Tag: Arizona has it right.

Arizona vs California… Worlds apart.

Arizona vs California… Worlds apart.

We spent the weekend in AZ, drove out early Friday morning and crossed into AMERICA about 0600 hrs. Kind of like that scene in the Disney movie where the sun came out, the birds were singing and the sky was clear… We stopped at Quartzite to get gas and take advantage of gaining some of my rights back. Those of you that know of California laws regarding firearms know what I mean.

One thing that hits you when you leave the PROK (Peoples Republik of Kalifornia) is the cleanliness of the roadways in AZ. You don’t see graffiti on the overpasses, you don’t see trash littering the side, you don’t see the signage covered in “Mexican Art.”

You do see people working on the side of the roads, you see “Road crews” doing clean ups and I’m told that the crews we saw were most likely “Criminal” work crews from Maricopa county. You meet people, they say hi, they hold the doors open for you, they are very polite. We stopped at a “Smokehouse” in Cave Creek AZ and had the best brisket on the face of the earth. The people there treated us like royalty as they treated EVERYONE. Polite and respectful.

I saw many guns on hips, some obviously were trying to be concealed but the warm weather made it pretty much impossible to conceal.

We stayed at a “Radisson” and I tell you what, that place was one of the best hotels I’ve ever stayed in. The room had one of those “Sleep Number” beds…We got some good sleep and now I have to go buy one. The wife fell in love with it.

Our adventure started at Cave Creek, but the real fun was hitting the desert for some range work. We had a bunch of tannerite and made for some interesting shots. We blew up a lot of stuff… Pure redneck bog dwelling fun was had by all.

We had a ton of fun and the weekend ended with the Superbowl. We watched it at a friend of ours house. We cooked ribs and greens with taters and cornbread and a side of BEER! What an awesome weekend. On our way home we drove about an hour out of the way to visit an old mining town under the “Superstition Mountains”

Enjoy a few more pics..

One thing you must do when you visit the Phoenix/Chandler area is eat at the “Heart Attack Grill”

They only do burgers, fries, shakes, coke (No diet) in original bottles and PBR beer. Best damn burgers and fries you will ever have in this day and time. And the waitresses played their part well. The theme is a hospital room, they make everyone wear a hospital gown and they treat you like patients. And if you happen to weigh 350lbs or more you eat free.

We also managed to get to Cabella’s. I needed to pick up a few things that are hard to get here. It happened to be NRA week… We spent about 3 hours walking around there and talking to folks. It’s a big difference between AZ and CA, the people.

Great time, glad to be back home but not glad that my home is here. I came back with a renewed vigor for freedom. We who are stuck behind enemy lines need to push these liberpukes to STOP the grabbing, STOP the over reach, and STOP the Communism/Socialist march they are on here. We need to get the idiots that keep electing these bigger idiots to office to see the danger. The only way they will see it, is to see what they have already lost. It’s only a short drive across the border east.