Month: September 2012

Here Comes the DNC!

Here Comes the DNC!

Monday will kick off the Democratic National Convention. Here’s a few predictions.

1. You will be treated to heartfelt speeches involving a wide range of emotions. None of those emotions will be related to pride in country.

2. You will hear some really great speeches about victims of the man.

3. There will be emotional pleas to give more so the evil Republicans don’t kill puppies.

Basically, what you will hear is how evil the Republican party and the rich white man are to not want to continue driving the debt clock to new highs.

But wait, the final speech, Barack Hussein Obama’s will be epic. He will part the seas and raise the winds from the west with his oratory skills. Many of the weakest American minds will look at this speech as “Leadership Skill” Disregarding the FOUR years of his “Leadership” Record.

There will be drama, blame, victims, bad guys, good guys and special effects. It will be a movie script of epic proportions. I ask people to just look at the past 4 years and see if there’s anything they can tell you this week that fixes that. It can’t.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

Your favorite college team has had 4 miserable seasons. They have had a losing record every year, and haven’t gone to the playoffs since your new head coach started. It’s time to renew his contract. Is there anything that he could say to make you want him to stay on as coach? When you confront him he still blames his predecessor. Better?

Some numbers for you to keep in mind.

16 trillion (National Debt, 5 trillion more now than when Obama took office)

23 MILLION. (Unemployed Americans)

45 MILLION on (foodstamps)

861 (Military deaths in Afghanistan since Obama took office. 60% of all deaths in that war have occurred since the ROE’s were redone under Obama)

Think about that last one for a minute. I focus on that last one because it’s very telling of Obama’s leadership and his views. The VAST majority of Americans realized that putting a timetable on withdrawal and letting the enemy know it would cause MORE American deaths. Obama wouldn’t listen. His views over ride sense. 800 Americans paid the price for his failure. Think about that for a minute. The real VICTIMS are the families of the men who died fighting an enemy who Obama NOW gives BILLIONS to and invites to the White House.

Still voting for Obama?