Category: America First

Militant Atheism

Militant Atheism

We’ve dealt with the gay/lesbian/transgendered agenda for a very long time. They finally got their president elected and have succeeded in partially hurting the family values of America.

Now we have a new and improved arm of the democrat party. The party who BOO’d GOD at the DNC the Atheist/anarchist party. Now, don’t confuse them with AGNOSTICS. These Atheists are about not only removing GOD but replacing GOD with NOTHING good change huh? Replace faith in a higher power with NOTHING. Upgrade? Yeah like XP to vista.

I want to put this out there as nice and non-threatening as possible. Christians/Catholics and even Agnostics are about fed up with the Atheist army. These clowns that are filing law suits all over America over things that offend them. Crosses, 10 Commandment plaques and anything they deem “religious” or to be more specific anything they deem CHRISTIAN. Notice they don’t object or file legal challenges to Muslims.. just sayin.

So in America, founded on the belief that our creator is GOD. We’re allowing these militant assholes a foothold. I am hopeful that in a time very soon, CHRISTIANS will rise up, quit turning the other cheek and bash the teeth out of these stupid sons-a-bitches. When it happens it needs to be in a very influential way.

The Revolution needs to be televised!

Side note: Any comment that intends to debate the merits of Atheism vs Christian or whatever will be systematically deleted and or edited in such a way that your mom will probably have you tested if she reads it.

EBT system DOWN Today…

EBT system DOWN Today…

I’ve always been one to look at more than the obvious in situations. Probably because of the battles I’ve fought in my life. This event enacted my spidey sense if you will….

Think about this EBT shut down in full context of what’s transpired over the last 5 years…

The American economy is hanging on by a thread. Despite what you hear on the major news networks (AKA Obama’s media wing) the economy is struggling at best. We have terrorists attacks growing day by day, the middle east is set to flame up at any moment (That’s always been the case) and our nation has never been as divided as it is right now. On top of all that, remember the Dept of Homeland Security has been buying ammo at record paces. All internal agency’s have increased their armament by 20 fold over the last 3 years…

I submit this EBT/Welfare system shut down was a dry run. A test if you will to gauge the reaction should the system crash. This was the short term question. The “How will people react immediately” test. There were no reports of deaths because of the shut down, but threats went up. I would expect further “Disruptions” to the welfare system in the coming 2 years.

The calls for martial law from some democrat law makers is alarming. And you can bet your paycheck that the catalyst for it will be the welfare system collapse. I’d expect it around the time that Democrats are assured of losing power in Washington.

God Save America.

The Government is DOWN!

The Government is DOWN!

Am I the only one happy about it? I’m sure there’s some folks who depend on checks from them. Those who worked for a living and retired. If you don’t get your check its Barack Obama you have an issue with. Personally I wish they’d stay closed until such time as we can vote the RINO’s out and take back the senate. But it won’t happen. Speaker Boehner will be caving within a day or two. If he hasn’t already.

Another Shooting… In Washington DC

Another Shooting… In Washington DC

You will notice the time stamp on this post, I waited until FACTS came out to opine. Something I wish a lot of new media would do. By new media I mean bloggers and internet news reporters. A lot of us are doing exactly what the MAINSTREAM MEDIA does all the time. We grab a quick headline that meets our “Conservative” narrative and then RUN WILD! Truth be damned…

A couple of points about this shooting that the facts are showing now:

1. The biggest LIE/Stretch of truth was that the shooter used an AR-15. He may have eventually but he didn’t bring it in nor did he buy it legally.

2. Bill Clinton authorized unarmed military bases. Yes and NO the first BUSH President did, Clinton just didn’t over turn it.

3. “The shooter was a muslim” not a fact yet. However; It was just 3 days prior to the shooting that the AQ leader urged “Lone wolf attacks inside the USA” As of right now nobody is talking about it. And another “However” is if he is a MUSLIM CONVERT or Terrorist, the Obama admin will not be letting that FACT out any time soon. We will have to wait for that FACT.

4. The shooter broke several laws prior to pulling the trigger and dropping his first victim. One more law wasn’t going to stop him… FACT.

5. After the recent shootings,(Aurora, Newtown) the only conversation on national media was GUN CONTROL there was very little discussion over changing laws regarding mental health. FACT.

I pray for the victims families. I hope they know that MOST Americans grieve with them.

What I am seeing is this and you guys in your own media area can back this up or dispute it:

The more the facts about this shooting come out, the less the MSM is covering it. As the shooter doesn’t fit their narrative anymore and is proving damaging to their agenda, you can expect a quick PIVOT to something else.


Just So Everyone Knows….

Just So Everyone Knows….

Since our online activities, cell phones and basically everything we do is now and has been monitored, I feel it necessary to say a few words…

First: I have never nor do I plan on ever having suicidal thoughts. To me, taking your own life is an unforgivable sin. I would NEVER do it. No matter what you may hear if I pass suddenly. I DIDN’T DO IT!

Second: All of my firearms were lost in a freak fishing accident. We were out hunting/fishing in Alaska and our boat capsized. I lost everything. Ammo, Guns, Bows/Arrows, steak knives and basically anything sharp or dangerous.

May God bless these United States because right now, GOD is about the only hope we have of returning our nation to greatness and freedom.

That is all.

2014 Should be Fun

2014 Should be Fun

What we have now is a fuster cluck of epic proportions. The scandals, all of them from Gibson guitars to the D.O.J should be enough to remove EVERY DEMOCRAT from office. I say SHOULD for a reason. It wont.


When the media is feigning outrage in mid 2013, that’s the safest time. The election is a long time away. In the very near future the big news will be Eric Holder is resigning. He’ll be doing it to help the country get focused on important issues or something.

In 2014 the GOP will again push establishment Republicans on the nation and again the nation will leave them in droves. If conservatives are not nominated and running against Democrats, the senate and house will become full super Majority Democrat in 2014. Conservatives are fed the hell up.


Lets talk about the media for a second. Between Holder’s removal/resignation whatever happens and the election, there will be a warming with Obama. Media will again fall back into “Worship” mode and without CONSERVATIVE options, Conservatives will stay home/arm up and prepare for the worst.


2014 will be a fun ride if TRUTH wins the day. IF the corruption/lies/deceit of this regime are allowed to continue, we’ll be in for full on California style governance.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. But don’t run away. Run to the sound of gun fire and shoot back.

Tornado Devastation…

Tornado Devastation…

Prayers go out to those affected by the Tornado in Moore OK.

I have a lot of snark to throw out there about it but I sure as hell aren’t going to post it yet. See the left doesn’t wait nor think before using something like this for political purposes. I’ll not play that game.

Just wait though..

Evil Which We Cannot Name

Evil Which We Cannot Name

I’ve been thinking about this “Thing called Benghazi” as Chris Mathews put it. And I’ve come to a revelation. The cover up is the biggest part of the story. But the reason for the cover up should shake every American to their core.


The facts of Benghazi are pretty clear. There was a cover up from top to bottom. But the reason they covered it up was two or three fold.


Fold #1: Obama’s base is far left, anti-Israel pro-Palestinian zealots. FACT. From Reverend Wright, to Farakan to Bill Ayers, to Code Pink and every major university from coast to coast fits that bill.

Now look at this:


These are the MUSLIM MURDERS committed on United States Soil since Obama took office. Now how many of these have you heard about nationally? I’ll tell you. TWO. And ONE was classified as a “Workplace violence Incident” 13 dead over 30 wounded in Ft Hood. The other was Boston. The rest? Yeah news huh?

Muslims can’t be accused of being still at war with America after Obama has apologized and all.

Benghazi screwed up the narrative that AQ was on the run. In order for Barack Obama to claim Muslims are peacefully trying to coexist and it was George Bush who provoked them. He was going to be different. Problem was Islam didn’t act different. IF that was the case then Obama had to show strength before the election. So he increased drone strikes on far away lands and announced them often. No verification other than the administrations statements about the target killed.


Fold #2: In order to cover something up this massive one entity or statement wouldn’t do it. It needed to be co-ordinated with media, interagency and congress lapdogs. It didn’t need to be a permanent cover up it just needed to be covered long enough to get Obama to a 2nd term. Hillary said she wasn’t going to run for POTUS remember? So Obama asking Hillary to follow the talking points wasn’t going to hurt her career if she’s retiring now.

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