Category: Obama

One of the FEW Blacks not voting for Obama.

One of the FEW Blacks not voting for Obama.

Huge tip of the Carolina Panther football helmet to Silent E

I am sure someone from America Power Blog will come by and say this is racist, but as far as I’m concerned, WHATEVER REASON you choose not to vote for Obama, is fine with me. I don’t care if it’s because he’s black, Muslim, born from a goat in Kenya or whatever, Obama can not become President, if he does, Black guys like the one in the video will be silenced, they will be ostracized for having common sense, and for believing in hard work and the benefits of effort.

WE can not let that happen. McCain/Palin 08

The Nuclear Option for Obama.

The Nuclear Option for Obama.

It appears that Collin Powell might endorse Obama?

Sources say former Secretary of State Colin Powell will endorse Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention, Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol told FOX News exclusively on Thursday.

“He may well give a speech at the Democratic convention explaining his endorsement of Obama,” Kristol said, citing inside sources.

“This is not an absolute done deal, but these people are very confident that Powell will endorse Obama,” Kristol said, adding that he thinks Powell still has “a high respect” for John McCain, Obama’s Republican rival.

Powell spokeswoman Peggy Cifrino strongly denied the report.

“There’s absolutely no truth to it whatsoever,” Cifrino told “Colin Powell will not be at either convention. There’s absolutely no truth to this.”

An endorsement by Powell could go a long way to attracting moderates and wayward Republicans to the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. The Rest Here

If you think Powell Endorsing Obama wouldn’t hurt McCain’s chances.. THINK again.

I think this would be the Obama camps “Nuclear Option” IF they get backed into a corner, the Powell factor will come to the forefront.

My reason is this: IF Powell endorses Obama I might even vote for him, and so would EVERY Black person in the country, as well as every free thinking American that isn’t a “party above country” person. On the contrary, if Powell endorsed McCain I would feel a LITTLE bit better if I had to vote for McCain. Powell being involved in this fight is not a good thing either way IMO.
IF Powell stays on the sidelines he is basically saying “Either one of these guys are ok with me” in which case Obama gains the upper hand, if Powell throws his support behind Obama, Obama becomes President. UNLESS Powell comes out and supports McCain with full fan fare, McCain probably won’t win.

IF Powell decided to run for President I’d vote for him. IF Powell decided to become McCain’s running mate, I’d feel a lot better about voting for McCain.

In conclusion, I think Powell is the gate keeper, he is holding all the keys and if he waits till late October, then spouts “I am supporting Obama” get ready for 4 years of Liberal leadership. Oh and it will be a clean sweep, it will be the congress too, that endorsement of an UBER liberal president, will trickle down to the senate and house.

Powell has an entire nations respect, Powell is the one that should be running for President.

In My Opinion of course.

Racist White folks Sheeesh.

Racist White folks Sheeesh.

Woman With Ties to White Supremacists Represents School for Blacks and Hispanics

A Florida woman who has been married to both the former head of the Ku Klux Klan and the creator of a notorious white supremacist Web site is working as a spokeswoman for a school that aims to lift underprivileged black and Hispanic children out of poverty.

An executive with an organization that tracks hate groups calls the employment of the woman, Chloe Black, an “untenable position” and “unbelievable.”

Black, the ex-wife of former KKK leader David Duke, is now married to Don Black, the creator of the white-power hate site Stormfront. Chloe Black is currently employed as an executive assistant at Florida Crystals, a sugar conglomerate whose owners, the Fanjul brothers, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to help build a new campus for Glades Academy.

Glades is a charter school for the children of African-American and migrant workers in Pahokee, a rural town in Palm Beach County. Billionaire Jose “Pepe” Fanjul’s wife, Emilia, is chairman of the board of Glades Academy, and she hired Black to help promote the school.

Reports suggest that Black’s salary from the school may be going to support her husband’s activities on the hate site, as Don Black has had no clear source of income for some time.

Now this is odd, she’s a racist, she was married to David Duke, she is currently married to Donnie Douglass’s 3rd favorite site owner Stormfront, BUT; she is involved in helping MINORITIES? She is promoting the school? is she doing a good job? These are questions that need to be asked

I guess it is possible to be a racist, and help underprivileged minorities that really arent minorities anymore…..I am so confused. I need an appointment with Dr Phil.

