Tag: Attack Watch challenge

Big Brother is Watching. “Attack Watch” debut

Big Brother is Watching. “Attack Watch” debut

Could you imagine the outcry of the progressive media if GWB did this before the 2006 elections? Or ANYTIME during his 8 years?

Big Brother Obama is watching

Be careful, if you dare to criticize Citizen Obama, comrade. The Web is watching. This week, President Obama’s re-election team launched “Attack Watch,” an interactive website that allows the president’s registered supporters to report instances of “attacks” against the commander in chief or his record. Citizen snitches are asked to detail who the attacker is, the type of attack, and whether the offending words were actually heard or passed along as second-hand rumors. The “Attack Files” section provides summary responses to some common smears. For example, the site explains that, “President Obama is a friend to Israel, despite unfounded claims to the contrary.” For critics, it represents a handy list of the issues that most infuriate the White House.

Please liberal/Progressive/Obama worshipers alert “Duh WON” of my “Slurs” and “Opposition” to his idiotic socialistic policies that have drove our nation into 3rd world status. Please come by and bring the talking points that “Duh Won” has allowed you “Patriotic SHEEP” to use to change our minds… And I’ll wipe the floor with them step by step with facts, figures and his own words. Please step up and give it a shot.

Please report this site to “Attack Watch” I could really use a laugh.