Category: Election 2010

One Nation Rally had more people than…

One Nation Rally had more people than…

The Restoring honor rally? on 8/29?

Except the Restoring honor rally was held on 8/28.. Just another fail in a long line of fails…

Someone please tell the union thugs, progressive slugs, welfare mugs, and socialist/marxist/communist bugs that this is pathetic. Trying to compare the “Restoring Honor” rally with their PAID to PLAY Soros backed Union rally is really sad. And on top of sad it’s a lie.

So liberpukes, progressives and Demonrats, please stop trying to compare the two it makes you look foolish….You can’t compete, It’s like you clowns are a bunch of frisbee throwing frat boys trying to play football against an NFL team…It doesn’t work.

Oh and one more thing libertrash:
How about maybe, just maybe if it’s not too much to ask… Clean up your mess? I mean it’s you clowns that are pushing the Environmental, global warming hoax…Shouldn’t you try and at least act like you care?

When the Restoring honor rally ended the DC clean up crew had a minor task ahead of them. When the “Environmentalists” left the mall, the task was monumental.

WHY? I guess it’s because of the elite mentality. The “Do as I say not as I do” folks…

Get out the vote guys, if not these are the type of people that will be running our nation for the next four years:

Meg Whitman hired an Illegal Immigrant?

Meg Whitman hired an Illegal Immigrant?

Well, she officially created more jobs than our current ruling class…

Housekeeper Nicky Diaz: Meg Whitman Treated Me Like a Piece of Garbage:

California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman today found herself battling allegations that she knowingly employed an undocumented immigrant housekeeper, failed to pay a portion of her wages and then fired her in an act of political damage control.

The charges come a little over a month before the November election.

At a news conference in Los Angeles on Wednesday organized by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, Whitman’s former housekeeper and nanny, Nicky Diaz, tearfully recounted how in June 2009 she was suddenly terminated by Whitman and her husband, Griffith Harsh, after she said she asked the couple for legal help to obtain U.S. citizenship. Allred also alleged that Whitman became aware of Diaz’s undocumented status years earlier, but took no action.

Whitman said the “charges are without merit.”

Now I’m not a big fan of Meg, But I can’t stand Brown. I’m torn between hoping for Meg to win and giving her a chance to fix this state, and letting Brown win and watching the destruction continue.

This story is pretty much B.S. though, the “illegal” worked for her for 9 years, had all the documentation required to work in this country because of the enablers in Government. Now we here “Meg treated her badly.” I call “Political lie” on this.

Gloria Alred’s involvement in this is all I need to see to make up my mind. She’s a disgusting bitch, she’s the white female version of Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson.

All this story is trying to do is paint Meg as an anti-Mexican candidate to get the Mexicans to vote Brown. PERIOD.

What this story suggests to me is, Brown is desperate and called in some help. They dug up something that is a non-story and will spin it using some gory hogging bitch. The truth is Meg didn’t do anything wrong, she hired someone who worked for her for 9 years (Must not have been too bad huh?) then found out she was illegal and canned her ass. That’s what is supposed to happen.

We all Know Progressives want Amnesty..BUT

We all Know Progressives want Amnesty..BUT

When a California Senator pays Illegal Immigrants to hold signs protesting her competitor, it’s pretty much out in the open now:

Boxer’s Mexico-Turf:

If you are a democrat in today’s America, you are the problem with our nation. IF you are a Bill Maher, Ed Shultz, or Chris Tingles fan, you are the problem. IF you are a Progressive/Liberal I wish you a painful death or a trip to France, Spain, Greece or Belgium, whichever comes first.

34 days until Independence Day

34 days until Independence Day

I sure hope they are right. Obama’s minions are on a full court press to sway the voters. With the same ol lies progressives/liberals/commies/marxist/socialists have been touting for over 70 years…It’s never been this close to a full on takeover of American values as it is right now.

Get out the vote…Matter of fact it may be a good idea to take a page out of the Democrat playbook and dig up a few voters, vote and vote often…

I will tell you this much, GOD help the “Voter Intimidation” SOB that shows up at my polling place. Game on.

Oct 2nd, One Nation Astro-Turf, the definition…

Oct 2nd, One Nation Astro-Turf, the definition…

On October 2nd, hundreds of paid protesters will stand on the national mall proclaiming their political beliefs. Does this help or hurt the nation? Lets look how they are doing it.

