Tag: Barack Obama hiding Stimulus results

Obama Quiet on Stimulus Results

Obama Quiet on Stimulus Results

This is the kind of government America elected in 08. Obama came into a tough time no doubt. But he also came in promising to fix it. We got blame for 4 years. That’s it.

So lets go to the law:

Ahead of Election, Obama Stops Releasing ‘Stimulus’ Reports

The $831,000,000,000 economic “stimulus” that President Obama spearheaded and signed into law requires his administration to release quarterly reports on its effects.  But “the most transparent administration in the history of our country” is now four reports behind schedule and has so far not released any reports whatsoever in 2012.  Its most recent quarterly report is for the quarter than ended on June 30, 2011.

Why oh WHY would the Obama administration be hiding the fantastic results of one of his signature bills? The stimulus was such a success you know?…   🙄

Here’s a question for any liberal/progressive that has their head up Obama’s ass still:

IF Obama loses in 2012 and IF the Tea Party and AMERICA are successful in removing Obamacare as it is while replacing it with something WE READ FIRST. What will Obama’s legacy be? Will it be:

1. Killed Bin Laden? (Well, the Seals did that, I doubt he even wanted to do it)

2. Removed DADT? (Which is Sooo important 🙄 )

3. Signed a bill that allowed late term abortions? (Again killing something)

4. Drone strikes? (Killing)

So his legacy will be killing muslims and allowing gays to kill muslims too and killing babies.

Didn’t you guys all say Bush was a killer? He was the devil? He killed kids? Mmmm.. Odd that you don’t see the hypocrisy not unexpected.

Okay help me out, is there anything else he’s done? I know the liberals will say rescued us from recession. The results are not good there. We are exactly where we were when he took office. So chime in if you have something that is RESULTS not a TALKING POINT. We are looking for results. If 5 million jobs were lost and Obama created 5 Million jobs, what did he help? with all that money he spent? Would those jobs have been recovered without 5 trillion dollars? YES.