Month: January 2011

This is what we get for our money?

This is what we get for our money?

Remember the bailout of GM? Remember the jobs it saved, the green jobs it would create? I guess it will be creating them after all:

GM to invest extra $540 million in Mexico to build motors

MEXICO CITY (AFP) – US giant General Motors will invest $540 million to produce two low-emission motors in central Mexico, the company announced here Thursday, accompanied by President Felipe Calderon.

The latest project for GM in Mexico would create 500 direct and another 500 indirect jobs in its plant in Toluca, Calderon said.

GM has four plants in Mexico, and has invested some $5 billion here since 2006, Calderon said.

I guess since it’s only 1000 jobs it really isn’t worth mentioning huh? Unless you are one of those thousand that could be working here in the states…I wonder why they are building in Mexico? Could it be cheap labor, low taxes, little government regulation, no government mandated health care? But I’m sure glad we bailed them out…

If there is a congress critter with any nuts left how about answering the question: How is our economic recovery going to happen if the companies we save take jobs out of the nation? Inquiring minds really want to know….

I am TJIC!

I am TJIC!

I didn’t hear of this until today, I have an opinion on it after the story:

From the Borepatch


I’ve linked several times to posts over at the blog Dispatches from TJICistan.  TJIC is an outspoken (some might say extremely so) advocate of smaller government.  He’s also a firearms owner in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts.  While he owns guns, it appears that he’s no longer allowed to possess any:

ARLINGTON (CBS) – A blog threatening members of Congress in the wake of the Tucson, Arizona shooting has prompted Arlington police to temporarily suspend the firearms license of an Arlington man.
It was the headline “1 down and 534 to go” that caught the attention. “One” refers to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in the rampage, while 534 refers to the other members of the U.S. House and Senate.

Police are investigating the “suitability” of 39-year-old Travis Corcoran to have a firearms license

Let’s ignore for the moment how many people were investigated for making similar comments about George W. Bush.  Let’s look at the “logic” being exercised by the Arlington Po-Po, shall we?

Okay, I gotta say that statement on a blog was pretty harsh… Funny as hell though…

Did that statement warrant the reaction by the feds? HELL NO.  And this is an outrage. We have the freedom of speech, we allow Phred Phelps and his idiots to protest our soldiers deaths by saying FAR MORE HATEFUL things… Does Phred own a gun?

The “Professional Left” has been guilty of far worse printed words than that was there ever a “Gun search” or “Removal of rights” because of it? And why is this not on the front page of every newspaper in the land? Ohh that’s right, he’s a conservative blogger…

Get the word out yall, we need pressure on the powers!

Anchors Away!!! LA’s Illegal’s soaking the State for $$$$$

Anchors Away!!! LA’s Illegal’s soaking the State for $$$$$

Well, I’m sure this will be spun as some type of tit-for-tat in the LA times….

LA Anchor Baby Welfare Tab…$600 Million

Welfare benefits for the children of illegal immigrants cost America’s largest county more than $600 million last year, according to a local official keeping tabs on the cost.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich released new statistics this week showing social spending for those families in his county rose to $53 million in November, putting the county government on track to spend more than $600 million on related costs for the year — up from $570 million in 2009.

Antonovich arrived at the estimate by factoring in the cost of food stamps and welfare-style benefits through a state program known as CalWORKS. Combined with public safety costs and health care costs, the official claimed the “total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers” was more than $1.6 billion in 2010.

“Not including the hundreds of millions of dollars for education,” he said in a statement.
Read more:

Okay here goes my opinion on the matter and let me say first that I’m not a racist, my gardener is an illegal… Okay that was bad,… Deal with it.

California has a HUGE deficit, a HUGE part of the reason is the ANCHOR Babies that are growing up, using our education and health services as well as collecting state aid for daily rations…NOT all of them mind you but enough that the input is far far outweighed by the output of state funds.

At work the other day a bunch of us had a great discussion about the “Illegal Immigrant” issue. And let me preface this by saying there were four folks there of latino/hispanic decent, one person who was darker than I….All of us are Americans now.

The amount of disinformation out there is astounding. It came to our discussion and since I am the internet hound, I had to debunk a lot of the “Assumptions” of a couple of them. Our discussion began with one of the latino ladies saying something about California’s deficit and another person was reading about the Shooting incident in Texas where the road workers were shot at from the Mexico side.

