Category: Environmental nutjobs

Earth Day fun…

Earth Day fun…

Since the Goracle and his minions have decided we need to celebrate “Earth Day” I’ve decided as I always do to piss in their cornflakes. My “Earth day” mission was to cancel out as many hippie, tree huggin, economy crushing, turtle worshipping idiot with a gluttonous ride on the splurge train.

I took the dually, a 454 driven 1997 gas guzzlin beast for a drive… No purpose just a drive… It was expensive because gas is about 4.20 a gallon.. But that’s not all, I also left the fridge door open, turned the AC down to 60 degrees, left all the lights on and my sliding glass door OPEN… Then I turned on the water hose and let it run for a half hour in the back 40… Then just for shits and giggles I lit that old tire on fire in my back yard.. Smoke is a bit thick right now, but after the Fire Dept leaves, I’ll add some wood to it…

I suppose I cancelled out a few of you hippy fks lighting candles and worshipping the Goracle in a circle jerk…

I feel good, yep I do…