From Big Government:

Astroturf? Thousands Given Free Bus Rides by Unions & NAACP to One Nation Rally

In response to the success of the Tea Party rallies in April 2009, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) accused the nascent movement of being “astroturf”–a political term of art for a faux movement funded by traditional powers to give a cause the appearance of independent grassroots support.

Pelosi repeated the “astroturf” slur in August 2009 as Tea Party activists showed up in large numbers at healthcare townhall meetings.

Five national tea party-related rallies have been held in our nation’s capitol in the past year and half. If there was evidence that thousands of tea party activists were getting free bus rides to these rallies, surely the media would have made certain the whole world knew about it.

These groups, these supporters and these organizations are behind the rally. That’s fine with me. I really have no problem with anyone getting together and rallying in support of their beliefs. What I do have a problem with is the typical Democrat/Progressive/Liberal lies of “We are for America” when they are anything but.

The groups that are pushing for attendance are about the destruction of this nation PERIOD. You can tell a lot by the company one keeps. Since ANSWER, NAACP and United Socialists are involved as well as many other LOONY LEFTISTS, and George Soros is a large part of the money behind it, I must question the group as a whole. They are providing free bus’s and all kinds of incentives for those that would attend.

How many incentives did Glenn Beck offer? If I remember correctly, he told folks bring your kids, leave your signs. He had help there to assist the elderly and handi-capped but I didn’t hear anything about free bus rides, or plane tickets or flags or anything for the attendees…Odd huh? And they according to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats were astro-turf? WOW.

So what will we see on Oct 2nd?

Prediction: A bunch of signs about rightwing extremists, anti-tea party signs, Republicans in effigy, Glen Beck insults, and a lot the signs will be professionally done and duplicated.

I hope they have a wonderful time and it will be interesting to see the arrest reports, and the condition of the area after the “rally”. I predict they will have about 20 to 30 thousand in attendance and it will be reported as millions.

Hypocrisy of the Ruling class..

Hypocrisy of the Ruling class..

Randall Hoven, of American Thinker, wrote this and I’m sure the progressive elites have a reason for all of them…

The Curious Logic of Our Governing Elites

1. President Bush was bad for the economy because he spent too much. President Obama is helping the economy by spending a lot.

2. The boy scouts are wrong for having policies that inhibit pedophilia. The Catholic church was wrong for not having policies that inhibit pedophilia.

3. Grabbing a person by his shirt and pulling him toward you is an “enhanced interrogation technique” not in the Army Field Manual. Dropping a bomb on him and killing him and anyone near him is OK.

4. It was foolish to let Saddam Hussein go in 1991. It was foolish to go after him in 2003.

5. It is wrong to ask a person for identity papers even after he has committed a crime and fits the profile of an illegal immigrant. It is OK to ask every citizen in the U.S. to prove he or she has health insurance.

6. The phrase “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of Law” means:

a. It is OK to deprive property owners of their property and
b. It is NOT OK for a state to outlaw depriving life to any baby whose head has not left the birth canal.

7. The way to increase jobs is to raise taxes on those who provide them and give money to those who don’t have them.

8. A guy who made a $34,000 mistake on his own taxes is the best choice to be in charge of the IRS and the entire federal treasury. – Tim Geithner

The guy with 13 ethics charges against him, including misusing federal resources and not paying taxes on his villa in the Dominican Republic, should be in charge of writing the country’s tax laws. – Rep. Charles Rangel

The guy who told us in 2005 that a housing bubble was nonsense and Fannie Mae was in fine shape should be writing in 2010 the regulations to overhaul all finance conducted in this country. – Barney Frank

9. It was right to take John McCain to court, through oral arguments and written opinion, to prove that he is “natural born” despite both his parents being U.S. citizens their whole lives and despite being the son and grandson of U.S. Navy admirals. It was wrong to think Barack Obama should have to prove his birth status to anyone prior to taking the oath of office as president.

And this one is mine:

The reason cap and trade, repealing DADT, Immigration reform and the extension of the bush tax cuts aren’t being done is because the Republicans are blocking it. Even though Obamacare and the stimulus were passed without Republicans…

NOVEMBER is Coming…What are you doing?

NOVEMBER is Coming…What are you doing?

Another great video: A feel good, WE will take back America in November…I gotta ask though, what are you doing to get “We the people” to make the commitment to VOTE in November?

