Month: January 2011

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

M.L.K’s REAL Legacy

Wondering around the blogsphere last night I stopped by one of my favorite writers.

Kevin Jackson says what so many of us on the right side of the aisle understand is the real Martin Luther King. His legacy has been hijacked by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson and those worse than them. Take a look:

Kings Real Legacy By Kevin Jackson

As the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr approaches, I began thinking of what he might think about the time we live in.  I believe Dr. King would be disgusted at how his legacy is being used as a double standard, a sort of have your cake and eat it too by Liberal blacks, and how Liberal whites are prostituting his dream.

When MLK fought for civil rights back in the ’60s, there weren’t a lot of black mega-millionaires, or black industry moguls like Oprah Winfrey, Jay Z and so on. If BET existed at all, it would have only been because black people would not have been able to appear on “regular” TV.

Two score and three years later, the Liberal black man in America is still a prisoner. Liberal blacks are no longer “sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination,” as King wrote,  but have become prisoners of their own minds.

America has made good on that bounced check due to “insufficient funds,” and black people were made whole and then some. The black man is no longer an exile in his own land, as King suggested in the ‘60s. When King spoke of the shameful condition of the black man, it was real and at the hands of white Democrats. Today however, if there is a shameful condition of the black man, it is a condition of the black man’s own creation.

There can be no argument that black people have advanced to the highest possible levels in America, and black Liberals know in their hearts that the sky is the limit as far as the potential for black achievement. No longer do black Liberals need to feel disingenuous when encouraging their children that they could one day be president of the United States. Despite all the overwhelming examples of achievement by blacks however, Liberal black people still complain more than any other culture about America; calling America racist, and saying that the black man is being kept down. They are right. But it is Liberal blacks keeping Liberal blacks down.

Read the rest Here

Well said Kevin, Well said…. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Best POST-GAME Interview EVER!

Best POST-GAME Interview EVER!

Anyone that knows me knows I’m a HUGE Football fan. During football season you can generally find me wherever there is a game on and in my hand I’ll have the line-stat sheets, and the book cards… I may need help

I also HATE New England, it’s personal due to them beating my beloved Carolina Panthers in the Superbowl….. BASTIDS!!!

This interview was made possible because the JETS kicked their butt yesterday.

Better bring that intensity to Pittsburgh you will need it.

Legislative REDUCED CAPACITY Magazines.. IDIOTS.

Legislative REDUCED CAPACITY Magazines.. IDIOTS.

Found at “Gotta Get Drunk First

This should put to rest ANY discussion of reduced capacity magazines being a “Public safety” issue. The real issue is when a shooter goes on a rampage it takes cops an average of 6 minutes to get to the scene. So who protects you? YOU DO YA JACKWAGON!

Get your asses to your capitol and demand your RIGHTS! Get these politicians to stop handcuffing YOU and start handcuffing the BAD GUYS!

So what has this accomplished?

So what has this accomplished?

Liberal lies and deceit on this latest act of INDIVIDUAL violence.

What have we learned?

1. We learned that any violence against anyone with a D in front of their name is immediately the fault of the tea party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Riley, Rush Limbaugh and US.

2. We learned that even after there is undeniable PROOF that the assailant was NOT among the supporters of ANY of the above, the narrative still sticks and there is no apology forthcoming. (See Ft Hood Shooter, Census worker suicide, Florida School board shooter for examples)

3. We learned that when we fight back against the false allegations leveled upon us, we then become hatemongers and we are continuing the rhetoric that started the murderer(s) on his spree in the first place which then makes the next one automatically our fault again.

4. We learned that a funeral/memorial is a great place for the POTUS to continue the lies started by his lapdogs in the media that was found to be false…

5. We learned that our country is so divided, that a civil war could break out if one more act of violence comes our way (Well unless it’s committed by a Muslim, then we must remain calm and not blame anyone)

6. We learned that the time it takes for law makers to go from tragedy to gun control legislation is measured in light speed.

7. We learned that despite Arizona having the BEST damn gun laws in the nation, at the Safeway in Tuscon on Saturday, far too many didn’t take advantage of that fact.

8. We learned that there are SOME pretty good folks on Both side of the aisle when it comes to respecting the dead, blaming the criminal and not making matters worse by using the tragedy as a (false) political talking point.

9. We learned that no matter where you are or who you are you can be killed by a madman.

10. We learned that a Democrat who was by all measure a MODERATE suffered a life changing gun shot wound to the head. And the killer got off over 20 rounds before he was stopped.

11. We learned that no matter what happened to the OTHERS in the shooting, the media cared about the congresswoman far more than they did for the 9yr old, until after the facts killed their “Tea Party” connection.

12. We learned that the minute the gun goes off, the gun grabbers follow. The very same people that have ARMED guards for themselves and family, are ready to tell you YOU don’t need guns.

13. We learned a crisis will never go to waste as long as we have liberal/Progressives in power, and as long as we have NY and CA we will have them in the worst possible position of power.

We learned a lot, but we have learned it before. We have been through this since Obama was elected. Any dissension is HATE SPEECH, any incident of violence is the Tea Party’s fault. We fight the same battles every time, we win the same battles every time, we will do it again at some time.

I pray that there is NO ATTEMPT on any congress critter or POTUS or Potential POTUS. IF there is one thing we on BOTH sides of the aisle know is: The enemy watches our news.

