Tag: Around the web linkfest

Saturday Special Linky Love

Saturday Special Linky Love

Since I don’t have a lot of time to comment on every website I read, this is my way of saying THANK YOU to those that continue to put out great content. These are listed in no particular order, and may be added to through out the day.

Fred’s got a problem with Illegal Immigrants The hell you say? :rotfl: Agreed!

Bloviating Zep breaks down the Illegal Immigrant issue by the dollar! Breaking it down to YOUR pocket is a great argument. It can’t be disputed, well except “YOU’RE RACIST”

Kate’s got a bone to pick with the Dust Police. Liberal over reach indeed (Kate it is law in Cali and yep fines will be paid)

Jenn’s posted a couple of hilarious videos for the weekend. George Carlin :rotfl:

Kurt reminds us about the unintended consequences of liberal causes. UNREAL!

Randal at Blue sheepdog discusses Law Enforcement tools and issues. Cop Blog.

Every Day off is talking about GUNS… HELL YES! All Guns, All the time! Awesome.

Brock is talking about the history of our nation. Confederacy Facts, not myths!

Meaghan has been enlightened. (One of my new favorites) Hitler was a Liberal.

Alphecca is searching for GOD.. Well at least someone is, they found a particle…LOL

We’ll take a break here.. Get a beer or coffee, stretch your legs…

Kevin’s discussing the entitlement mentality. VERY INTERESTING

Ala let a lefty guest post on her site.. Nothing like turning a light on cockroaches. Idiocy is evident.

Wirecutter has a video about Obama’s hidden past. (You gotta read this guys stuff, not for the faint of heart)

Founding Bloggers makes a great point about the Birther’s Liberals play the game too.

The Foundry talking about taxing the rich. Stated better than I have in the past.

kahr40 over at “From the barrel of gunhas some great stuff, top cartoon is truth.

I love Saturday’s over at Grouchy Old Cripple. Blonde jokes and Boobage!!

The Daily Gator offers a thank you and some great news roundups. Oh and the babe of the day is always awesome…

Doubleplusundead makes a good point about the Tea Party. 70% don’t want any cuts to medicare/Medicaid? IF you are not willing to share in the pain of cuts you’re not serious.

Billy Bob at Hell on Earth tells us to THANK A HUNTER on earth day. (Oh and serious HOTNESS will be viewed daily)

The Armed Geek discusses the iPhone tracking news (More hotness occasionally)

Mean ol Meany mentions Earth Day in a rant. Also points out it’s Lenin’s Birthday. Yep.

No Sheeples here nuts the Wonkette slug over Palin’s kid. Liberalism is a disease.

Steveegg’s talking about Boeing’s move to SC and the Chicago thugary in play.

Another break is needed if you stopped by these great folks…Shake it off there’s more coming!

Where are my Keys? talks about the electoral map of 2012. Interesting.

Who Stole my Career talking about Boeing and unions and the Obama connection. No doubt.

EXPOSE OBAMA want’s to know if Obama will betray Armenian Christians on Easter…Yep.

Five Feet of Fury posts a news radio roundup and the racist attack in McDonalds. Racist? Can’t be, the victim was white.. Move along, nothing to see here. 🙄

Barking Moonbat offers up some interesting history of the blue birds/hens. And occasional Eye Candy..

Jawa Report looks at the Tornado in MO. And as always in the lead against Islamic nutjobs online!

I Own the World offers up a lot of content on a daily basis as does Weasel Zippers. These are two must visits on my daily list.

Flopping aces discusses the guest worker program with an example. One good example is a tough sell when so many bad examples are out there. But it’s an interesting read.

Angry White Dude pen’s a letter to Ghetto Black America.. This guy gets it!

Woodsterman talkin bout Earthquakes (LOL)

Philly has a new Darwin Award winner by Support Your Local Gunfighter, Idiot criminal, but Dead is dead…

IMAO has some of the most random thoughts on the web. Insane but funny as hell sometimes.

Okay that’s it for now. I probably missed someone (Or a few) if I did it wasn’t intentional drop me a comment and I’ll fix my error.

These folks are all on the Right side of the arguments They may differ on their lengths they are willing to go but they are the GOOD GUYS/GALS.