Month: September 2012

What if you’re wrong?

What if you’re wrong?

Democrat voters appear to have it all figured out. It goes like this:

“We’re not happy with the economy or the world issues. We don’t like the division or the fact we’ve been downgraded, we don’t like the usurping of the constitution, we don’t like Obamacare, we don’t like a lot of things that Obama has done….BUT Romney will be worse, have you seen how much money he makes?”

Now forgive me if I’m being to blunt here, but you dumb fucks have set the American IQ back a hundred years with that logic.

Fact is Romney is a RICH man, He worked for it, he went to school, he made wise choices and he didn’t expect handouts nor did he accept failure as a permanent condition. He was governor of a state and he didn’t spend his entire term blaming the previous guy.

That alone is worth giving him a shot. I have no illusions that Romney will be the Barry Goldwater/Ronald Reagan savior of our nation, but he deserves a shot at it. He’s worked for it harder than Obama worked to get in office. His record is a thousand times better than Obama’s was prior to the “Entertainer” election of 08.

If you want to vote 3rd party, go for it. If you want to not vote, go for it. If you want to vote for Obama then you are voting for destruction of our nation at warp speed.

What if you’re wrong about Obama’s vision? What if his vision truly is destruction? Say he gets a 2nd term and his first couple actions restrict free speech. Then he executive orders some more of his “Visions” in order to set those like him up for 2016? What if you’re wrong? What if you’re wrong about Romney? What if Romney DOES take back our nation? What if Romney isn’t so conservative? What if? I’ll take Romney being less conservative than I’d like over Obama being MORE LEFTWING than he has been.

This election is about more than ideology, it’s about setting a foundation for recovery and that starts with SCOTUS appointments, reversing exec. orders, undoing the Obamacare debacle. That’s enough for me to vote Romney.


Islamist Riot, Obama Can’t Lie enough.

Islamist Riot, Obama Can’t Lie enough.

Been kind of quiet about the Obama administrations “Explanations” over the Libya consulate attack…

Now that the official story has come out and it’s no better than the original story, I want to ask my liberal readers a question.

When is enough, enough? Another lie, another failure. Over the last four years just off the top of my head:

Obamacare “Won’t raise taxes on middle class” “Will save billions” “No doctor shortage” “Waivers” “Read bill to find out what’s in it”…etc.

Anthony Weiner: “My phone was hacked”

Elizabeth Warren “I’m 1/32 Cherokee”

Fast and Furious… Yeah, this is a treasure trove of LIES and DECIET.

Muslim Riots “Caused by a youtube video”

And there were MANY MANY more… The lies of this administration are so blatant they are basically calling you too stupid to notice.

Is it time yet to remove this idiot and his cronies? I would say so unless you are so stupid that Obama and the democrats are right in their assumption about you.

Contest at A&P!

Contest at A&P!

Well, I’m going to do something never done before here at A&P. I’m going to run a contest.

The rules are simple:

1. Reply to this post in the comment section with the following words used in one sentence:

Democrats, 2nd amendment, Obama

2. Be creative

3. Only enter a comment once. (Duplicate comments will not be considered)

I will put the total number of comments on pieces of paper and have my wife draw a number. We will draw two numbers 1st and 2nd place.

First place winner gets 15 2×8 Custom Bumper Stickers

Second place winner gets 500 full color business cards on 12pt thick cover stock

ALL ARTWORK TO BE DONE BY THE WINNERS (If help is needed I’ll lend a hand)

Read More Read More

Muslims Rioting.. Yawn.

Muslims Rioting.. Yawn.

Well here we go again, something offended the islamic masses and innocent people are killed, property is destroyed… Same old crap, different day.

There’s a bit of a difference now, well not really different more like a blast from the past. The Carter administration dealt with the islamic scourge much like Obama has. Appeasement, apologizing, mixed messages and criticizing anyone who thinks its the wrong message to send. In the late 70’s Carter appeased Iran, ever since Iran has caused more death and destruction than a good nuke would in Mecca.

