Tag: Compromising is not what we want

Jobless Benefits might be extended…

Jobless Benefits might be extended…

Okay, I understand the economy is crap. I understand that people are hurting, I understand that it’s coming up on Christmas. But I don’t think this is a good idea.

Obama, Congress Maneuver to Extend Unemployment Benefits in Exchange for Current Tax Rates

WASHINGTON — After Senate Republicans, with the help of a few Democrats, refused to cave on extending tax rates for the wealthy next year, a deal to extend unemployment benefits in exchange for White House agreement on continuing everyone’s current rate appears to be gaining traction.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Sunday that it’s clear to him taxes will not be raised for anyone next year — and that unemployment compensation for those jobless beyond 99 weeks could be extended. McConnell did not say how long tax rates would be extended though unemployment compensation could last another year.

99 weeks of unemployment is NOT assistance it is a handout. almost two years of unemployment causes people to NOT take jobs. It makes folks too picky. I have never been unemployed for more than a month. I never collected a dime from the state or feds for my income. I’d like to think if I needed to it would be there though. I don’t begrudge anyone taking the checks. I don’t blame anyone for getting what they can get. What I do blame is the Government for holding this over our heads.

Unemployment is supposed to help bridge you between jobs. IF you are out looking and find a job that pays exactly the amount you get from unemployment why take it? IF it pays only a little more why take it? The problem is the hand out has become a sustenance for some (Not all) I have heard stories here locally about the jobs folks could have got but they don’t pay more than the unemployment check. What is that good for? IF the person had no check at all he would have taken the job, which means he would have been paying taxes which helps the revenue. Something our elected officials don’t see.

Let me ask a question: IF I get laid off next year, and start collecting unemployment will I then be entitled to 99 weeks? Or will it be based on some number generated in DC as to our economic woes? I’m betting the next generation of layoffs that will include A LOT OF US footing the tax bill NOW, will be limited to the traditional 3 months.

I suggest the unemployment benefits get extended for one more month. Then they get canceled for the 99’rs. And this shouldn’t be tied to any extension of tax cuts. This should stand alone on a bill. Compromising is not what the American people asked for, we asked for common sense.