If there were an attack on our leaders again it could very well shatter our republic. And that is something we would not like.

The Gun Grabbers manifesto…

The Gun Grabbers manifesto…

Well, the Gun killed the people in Tuscon, the gun walked in and fired randomly and so it must be stopped from doing it again.

Why just today, my SKS came out of the safe and walked around the livingroom, I was feered for my life for a second…. SARCASM OFF!

Some folks have started the “Okay what’s the answer as far as guns go?” meme. I’m all about solutions so here it goes.

Arizona is on the right track as far as guns go. They ALLOW the 2nd amendment right to be exercised. IF you are not a felon and you are a citizen of these united states, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. PERIOD.

I’m tired of all the “Control” aspects of guns. I’m tired of the B.S regulations. What is needed is PUNISHMENT for the crimes involving guns.

As a nation we give excuses to the criminals, we allow murderers to “Blame” society for their actions, we give them the “Insanity” defense, we give them “Rights” and discount the VICTIMS rights to not be murdered. We call it justice when we lock them up for life and then let them out for good behavior in Prison. We give them LIFE in prison, which grants them food, healthcare and shelter, as well as family visits and sometimes even “Intercourse” with loved ones..

Did the murdered get a chance to have those options? Of course not. So why do we allow it for the criminal? Because our nation is more concerned with “Feeling good” about how we handled the criminal, than the message is sends to others.

Let me run the “Crime and Punishment” aspect of our society.

Lets take just the latest case that is the cause of the liberal’s “Gun grabbing attempts” The shooting in AZ.

The guy was caught RED HANDED, there were numerous witnesses, he was found with the gun, caught at the scene and the guilt of Jared Loughner is not in doubt. There would be no lengthy trial, no appeals, no mentality probes… He would go to court offer a plea, if his plea is not guilty, then the prosecutor will present evidence, his defense would present their side. After it’s over, if the jury finds him guilty, he gets one appeal to the Gov. to spare his life. IF that is denied… The Murderer shall be walked out to a local park and hung. But not just Hung,  hung with a rope that’s too long. Let him hit the deck once, maybe twice while we get the rope length right. Let the people see the consequences of the action.
The answer my friends is simple, make the deterrent as horrific as the crime.

Unless you are willing to ban the vehicle or regulate it’s speed because people die in car wrecks, leave my only line of defense against those wishing to do me harm alone.

Palin strikes back.

Palin strikes back.

Now I know this is going to be quite a shock but Sarah Palin is not my number 1 candidate for 2012 POTUS. She’s be better than Obama, Romney, McCain or Huckabee but so would Mickey Mouse, Lucy Ricardo or Bozo the clown… That being said, her comments today were dead nuts on.

Now, after 3 days of liberal/progressive media attacks, Palin defends herself against FALSE accusation. Well done.

NOW the same liberal/progressive media attacks her again for ” FInding a way to insert herself into this tragedy” WHAT? Oh yeah we’re dealing with the liberals here, no reason, no logic, nothing but ignorance… WOW, that’s gotta be a sign that something is really wrong in Liberpuke land…

Here’s what is happening: Many RIGHT people are rallying around Sarah Palin. And rightly so. We need to circle the wagons around this lady… Whether you support her for POTUS, or hope she stays on the sidelines, what the media and progressives are doing to her is DEAD WRONG! But, it also shows how SCARED the liberpukes are about Sarah Palin, they will blame her for everything and their lapdogs in the media will carry the water…

I’m not asking for unity around Palin’s push for POTUS, I’m asking for unity around her on this issue. Please understand the difference. The campaign season hasn’t started yet, so it’s very easy to back Palin against the media.

Palin derangement syndrome is wide spread, but the level of hatred showed by the communist, socialists, democrats, progressive, media matters, daily ko’s freaks and their national media wing the MSM has been brutal, and many on the right are allowing these attacks to go unchallenged.

Note to Sarah Palin from a few folks on the west coast…

Go get em lady. We got your back.

Reason… That’s what’s missing.

Reason… That’s what’s missing.

Good video about jumping to conclusions:

But the best reason is, liberals first instinct is ALWAYS wrong. Just look back at all the times violence was attributed to the tea party or right wing…And look how many actually WERE in some measure right…Zip, Nada, Nilch. But it doesn’t stop em.

When the new “Bills” start that have their origins in this tragedy, take notice of WHICH “R’s” support it. And then TARGET them for REMOVAL in the next ELECTION.

Any politician that tries to remove OUR freedoms based on the action of this one idiot needs to be placed on NOTICE, we are GUNNING for their JOB, WE are going to BLAST their ass to the UNEMPLOYMENT line, We will RELOAD as necessary in our efforts to ELECT someone with common sense as their guide. We will not surrender, we will ADVANCE on their positions and ATTACK them at the ballot box, We will KILL their bills, We will STOP them in their tracks, We will become MILITANT in our resolve to vote them out of public office, We will place the CROSS-HAIRS of our resolve on the LEVERS at the polling places. Our ENEMY is the ENEMY of Freedom, OUR ENEMY is anyone that would profit from this tragedy by handcuffing AMERICANS with the liberal agenda and WE will remove them from OFFICE the same way we did in November. THE BALLOT BOX!

Is that enough SYMBOLISM for you liberpukes????