The problem is there’s no will to fight any more. There’s no will to WIN a war or a battle without first having a way to say “Look, we care, here’s a couple gazillion dollars…See” and it results in the same thing. More islamic demands, more walking on egg shells so they don’t get upset… Here’s where you might want to hide your eyes if your sensitive:

Muhammad was a pedophile, a murderer and no better than a modern day rapist/drug dealing crack whore. Anyone who follows such teaching is dancing with the devil and I for one couldn’t give a good fuck if you’re offended or not. Eventually this entire thing is going to catch fire and when it does, I pray I am still around to be part of it. The medieval punishment I will unleash on these 7th century goat fucking cult members will be legendary.

I’ve had it with the bullshit political correctness of our leaders and these people who follow them believing appeasement works. You idiots should be forced to live under the islamic banner for a week or two.


Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

Right Wing Terrorists of OWS!

If you had any doubt about the ideology of the Southern Poverty Law Center, this should wake you up.

Southern Poverty Law Center Calls ‘Occupy’ Terrorists ‘The Radical Right’

Did you know that the Occupy Movement is actually a part of the “radical right”? The movement, which received favorable comments from the commanding heights of the American left — President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, the New York Times, and MSNBC — has now shown itself to include very violent elements, including actual terrorists, who began a bomb plot in Cleveland, only to be apprehended before carrying out their program of terror.

The media has done its best to ignore the Occupy terrorists, but have now confessed. Perhaps drawing inspiration from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who can lie with an utterly straight face about reality (what she said on tape about the Israeli ambassador, what happened on the floor of the DNC when the words Jerusalem and God were excised and then restored to the platform), the Southern Poverty Law Center has stepped in to solve the problem for the left. Re-define the Occupy movement as “radical right.”

There you have it. The SPLC who designates certain groups as “Hate Groups” has tied the OWS idiots to the “RIGHT” Even though the FACTS show that the OWS idiots are the exact OPPOSITE of what the “RIGHT” believes.

For one you can look at them and notice they don’t resemble any TEA PARTY members. They tried to blow up something. NO TEA PARTY MEMBER was ever accused of vandalism much less blowing up anything. But hey, facts don’t matter when your goal is the destruction of the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

I hope I’m wrong here, but eventually this division will have to be solved. We had a civil war the last time our nation was this divided. Be aware of what the enemies of freedom will do silence you. Its coming.

Lies, Lies and more Lies…

Lies, Lies and more Lies…

It’s pretty funny that after the RNC, the MAINSTREAM media went above and beyond the call of duty to fact check every word of every person speaking. But at the DNC the fact checking was done by Fox and us “Just a bloggers”

There’s many sites out there that have disputed and put a light on the lies of the Democrat party from start to finish. I’m not about to go through them all here. Look them up, do your own research find out the facts vs the fairy tales you were told. Open your eyes.

Think about this: The head of the DNC Debbie Wasserman Shultz has been caught in no less than 5 lies in the last 2 weeks. Not just “Well, she stretched the truth” no, outright lies. Verified lies. And She stands on stage and expects Americans to believe her. Arrogance? Ignorance? Fantasy?

Then the DNC puts on Bill Clinton. Who was IMPEACHED for lying. To try to convince America to trust the Democrats.

Pretty funny if you think about it. Pretty damn sad if anyone truly believes them about anything.

Happy “Empty Chair Day”

Happy “Empty Chair Day”

On twitter hashtag #EmptyChairDay

Yes this is kind of a silly thing, but it’s also appropriate. We conservatives are very loyal. And when we see one of our take a media beating because of their “Stage presence” or “Age” or “Performance art” at the RNC we rally round and support that person.

That person was Clint Eastwood. His “Empty chair” routine at the RNC was funny, odd, on point, bizarre, and from his heart. Some liked it, some didn’t. Personally I liked it but I felt bad for Clint because he’s getting up there in age. His mind isn’t as sharp as it once was.

One day, our nation will lose Clint Eastwood. He will be missed. And I’ll be damn if I’ll let a bunch of whiny liberal talking heads tarnish a great career with political bashing of an American icon.

Empty Chair signifies Obama in a pretty accurate way. Here’s a few photos of Obama’s empty chair from around the web: