Tag: Armed guards for law makers

Tales of the California Gun

Tales of the California Gun

Since I live in the “Peoples Republik of Kalifornia” I notice a lot of things that folks in other states don’t. I get a chance to see the drug war, the gang war, the class war and the illegal Immigration war first hand…. Funny how they are all connected here in CA…

In February (So far) there have been 13 declared murders NINE of which involved firearms. Now this is good news I guess because 4 of the 13 KILLED didn’t involve being shot. One was stabbed, one was bludgeoned and two were labeled as “Other”…

This doesn’t include the latest homicide in which an ICE agent shot another ICE agent.

Does anyone know where I’m heading with this? If you don’t you haven’t read my rants before so buckle up cause it’s gonna be a rough ride if you’re a Brady Campaign supporter….

Now personally I’d love to know exactly WHO the murdered were. Were they gangbangers? IF so then cover them up with good top soil, maybe something worth a shit will grow from their rotten corpse.

Were they Drug dealers/Users? If so DON’T BURY them, cremate their dumbasses and scatter the ashes in a local waste disposal area.

Were they rapists/Robbers/Child predators? If so, then piss on them and cremate them too…

ALL I want to know is if any of these “Murdered” were innocent victims, were they going through their lives raising their kids being upstanding citizens? IF so then find out who killed them, give them a trial and execute their ass if found guilty.

Now, I’d also like to know if the INNOCENT victim of the crime was carrying a firearm? Did they have the ability to defend themselves from being murdered?… See that’s the problem I have. I don’t care at all if gangbangers are dropping dead from lead poisoning, matter of fact if they run low on AMMO holler at me I’ll provide more…

What we have here just to recap is CALIFORNIA and it’s ridiculous anti-second amendment stances which have and will continue to get people killed. Those that understand the difference between “Shall issue” and “May Issue” understand that CA is a “May Issue” meaning that to get a CCW you must prove you need it, have it signed off by a sheriff and pass countless tests. Not to mention if YOU use your firearm in defense YOU are still considered guilty before YOU prove your innocence. (Not in all counties but most)

The Gun Grabbing in CA has been a fun thing for the democrats in this state. They have pretty much disarmed us through regulation and laws. They’ve diminished our abilities to protect ourselves and each other to please a few. Some laws are worth breaking. Some laws require you to make a choice. Some laws are so ridiculous that you have to weigh the options. Carried by 6 or Judged by 12? A no brainer for me.

People of CA have been lulled into a sense of dementia I think. They don’t notice the very same law makers who have disarmed the citizens, have ARMED guards for themselves and loved ones. Why is that? Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein all have personal protective services who are armed. Why not us? Why do WE the People in America have to succumb to the will of hypocrites? Why, when the law makers decide to let criminals out of jail because of over crowding are we not allowed to be armed? How is that even possible in America? It’s not. But it is in Amerika.

We let it get this way and it’s coming to the rest of the nation with another Obama term.