Category: Election 2012

Conservative or Republican?

Conservative or Republican?

Evidently moving toward the 2012 election the distinction between Conservative and Republican will be at the forefront. Not to mention, Libertarian. These three political positions are going to be challenged. Now let me say first off that I consider myself a Conservative.

If you want to know some of my beliefs just click the about the author page up top.

I believe in preserving the CONSTITUTION of the United States, I don’t want it changed, I don’t want it to be “Progressed” I think it’s served us well and it should be a sacred document. Do not mess with it unless you get the consent of the people. (i.e Amendments)

A “Republican” is not necessarily a Conservative. Conservatives just align more with that party than the Democrat party. A Republican is more moderate in some areas and more rigid in others compared to a “Conservative” An example of such occurs when Republicans are in the majority of House, Senate or White House. Conservatives tend to be very critical of ANY elected officials that are not upholding Conservative values. Republicans tend to provide cover for their own party. Now I know that will piss some of you Republicans off, but it’s true. Just look back to 2000 thru 2006 to see my point.

Now, we can look to this election and see the distinction between Republicans and Conservatives. What is really funny is, one without the other will result in Democrat reign for eternity. We are entangled by our vision of our nation, we are together in MOST instances on most every issue that confronts us.

One of the things that sets us apart is: You won’t hear a Conservative say “Well we have to compromise our principles on this issue in order to get something later”… Conservatives at one point did that. (Reagan) Today’s conservatives are pretty much done with compromising our principles. We have had it.

It was possible to compromise with yesterdays Democrats, today’s Democrats are NOT the same. These Democrats today are EXTREMISTS compared to the JFK Democrats. Conservatives have moved just as far right as Democrats have moved left. Republicans have become the Democrats of old. So who is left on the right? US Conservatives.

Let me say this. Conservatives are not looking to “Expand the tent” We are looking to educate the population in our core beliefs and if you agree, welcome brother/sister. If not we’ll see you on the field of battle.

We are coming up on the election cycle for our nation. I would like to see us all push for the same candidate in the general election. But in order for that to happen the GOP must put fourth a VIABLE CONSERVATIVE Candidate. We can’t allow another 2008 ticket, and Conservatives will hold the key. Independents are moving away from Democrats in droves and will most likely vote against Obama in 2012. Conservative turnout is paramount to removing Obama.

We must remove “Duh Won”  however there is a cost greater than not removing him. That cost would be electing someone worse. Hard to believe that one worse would come from the right. But IMO it very well could.

One thing I don’t want to do is bash any potential candidate (YET) I think I’ll wait on bashing or supporting one. Most have not announced their candidacy anyway. And it’s kind of interesting to see the media attack dogs out in a pack jumping on any “Potential” Republican candidate.

Lets get this one right folks. Lets put fourth a candidate we can fully support rather than a candidate that requires us to vote AGAINST one.



Union Anger Misplaced…

Union Anger Misplaced…

I got to thinking about this Clustrphk we find ourselves in. The unions are pissed because cuts are needed in states and fedzilla. Isn’t it time we look at why cuts are needed rather than blaming those doing the cutting?

Congress was in Democrat controlled hands for six years. They held the White House for the last two years. Instead of focusing on getting our economy rolling again, they focused on More regulation, heath care, higher taxes and their progressive agenda. IF they had focused on proven methods of economic growth instead, cuts to the service unions wouldn’t be necessary. We are going on three years of this recession, Reagan and a DEMOCRAT controlled congress got us out of a worse recession in 16 months.

If you are in a union, you should ask which party your union supported in 2008, you should also ask yourself a question; DO I WANT MY MONEY GOING TO DEMOCRATS in 2012? They are standing with you now in order for you to forget it was THEM that caused this mess. Just sayin.

Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

Ron Paul supporters…. Idiots.

You want to know why I’m going to have a tough time backing Ron Paul? This is one reason:

We on the “Right” of the aisle are supposed to be better than the code pink crowd. This type of B.S. is typical of the lefty’s not something I can support in anyway. Cheney and Rumsfield may have not done somethings right. Iraq was (IS) a questionable endeavor but this was totally disrespectful and childish.

Ron Paul loses votes based on his supporters actions, that’s true with ANY CANDIDATE and Ron is already on the fringe. Be careful Paulinista’s you will do more damage than good for your boy.

GOP Presidential Field… Holy Crap.

GOP Presidential Field… Holy Crap.

Let me just say NO! No to Trump, No to Huckabee, No to Romney, No to any of the “USUAL SUSPECTS” We need a fresh, outside the established confines Conservative Candidate. I am not concerned with so-called electability. I am concerned with ideology, and values. I am concerned that the next candidate has the mindset of  “Been there, tried that, watched it fail and not going back” I want a fighter, I want a go-getter, and I want a person who leads by example.

Now I know there are those in our midst that also say NO to Palin or Daniels or Bachman or whoever and that’s fine too. We all have differing opinions on who would be best to represent us. And I know based on track record we will probably be disappointed in the GOP’s choice in 2012.

Personally I’d pull the lever for Palin, Daniels or Bachman before I did for Romney, Huck or Trump. But I do know there are some serious pressures on removing Obama in 2012. The SCOTUS appointments being first and foremost in my mind. I suggest we all remember the damage that can be done if Obama gets 4 more years.

Palin and Bachman have alienated some very staunch conservatives. But both of them have gained a following of Libertarians and Indys. There is a slim chance that either of them will occupy the White House in 2013.

I’m just kind of throwing it out there that I’m considering all OPTIONS as an educated voter, and I’d suggest ALL of us examine our views and be prepared to fight for the candidate we choose to follow. The field will get narrow real quick after CPAC.

I’m classified as an indy and as of yet I’m severely undecided. I don’t see anyone in the field that makes me jump for joy. IF Allen West jumped into the fray, I’d do backflips.