Tag: Corzine was a typical corrupt democrat

Chris Christie; All you need to know about Dems…

Chris Christie; All you need to know about Dems…

You think this is just a New Jersey thing? I’m betting a very large chunk of Democrats and a bunch of Republicans are culpable of the same thing Corzine did. The difference? Oh that’s when someone with character shows up and calls them on it!

Granted it’s only 180 million dollars and to a toe the line Democrat it’s a drop in the bucket. But Kudos to Christie for putting the light on the cockroach.

Christie is doing a hell of a job. I know there are conservatives out there that don’t like his social stance, and I have a few issues with him myself. Reagan had a few flaws in the social arena too. Right now, Christie would be in my top 3 for POTUS. I’m hoping he finishes the clean up in Jersey, and shows what a fiscal conservatives can do when they stick to their guns. I really admire the man for standing and we all should stand with him.

:clap: :clap: