Category: Illegal Immigration

California does it again: Giveaway continues to Illegals…

California does it again: Giveaway continues to Illegals…

In a state so broke day care centers are closing, families are on the streets, businesses are leaving rapidly, our schools are steady at the bottom of the nation, unemployment is around 20% ACTUAL. So this is what our elected enlightened decide to do…

Bill passed by California Assembly would provide college aid to some illegal immigrants

SACRAMENTO, Calif SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Illegal immigrants could receive college financial aid under legislation approved Thursday by the Assembly and apparently destined for the desk of a new Democratic governor who supports the concept.

California could add fuel to national debate over illegal immigrants’ rights by signing into law the “DREAM Act” measure, AB 131.

“This bill will ring across the country,” Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, a Democrat, told dozens of Latino supporters of the bill after Thursday’s 51-21 vote.


Moonbeam will sign this bill when it gets to his desk, he pretty much has to since he campaigned on it. The vast majority of LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVES in the legislature of this state are pushing this through on party lines. Well I say GOOD.


Because once this bill is passed, more money will be needed to pay for another “Progressive Program” that means taxes will have to be raised again on businesses to pay for it, which means MORE businesses will leave. I actually love this. Please pass some more giveaways, it seems fighting them from this position so far in the minority is not doing anything but giving me gray hair. So it’s time to join them. I want grants for gang bangers, I want grants for drug dealers, I want grants for prisoners on Death row, they need an education too. I want free health care, I want free gas for my car. I want it all… Let’s get it done Cali, YES WE CAN! We want more!

The reason I shall vote for everything the progressives want here in California is simple, they are too stupid to see the cliff they are approaching, so I want to push them off. That’s the kind of guy I am. Let’s give it a try.

Give Moonbeam everything he wants as long as it gives us everything free. If it costs us anything we need to tax the rich first!!!! Let’s go California, I’m right behind you as you approach that cliff.

Don’t bother lookin back though, I’ll be in AZ/Texas/Utah/Wyoming/Montana/Idaho and watching the train wreck on TV.

Oh wait, there’s another push off the cliff coming in about 200 days. California under Ahhnold passed “Cap and trade” here in California. So that’s another time bomb ticking as far as job creation goes. Hey Texas, look out for the flood of companies moving in. A word of advise, stop and search the trucks. IF there are NATIVE Californian’s in it, turn them around or you’ll end up infested with morons.



Illegal Immigrants in Prison reach all time HIGH.

Illegal Immigrants in Prison reach all time HIGH.

Funny, I think MOST of us here in California knew this was the case oh since 2004…

California’s criminal alien population rises

The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday.

This isn’t cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens — those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it’s only $12,000.

The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states’ perennial effort to secure more federal reimbursement dollars.

More than one in four of the illegal immigrants imprisoned in California are behind bars for drug offenses. Many are also repeat offenders. GAO auditors say that, based on a survey, criminal alien inmates have been arrested an average of seven different times.

So to recap, California is spending 34k a year to house an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINAL. California is in debt up to it’s eye’s and we are going to raise taxes again here…

Arizona tried to do something about the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT INVASION and Obama sues them. Um can someone wake me up this has got to be a nightmare.

America the land of the free and the brave? Um not anymore. It’s the land of Government over reach and cowards who will not face issues anymore. We’ve had this illegal immigration debate for over 20 years. NOTHING has been done. Now we have a large ignorant Hispanic voting block… What political party will do what’s right when they know/think they will be voted out because of it? Where’s the courage?

Now that Obama is tanking in the polls, it’s election time. So expect the ILLEGAL immigration debate to ratchet up. The Right Side of the aisle will be hate mongers, and racists again… Can’t FKN Wait.

34k a year? Hey libs, how many jobs would that create?

California the land of idiots governed by morons is paying 34k to incarcerate an Illegal, But that’s just the start.. IF the Illegal is not in prison, it costs the state oh around 30k in health care, education and other “Gimme’s” so I guess in the DEMOCRAT Math we are saving 4k per illegal alien… 😯

Linda Sanchez is broke, can’t live with Government shut down.

Linda Sanchez is broke, can’t live with Government shut down.

Well this is just hilarious to me. Linda Sanchez, the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Racist/Politician from some part of mexifornia is having issues with shutting down the government.

Democratic congresswoman complains she can’t afford to give up her paycheck in the event of a shutdown

“I have to tell you that I live paycheck-to-paycheck, like most Americans,” Sánchez said. “I’m still paying off my student loans. I have a 2-year-old son who I have to support, and I have to maintain residences on both coasts. It’s very difficult for me to say, ‘Hey, I can give up my paycheck,’ because the reality is, I have financial obligations that I have to meet on a month-to-month basis that doesn’t make it possible for me.”

Oh MY GAWD, she can’t afford two houses? She has a 2yr old? That’s it Speaker of the House, Give in, capitulate you arrogant bastard!!! SARCASM…

I may have a bit of sympathy for this cow’s plight BUT; One look at her record makes any sympathy for her disappear. She’s got NO PROBLEM spending our nation into ruin, yet she can’t bare to have her finances cut… America as a whole has had to cut our spending, we’ve had to do without, we’ve lost homes, we’ve lost vehicles, we’ve had to choose between lights and food, BECAUSE of your votes, your ideology and your wanton disregard for OUR NATIONS CONSTITUTION.

Linda Sanchez was elected to congress by a 85% Hispanic constituency. She’s carrying the water for the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT crowd who has soaked our nation for many years. Now she’s on the hook and may have to curtail her way of life? Yeah sorry honey. NOT!

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The LAPD won’t impound Illegal Immigrants Cars?

The LAPD won’t impound Illegal Immigrants Cars?

Now this is absolutely disgusting:

LAPD Will No Longer Impound The Cars Of Unlicensed Illegal Immigrants At Sobriety Checkpoints

Under criticism that it was unfairly targeting undocumented immigrants, the Los Angeles Police Department on Friday announced changes to its rules for impounding cars of unlicensed drivers at sobriety checkpoints.

Previously, LAPD officers at such checkpoints followed stringent protocols that called for them to impound a car whenever the driver was found not to have a valid license, regardless of whether the driver had been drinking.

Those rules have drawn the ire of immigration advocacy groups that said they disproportionately targeted undocumented immigrants, who are not able to obtain licenses legally in nearly all U.S. states. Once a vehicle is impounded, law enforcement agencies often require it to remain locked up for at least a month and charge the owner hefty fees to release it.

Well this is just something that can not stand. But it will of course because it’s CALIFORNIA. We must cater to the illegal crowd because they vote Democrat. The Chief of the LAPD is a MORON. The entire shithole that is LA could disappear and the country would be better for it. Matter of fact this entire state fell off into the ocean the USA would pick up valuable intelligence points.

IF I go into a checkpoint without a license, my car is impounded. IF I am an illegal Immigrant I get to phone a friend… Exactly how is that enforcement of a law? Everyone is required to be licensed to drive and have insurance. IF you have neither and are driving you are causing MY insurance rates to rise.. Is it any wonder the business community is leaving this state in droves? Is it any wonder crime rates have skyrocketed?

I wish the people of LA all the luck in the world with their PC PD.. But I really wish the entire city would vanish and Take Frisco with you.


Ted Nugent NAILS it: Outgunned is a Mental Disorder

Ted Nugent NAILS it: Outgunned is a Mental Disorder

Being a Border Patrol agent on our southern border has got to be a very difficult, harrowing job.It’s surely an even tougher job when our agents are told to launch “non-lethal” beanbags at armed illegal intruders.

Rule #1:  Never bring a beanbag to a gunfight.Think of this;  With an orgy of high power drug-gang violence just across our border that has already claimed roughly 35,000 lives, plus numerous reports of illegal armed intruders crossing over the border and shooting at our police officers and committing numerous other violent crimes against American citizens, some politically-correct bureaucratic idiot directs our border patrol agents to launch beanbags at machinegun toting violent invaders.

The result of this braindead, irresponsible mindset:  My fellow Michiganiac Border Patrol Brian Terry was shot dead by an armed illegal intruder last December 14 in Arizona.This policy, of course, is lunacy defined.  Only a wild-eyed lunatic would force brave, law enforcement officers into dangerous situations without adequate firepower to stop danger in its tracks.

These are the same uber leftwing fools who sputter and scream how our law enforcement agents are “outgunned”, ignorantly blaming failed gun control laws while knowingly sending our warriors into battle with phenomenally inferior firepower. In fact, bean bags have no fire power, unless you are waging war on small kittens.

To add insult to the tragic death of Agent Terry, it now appears that certain bureaucrats within the ATF allowed a known gun-running thug that they were investigating to buy and transport the guns into Mexico that were used to kill Agent Terry.
Call me crazy, but I thought law enforcement would have learned their lesson by now.  Seems like it was just yesterday that the Los Angeles Police Department found itself outgunned by a couple of bank robbing punks armed with banned fully-automatic AK-47s and wearing body armor.

I’m just a guitarplayer, and I am never outgunned. Being outgunned is a choice, a foolish suicidal choice and everyone knows it.It boggles the mind to try and comprehend showing up with a non-lethal beanbag gun when it is widely known that human traffickers and drug smugglers and other assorted subhuman debris are often heavily armed.  Common sense reels in disbelief. Word has it that logic is now on the endangered species list.

I’m well aware some of you on the left have mastered the art of mind boggling anti-logic and are desperately seeking to find some way to disagree with me.Knowing that you live in the bizzaro world where logic is outlawed, let’s say for argument’s sake that you hear an intruder kicking down your front door in the middle of the night and you have the choice between a twelve-gauge shotgun and a fly swatter at your disposal to protect your family.  Which are you going to grab?Only Timothy Leary and Cass Sunstein fans would reach for the fly swatter.  All you other liberals would turn into clear-thinking conservatives for at least a minute or so and splatter the intruder all over the living room wall with your shotgun.  Good for you.

Hang in there with me.  So now let’s say America is your home and you have armed bandits routinely coming into your home.  Would you show up with a bean bag gun or an M4 rifle with state of the art optics? Case closed. Numbnuts lose again to a tsunami of common sense.

The way to stop this insanity before it becomes an even bigger national security problem is to issue a “shoot to kill” policy for all armed invaders. Because I’m actually a docile, peaceful man who doesn’t want to see anyone hurt, I will compromise and agree to a policy of firing one round over the heads of armed intruders.  If they do not immediately lay down their weapons and raise their hands in surrender, then shoot them four times center mass. Problem solved.

Armed invaders must always be considered extremely dangerous.  Superior firepower is the order of the day, not non-lethal bean bags.  Let’s leave the beanbags to kindergarten classes.

Tragically this is what we have come to expect from an administration who will not even refer to Muslim voodoo whackjobs who commit murder and mayhem against Americans while shouting “God Is Great” in Arabic as terrorists. How deep the denial.
Liberalism is clearly a mental disorder, and they are outgunned.

I don’t think I can add much to that… Well Said Ted.  :clap:

Mexico’s peaceful harworking folks working with Hezbollah…

Mexico’s peaceful harworking folks working with Hezbollah…

This is what folks like me have been saying since GWB was POTUS. He didn’t address the problem. So our really intelligent voters here in America decided to elect Obama… Yeah that was smart. But to be fair, the GOP offered up little choice…

Hezbollah working with Mexican cartels

(HT Hot Air)As if the threat of deadly drug cartels in Mexico wasn’t enough, some of them are joining forces with Middle East terror groups.

“Hezbollah are absolute masters at identifying existing smuggling infrastructures,” says former DEA Chief of Operations Mike Braun, adding that the group “is developing relations with those responsible for operating those smuggling operations and then forming close relations with them, so that they can move anything they have an interest into virtually anywhere in the world.” That comment comes from former DEA Chief of Operations Mike Braun. He goes on to tell me that the Middle East terror group is “rubbing shoulders” with drug cartels around the globe.

We’ve seen beheadings, car bombs, slaughtered innocents, murdered officials and we’ve found Islamic reading material in our deserts near the border…But move along folks, nothing to see here.

I got a question for those really smart elected officials in DC, NM and CA… When rockets start flying over from Mexico like they do from Gaza and Lebanon into Israel, will you surrender your land?

It’s only a matter of time, let me lay out the potential scenario:

In 2012, WE THE PEOPLE actually get a POTUS that believes America is the last best place on earth and fights to protect it. First by sealing our southern border TIGHT. With that avenue for Islamic fundies to get into America closed, they decide to “Organize” the downtrodden, in Mexico into anti-America fervor. What do you think comes after that? Munitions, suicide bombers, incursions, and the oh so fun rockets…..

Just sayin.

Homicide Bomber “Memorial” book found in Desert?

Homicide Bomber “Memorial” book found in Desert?

Well, this is just nonsense, there is no way that our borders are so open that terrorists could just walk in. And it’s completely false to the think that Iran who hates us with a passion would insert some of their “Splodey’s” in our nation. Move along, nothing to see here.

Iranian Book Celebrating Suicide Bombers Found in Arizona Desert

A book celebrating suicide bombers has been found in the Arizona desert just north of the U.S.- Mexican border, authorities tell Fox News.

The book, “In Memory of Our Martyrs,” was spotted Tuesday by a U.S. Border Patrol agent out of the Casa Grande substation who was patrolling a route known for smuggling illegal immigrants and drugs.

Published in Iran, it consists of short biographies of Islamic suicide bombers and other Islamic militants who died carrying out attacks.

So, that’s kind of odd aint it? I mean it’s only “hard working, struggling people that do the work our people won’t that cross the border” right? And “Our border is more secure than ever” right?

Let me tell you how this is going to play out just so you can grasp the seriousness of this type of BREACH. NO attack of great magnitude that can be traced back to an ISLAMIC nation will occur on our soil while Obama is in office. WHY? Well Obama is much more popular than Bush was in Islamic circles, and he is more popular than the next “R” will be too.

And why attack the nation that’s being destroyed from within?

This is just a sign that we already have cells in our midst that COULD potentially create problems for the next POTUS and our nation. They will stay dormant, they will stay peaceful and they won’t be doing anything UNLESS; They get a call from their “owners” that say it’s time. I’m betting it will happen shortly after the next R is elected. No matter who it is.

All sealing the border now would do is keep them from getting reinforcements. Good job idiots in DC for the last 20 years…