Tag: Brian Williams

Brian Williams and the Lies…

Brian Williams and the Lies…

Well, another democrat.. Ooops I mean “unbiased journalist” was caught in a lie… Shocking I know. But wait, there’s more. Well there’s a lot more.

Brian Williams is just another in a long line of lies over the last 8yrs that have been found out after years of being touted as factual by the liberals/Progressives/Democrats…

You can go all the way back to 2006 when Democrats took over the house and senate through lies and deceitful tactics like blaming republicans for collapsing the economy, even though it was vibrant until 2008, 2 yrs after the democrats took over congress.

If you also notice, Brian Williams played a big part in that take over, how many lies were told then? Then we have Anthony Weiner’s hacked phone, Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS, Shovel ready etc…

Just saying, what you hear from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN are all playing the same tune for the same orchestra leader. Credibility is gone and has been for years. I don’t mention MSNBC for a reason, everyone knows they’re a joke.

But by all means GOP let Brian Williams moderate debates because of his unbiased record.