Tag: Bombing by terrorists in AZ

An Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ SS office.

An Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ SS office.

Hey we better ban bombs.. Oh, wait they are already illegal. Never mind.


On Friday morning, an Iraqi refugee used an improvised explosive device (IED) to bomb a Social Security office in Casa Grande AZ — the mainstream media remains silent.

The explosion took place before the office opened for the morning, so one was hurt. But reports indicate the explosion “was heard and felt all over the area.”
The suspect in the bombing, Abdullatif Aldosary is an Iraqi refugee who lives in Coolidge, AZ. He is in police custody.
For reasons unreported, Aldosary had raised the Department of Homeland Security’s attention a number of times throughout the last two years, and he served 8 months in prison for harassment at some point.

On Friday night, both CNN and Reuters reported the bombing, but neither identified Aldosary or mentioned his Iraqi roots.

Damn workplace violence… Or was it a video? I guess if you put your head in the sand, ignore all evidence around you, then you don’t have to lie about it… Next step I guess.

Good job worthless media, lets focus on Bob Costas, Some asshole NFL star, guns and them horrible republicans who won’t tax everything in sight! Journalism is a dead entity in America, it’s PRAVDA West.