There are a couple of ways to look at this.

1. She is helping the underprivileged and if she is doing a good job, what she does with her own time is irrelevant.

2. She is being paid by a non-profit, she is literally in bed with absolute racists and they make money for being racists and HER money goes into that part of the family business.

Basically all this is the normal shit we will hear from now until the “First Black President” is elected. Oh, and if he isn’t elected it will be because America is full of racists.

Funny how when it’s a BLACK Presidential candidate it doesn’t matter who he hangs around with, Reverend Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakhan or WHO he is married to,… But if you are are white YOU ARE RACIST! END OF STORY! If it wasn’t so true it would be hilarious.

Racism is now the issue, if you DON’T vote for Obama or subscribe to his racist ideology, YOU are a racist. Get prepared and ready your defenses because the Donnie Dickheads of the world will cry racist at every turn to get your mind off the issues.
The biggest 3 issues for me are still the ECONOMY, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the WAR ON TERROR. I’m leaving the race issue for the true racist, the one that sees racism in everything, Donny Dickhead, have at it.

Obama Provides Hope to the Enemy.

Obama Provides Hope to the Enemy.

Obama Meets With Iraqi President; Talks Timeline for U.S. Troop Withdrawal

Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama and the Iraqi government found agreement in Baghdad on Monday for a 2010 withdrawal of U.S. combat forces, a timeline that has faced withering criticism from Republican Sen. John McCain.

As Obama laid eyes on the Iraq war for the first time in more than two years, he emerged from a meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, calling it “very constructive.”

The trip follows Republican attempts to diminish Obama’s foreign policy experience and a challenge from McCain, who complained that Obama was wrong to plan for troop withdrawal without having visited since January 2006. McCain has visited Iraq eight times since the war began. The Arizona senator has said Obama’s foreign policy plans are naive and that he is untested.

After Obama sat down with al-Maliki in Baghdad’s heavily protect Green Zone, government spokesman Ali al-Dabagh, who is very close to the Iraqi leader and sat in on the meeting, said Baghdad was not interested in troop withdrawal plans that arise out of the American presidential campaign but “in a real timetable the Iraqis have set.”

When asked for a date, al-Dabagh said, “up to 2010.”

That would match Obama’s pledge to remove U.S. combat troops within 16 months of taking office and reinforces al-Maliki’s reported support for that timetable in an interview published last week in Der Spiegel, a German magazine.

Here is the Demorat plan at the forefront. In war time you tell everything you know, no matter who it hurts. Al-Maliki said a 2010 time-line is acceptable… Do you honestly believe that same “Time-line” has not been discussed with the current CIC? The difference?

A person in charge of prosecuting a war does not give the enemy a time when all will be over in a public statement. The issue may be discussed and even agreed to behind closed doors and the only folks knowing the REAL time-line are those in charge of making decisions. OBAMA is not making ANY decisions yet, and for the Iraqi PM to give Obama this type of ammunition for his idiot followers is irresponsible.

The Iraqi PM has pretty much decided that Barrak Hussein Obama is going to be running things here. He might be, and when (or IF) we hold to a timetable, and Al-Qaeda comes back and Iran comes in and a lot of his countrymen die… WE can look back on this time and say “IRAQ is responsible for IRAQ” The responsibility is squarely on Al Maliki now.
No time table EVER IMO, but since the leadership of Iraq feels like negotiating a retreat already…
Fuck it leave NOW, The Iraqi PM has put his cards on the table, no need for us to be there now, he is negotiating with a person (Liberal anti-Iraq war after things started to go bad) who has caused more death than any Marines rifle or bombing run, OBAMA and his ilk have been supplying the enemy’s of Iraq and America with the very thing they need… HOPE, and KNOWLEDGE. The HOPE we would surrender followed by the KNOWLEDGE that if they held out long enough WE WOULD!

Regardless of how you see IRAQ, why, what, where, or who.. THE ISSUE IS NOW! The issue is do we provide ammunition to those we have stopped, or at least have on the run, and let them know “HEY guys look, all we have to do is hang out in Afghanistan or Pakistan till 2010, then we come back and finish this thing.”

Good move there Barak Hussien Obama.

Obama in full garb