Tag: Andrew Breitbart dead

Andrew Will Be Missed

Andrew Will Be Missed

Damn. We lost a fighter for the cause today.

RIP Mr Breitbart.

Evidently he succumbed to natural causes. The way this man went after the enemy was epic and I seriously hope there is an autopsy. When you make enemies with a LOT of power a lot of “Accidents” can happen. Now I’m not saying this is what happen nor do I believe that there are some nefarious circumstances. But the man was 43 years old. He didn’t smoke (As far as I knew) and he was pretty active. He made a LOT of enemies during his quest for truth. He spent the latter part of his life fighting for the cause in BIG WAYS. He confronted the enemy and he provoked them. Some of those enemies were very powerful and I wonder exactly why at 43 he is gone.

Something doesn’t seem right.

Now stories about “history of heart problems” are popping up. Funny, didn’t hear a lot about that before. I do not trust our “Dear leaders” and I wonder if Andrew had something that was going to be a “Problem.”

We will never know if the job was done right. But hey it may be a “natural causes” thing too. He will be missed.