows up, works his butt off killing the dangerous bees, he spends months swatting the hive and killing the bees…He spent much of his time trying to find the queen bee, but the queen was elusive. The exterminator has scattered the bees  and removed the hive from your property, you occasionally see a bee or two but nobody on your property is getting stung or chased. You pay the exterminator for a job well done and send him on his way.

About a month later you see a bee that is large and has a few little ones around him. You figure it’s got to be queen bee and you call the exterminator again..BUT the exterminator is moved out of state. So you call another one, he comes in with an employee. You point out where the queen bee is and go back in the house.

After 5 minutes the extermination business owner shows up at your door with a bill.

It’s a bill that’s 3 times larger than the first exterminators bill. He says “The Queen Bee is dead, I gave the order for my employee to kill the Queen bee and he swatted it with a magazine, you don’t need to see the body, we took care of it already”… You ask what about the other bees that are coming into your property? He says, “they will go away in a little bit, pay me, oh and I’m the only game in town now, so you will be using my services for the next 4 years.”

This is exactly what has happened in the UBLs death. I don’t care if your political leaning is left or right, you have to see that the dictator in chief is taking a victory lap for others work. Obama is more concerned with the “Feelings” of our enemy than he is the emotional well being of OUR nation. This is a failed leadership at it’s finest.

November 2012 can’t come soon enough.