Category: CAIR

1St Amendment Attacked

1St Amendment Attacked

Here’s my take on the Texas Attack that took place in Garland Texas at a Pam Geller event called “Draw Muhammad Contest” or something…

1. Just like the 2nd Amendment, if you say you support it and then follow it up with “BUT” you don’t support it. So goes the 1st Amendment.


2. Safe speech needs no protection from the laws of the land. Nobody will be upset if you stay within the boundaries of what is deemed “Politically Correct”


3. The cop who killed the two Muslim attackers should be invited to the rose garden in the White House and a medal pinned on him. He thwarted an attack that would have killed many. He did it with a .45 caliber Glock. vs 2 Muslims wielding AK-47’s. In normal America, he’d be national hero. In today’s Obama’s America, Pam Geller is to blame for the muslims being killed.



4. Pam Geller and Gert Wilders are being raked over the coals for their actions against Islamic actions. Right now, those two as well as Robert Spencer are the deck hands on the Titanic screaming bloody murder that the ship is headed toward an ice berg. Everyone on the ship has their heads buried in their drinks and are ignoring the warnings. Wake up.


5. I am glad it was a cop who killed the Muslims. In NORMAL America this is what we know cops do. We know cops put themselves on the line every day. This cop was successful at his job, he succeeded in putting down two subhuman parasites…And as much hatred that is being placed on cops these days, this cop deserves our accolades.

6. Final thought: As you see the media/Liberals/Progressives/RINO’s/Democrats continue to blame Geller, rather than defend free speech. Ask yourself this: If more gun control is allowed, if the left’s confiscation dream  is realized, they control what you can say. If they have already said, we must not speak ill of the prophet, the future must not belong etc… What is next?


You must fight to keep the 2nd or there will be no 1st. This incident in Texas shows that a good guy with a gun is a deterrent to an evil guy with a gun. Sometimes the good guys win, sometimes the bad guys win… But to not fight is to lose all the time.


Hispanic Muslims?

Hispanic Muslims?

There’s been an uptick of mosques appearing in the land of Mexico recently. Most noticeable in Tijuana. A heavily traveled BORDER town that sits directly under the Illegal Immigrant safe haven state of CALIFORNIA.

California, the state that allows illegals more rights than any other state in our union is experiencing in increase in MUSLIMS in the state. Especially the southern part.

Is seeing a large increase in MUSLIMS among the Illegal immigrant population reason to be concerned? Ask Britain/France/Iceland and basically ANY Country that has allowed an unfettered migration of Muslims…

Save this post because I will say I told you so A LOT!

Remember this saying: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Cartels have been using Islamic tactics lately. Car bombs, Beheadings etc… Islamic radicals keeping Homeland security busy would benefit cartels wouldn’t it? Under Obama and Holder they are all too eager to open the borders and allow unfettered access. Ask yourself why? You come up with an answer you’ll understand why this is very dangerous.

And here’s another thought. Remember that 9-11-2001 didn’t occur until after the Democrat POTUS was out of office. The plan was hatched during the Clinton admin but they didn’t want to tarnish his reputation….

Rest assured we got another couple of years before a large attack on our soil happens, even AQ knows that if they hit while Obama is in office, they’ll lose a valuable ally. But after the next POTUS is elected, all bets are off.


Evil Which We Cannot Name

Evil Which We Cannot Name

I’ve been thinking about this “Thing called Benghazi” as Chris Mathews put it. And I’ve come to a revelation. The cover up is the biggest part of the story. But the reason for the cover up should shake every American to their core.


The facts of Benghazi are pretty clear. There was a cover up from top to bottom. But the reason they covered it up was two or three fold.


Fold #1: Obama’s base is far left, anti-Israel pro-Palestinian zealots. FACT. From Reverend Wright, to Farakan to Bill Ayers, to Code Pink and every major university from coast to coast fits that bill.

Now look at this:


These are the MUSLIM MURDERS committed on United States Soil since Obama took office. Now how many of these have you heard about nationally? I’ll tell you. TWO. And ONE was classified as a “Workplace violence Incident” 13 dead over 30 wounded in Ft Hood. The other was Boston. The rest? Yeah news huh?

Muslims can’t be accused of being still at war with America after Obama has apologized and all.

Benghazi screwed up the narrative that AQ was on the run. In order for Barack Obama to claim Muslims are peacefully trying to coexist and it was George Bush who provoked them. He was going to be different. Problem was Islam didn’t act different. IF that was the case then Obama had to show strength before the election. So he increased drone strikes on far away lands and announced them often. No verification other than the administrations statements about the target killed.


Fold #2: In order to cover something up this massive one entity or statement wouldn’t do it. It needed to be co-ordinated with media, interagency and congress lapdogs. It didn’t need to be a permanent cover up it just needed to be covered long enough to get Obama to a 2nd term. Hillary said she wasn’t going to run for POTUS remember? So Obama asking Hillary to follow the talking points wasn’t going to hurt her career if she’s retiring now.

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CAIR is Outraged over Marine’s Bathing Enemy in Urine.

CAIR is Outraged over Marine’s Bathing Enemy in Urine.

Anything that pisses off CAIR is truly AMERICAN!

First lets get to the video:

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Then the CAIR Statement:

“We condemn this apparent desecration of the dead as a violation of our nation’s military regulations and of international laws of war prohibiting such disgusting and immoral actions,” Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said in a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and e-mailed to

Now my opinion (And this will probably be met with some anger by Muslim Groups worldwide.. And I don’t CARE)

First let me say whoever took this video exercised extreme stupidity. And uploading it for public view took that stupidity and multiplied by a factor of 100.

That being said. I find it very funny that in our nation we have become so PC that we don’t even think of what is actually happening on the battlefield. You look at that video and the bleeding hearts are a gasp because of a urination bath. Never mind the HOLES in the dead enemy it’s the “Urination” that bothers us… Personally I’d rather see the enemy covered in Bacon and set on fire, but to each is own I guess.

The other thing about the “CAIR” condemnation over the urine bath is this: When did they condemn the torture/beheading/whipping/raping/hanging of folks in the name of Islam? Yeah never. But I guess pissing on a bunch of DEAD goat loving enemy combatants is too much for them…

Think about this for a minute and explain it to me if I’m wrong:
In 2008 Obama promised to close GITMO because the left feels like it’s “Cruel and unusual punishment” to keep combatants in prison. Okay GITMO is still open. How many enemy combatants have been put in GITMO since Obama’s election? ZERO. WHY? because he can’t or he’d be just like Booosh right? So what do we do now? We kill them from above using drones or spec/ops. How is that BETTER than detaining them in GITMO? Killing them is more humane than imprisoning them. I’m good with it I just would like to know how it’s spun to be MORE HUMANE.

One more piece of info that’s missing on this video is the “PRIOR” to urinating on these scum, did a firefight take place? did these Marines lose a brother or two in the fight? Was there communication between the sides with maybe the dead making mention of pissing on the Marines corpses? Did the Marine’s just turn the tables?

Now I agree this is NOT how a civilized nation should conduct themselves but I also understand the enemy. The enemy uses kids, women, target innocent civilians, behead journalists, hang our guys from bridges, attack schools etc… So pissing on them IMO is a waste of piss, but if it pisses CAIR off I’m good with it.. Carry on Marines.

Note to the enemy’s fighting the Marines: IF you don’t want to get pissed on? Don’t die fighting the greatest military force in the world. You don’t want to have your body bathed in PISS? Don’t attack a Marine fire squad. just a little helpful hint…