HT Flopping Aces

It’s up to us individually to get our friends, our neighbors and our co-workers (If you are lucky enough to still have a job) to vote. You don’t do it by beating them into submission about their past votes that have elected these morons. You do it by showing them the choice. No spin, Nothing but facts….They will listen. Engage in the conversation but be prepared with answers.

I know for a fact that I’ve personally changed the minds of several “Obama” supporting Democrats all it takes is a breakdown of their paychecks…We must get the vote out. We must make sure those that normally vote democrat see why the choice is obvious.

Keep the fight going, don’t let up..

Republican vs Democrats…Choices

Republican vs Democrats…Choices

Let me start this rant off by saying I think the Republicans should have kept this under wraps for a while. I honestly think it takes the pressure of the democrats for their job performance since 2006. But maybe that’s just me.

Here are the highlights of the “Pledge to America” released from the Republican party:

The Choice underneath each point is my edits. It’s the CHOICE that must be made to pull the lever for the Democrats:

# A move to “permanently stop all job-killing tax hikes.”

Democrat Choice: Increase job killing taxes

# A plan to award small businesses a tax reduction of 20 percent of business income.

Democrat Choice: Punish small business with tax increases and other regulation that kills jobs. (Record is ongoing since 2006)

# Reining-in of government “red tape.”

Democrat Choice: Increase regulation “Red Tape” by passing more laws and union friendly mandates

# A repeal of “job-killing business mandates.” This specifically refers to a provision in the health care law that requires businesses to report to the IRS any transaction over $600. Small businesses argue the requirement is cumbersome.

Democrat Choice: Keeping all aspects of the obamacare package which is killing jobs and keeping our economy from recovering.

# An immediate reduction in all federal spending and a cancellation of all unspent stimulus money.- A cut in government spending to pre-stimulus and “bailout” levels.

Democrat Choice: Spend more money, increase government spending in the hopes that we can spend our way out of this mess that was left for Obama by a Republican president and a Democrat congress.

# The imposition of a “hard cap” on discretionary spending, meaning the government can’t go above a certain level.

Democrat Choice: Removal of any cap in spending and letting Government control continue as is.

# A request to hold weekly votes on spending cuts.

Democrat Choice: No vote on spending cuts, no cuts, let the POTUS spend whatever he wants.

# “End TARP once and for all.” That’s a reference to the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which Congress approved to assist banks and financial institutions with liquidity in the fall of 2008.

Democrat Choice: Keep TARP, bail out whoever is too big to fail.

# Demand a net hiring freeze of all “non-security” federal workers

Democrat Choice: Hire more federal workers, the tax payers pick up the tab.

# A requirement that all bills lay over for 72 hours in the House before being voted on.
Democrat Choice: Nobody in the public needs to see a bill before congress votes. Just pass it or block it we trust you.

# The mandate that all lawmakers writing legislation must include a clause in the measure demonstrating that the bill would be “Constitutional” if enacted.

Democrat Choice: The constitution doesn’t matter, if congress thinks it will help the nation, we trust you to know whats best that’s why you got elected.

# An effort to prevent non-related bills from being packaged together.

Democrat Choice: Package anything you need package in order to pass something you think is important.

# A move to “repeal and replace” the health care reform law and instead approve medical liability reform legislation.

Democrat Choice: Keep the ObamaCare law as is don’t mess with it at all.

# A call to make the “Hyde Amendment” permanent. The Hyde Amendment is named after the late-Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL). Congress reauthorizes the Hyde Amendment every year. It builds a firewall that ensures that federal dollars are not used for abortion services.
Democrat Choice: All tax payers should fund abortion. Repeal the hyde amendment.

# A requirement that all troop funding bills be “clean.” In other words, that legislation must be free of any extraneous issues.

Democrat Choice: Attaching other bills to the defense bill allows them to pass, this process should continue.

# The demand that terrorism suspects be kept off U.S. soil.

Democrat Choice: Any person in the world should be allowed the freedoms we have in America. Our laws should apply to everyone regardless of crime.

# A call to impose sanctions against Iran unless certain security conditions are not met.

Democrat Choice: Iran is not a threat to anyone, leave them alone or reach out in friendship and try to start a dialog.

These are the choices. There are huge differences between the parties and this just brings them out in the open. Perhaps it’s a good thing. We’ll see.