I know for a fact that a couple of them have family in Mexico, and it was very difficult to temper my words during the discussion. But after a few minutes I realized that we were basically in agreement about the Illegal issue. One thing that kept coming up was “What are they supposed to do, there are no jobs in Mexico and the schools are poor etc. etc.” This was my opening:

My point really was made by this statement: What is happening to Mexico now, is a direct result of the illegal immigration issue here. Mexico’s labor force is leaving, and they are not the morons of the nation, they are the smart ones that have figured out how to do it. So what is left in Mexico? Former Military, Police, Politicians and sheep. Many folks think the Illegal Immigration issue here is the end of the story, it’s not. Yes it hurts our country, YES it’s costing billions of dollars to take in the Illegals into our system but there is a large amount of damage being done to the Mexican nation. They come here, have AMERICAN babies and some grow up to do WELL, open businesses and thrive. They become producers which helps OUR economy, it doesn’t help Mexico.

Read More Read More

Fun with Liberal hypocrisy..

Fun with Liberal hypocrisy..

Just perusing the web today and found so much hypocrisy from the liberal media my mind went blank. I damn near began chanting “Obama is dear leader, he is perfect” like the rest of our elite media…

A few examples:

Here in California, Jerry Brown has taken over as Governor. He’s came into the office and started making plans to cut cut and cut spending to solve our deficit problem. Looking at the cuts he’s planning, they are eerily similar to those Arnie tried to cut about 4 yrs ago. The difference? Well for one, the media isn’t bashing every cut, the protests on the street haven’t materialized, and the local news isn’t interviewing every poor unwed mother of 8 who works two jobs and will lose her bus pass….Hypocrisy? You betcha.

Nationwide, GAS prices are going up, oil price is closing in on 100 bucks a barrel. When oil reached 100 dollar a barrel under the Bush Admin. The liberal media screamed foul, they cried about the gas prices, they blamed Haliburton, the war in Iraq, they blamed the republican oil mongers….NOW, gas headed to 5.00 a gallon and SILENCE… Oh and the war in Iraq was over oil right? if so why are the prices going up? Hypocrisy? Um yep.

A republican congressman mentions that Obama’s birth record is in question, the media howls and demands retractions, a democrat calls republicans Nazi’s and there is silence from the media.. Hypocrisy? Check.

A gunman opens fire on a congresswoman and others in a meeting killing 6, the media assigns blame immediately to the Right Side of the aisle. A gunman opens fire on a military base killing 12, the left assigns no blame other than to not jump to conclusions…. Hypocrisy? check…

Man this is fun, and there are SOOOOooo many more examples. if it were a movie, it would be titled fiction. Since it’s true I can only hope more people see this for what it is. A lack of integrity, a loss of trust and the complete removal of the media as America’s watchdog as it was intended.

People wonder: Why is it when Obama speaks people automatically discount him? Because he, along with MOST other politicians have lost our trust. The media has lost our trust and the consequences of the loss are questions. The questions are much tougher because we are starting with a “Disbelieving” foundation.

It’s no longer OUR responsibility to prove they are lying, it’s up to them to prove they are telling the truth. That is a sad state of affairs.

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

WOW, I heard that on the news today and couldn’t contain the laughter. Harry Reid actually said it…. Umm, lets see:
Democrats have had majorities in the House, Senate and they own the big chair in DC… Unemployment was at 9% (Roughly) before the Obamacare debates took place. They spent over a year on this backroom crafted, job killing, bribery laden debacle and NOW they want to create jobs? Unemployment has been growing, it’s now at 9.4 (Adjusted) the actual percentage is closer to 15% But NOW they want to work on jobs? :rotfl: Even Tingles is going to have tough time with this one…

Repeal this bill and start over. Just the mere mention of this bill being dropped is going to have a big impact on the unemployment number. The bill gets tossed, and the unemployment rate may actually get to that 8.6% we were promised…

Typical Democrats, have the power to do something DON’T, then point the finger of blame…. How come people don’t see the adults in the room are NOT the Democrats?

Happy Birthday Robert E Lee

Happy Birthday Robert E Lee

An Honorable man was born on this day in American History.

January 19, 1807 (1807-01-19) – October 12, 1870 (1870-10-13) (aged 63)

I’m sure the “elitist” in our midst will have a problem with me showing respect for Robert E Lee and I really could care less. Like it or not Robert E Lee was a huge part of the history of our nation. Not to mention he was an extremely honorable man. The good general made one of the biggest military mistakes of all time, but he stood for what he believed was right and his skills as a leader were never questioned.

Robert E Lee conducted the South’s war machine with honor and integrity. While some say he was fighting to KEEP Blacks as slaves, the truth is far from that simple. The PC crowd believes what has been written in the school books and part of that is because the victor gets to write the book. Those who had relatives throughout that time and have the documentation to prove it, know the truth of the civil war. Slavery was an after thought in Lincolns war, the true fight was over a government gone crazy with power. Times haven’t changed much huh?

A couple of quotes from Robert E Lee:

Speaking about the Northern Army:

“These people delight in destroying the weak and those who can make no defense; it just suits them!” Robert E. Lee

It must be remembered that we make war only upon armed men and that we cannot take vengeance for the wrongs our people have suffered without lowering ourselves in the eyes of all whose abhorrence has been excited by the atrocities of our enemies, and offending against Him to whom benevolence belongeth, without whose favor and support our efforts must all prove in vain”. Robert E. Lee

About Robert E Lee’s demeanor:

Lee abhorred Total War as it was practiced by the Union Army. It was inconceivable to him that women, children, and the elderly might be involved in the conflict. Rape, pillaging, murder, and the atrocities attendant to an illegitimate victory were not allowed in his Army. Robert E. Lee could not have released the atomic bombs on Japan. His character would not have allowed it.

Quote source:

Happy Birthday Robert E Lee. I’m sure if he were to look down upon this nation as it is now, he’d weep. I would imagine both Lee and King would be shedding a tear or two for how this nation has progressed from where they started….

California Gun Owners catch a break!

California Gun Owners catch a break!

How about that! Some common sense out of California? Well, it’s not going to last I assure you. The verbiage in the opinion bothers me…

AB 962 Unconstitutionally Vague declares Court

Today, January 18, 2011, two weeks before the implementation of AB 962, the Superior Court for Fresno County declared the new law “constitutionally vague” and overturned it. This momenteous decision benefits all gun owners in the state, for it was innocent gun owners, purchasing ammunition for handguns, that would have been harassed and inconvenienced by the law.

As a result of todays decision, all aspects of AB 962 are nullified. There will be no more hiding handgun ammunition behind the counters or in locked cupboards of retail stores. The impending threat of requiring thumbprints, gathering information for records that will be kept for many years, or banning mail order or internet sales of handgun ammunition are eliminated.
The lawsuit, known as Parker v. State of California was successfully fought by Chuck Michel of Michel & Associates in Long Beach California, on behalf of Sheriff Clay Parker of Tehama County and numerous retailers across the state. The confusing aspects of AB 962 were bewildering police, ammunition purchasers and vendors alike.

Well “constitutionally vague”  Doesn’t mean UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that’s exactly what MOST of the KALIFORNIA gun laws are.

I’ll take this victory of sorts and be happy but the fight is nowhere near complete.
:clap: :hd: :gun:

Los Angeles High School Shooting…

Los Angeles High School Shooting…

That Sarah Palin is sure on a roll this year aint she?

Suspect in Custody After 2 Students Shot at California High School

Authorities say two students were shot Tuesday morning at a high school in Los Angeles. One person  has been arrested.

Police believe the gunman, a black male wearing black clothing, is a student at Gardena High School, the school where the shooting occurred.

Police say one bullet was apparently fired accidentally hitting a 15-year-old boy in the neck and a 15-year-old girl in the head. The girl is in surgery at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, police say.

Sources reportedly told The Los Angeles Times that after the gun fired, the student who brought it to school apologized to his classmates before running out of the classroom.

A spokesman for the Los Angeles Unified School District reportedly told local news outlets that the shooting was accidental. District spokesman Robert Alaniz said the gun was brought to school in a backpack and went off when the student dropped it — injuring the two victims with a single bullet. The rest of the story HERE

I’m sure the kid was a tea party participant or at the very least a fan of Glenn Beck…. 🙄

Wait a minute maybe it’s the GUN that did it? Perhaps it’s the guns fault lets make a law that forbids 15 yr old kids from having handguns? Wait, that’s already a law… How about making it illegal to bring guns to school? Damn it, that’s already a law too… Well then this incident couldn’t have happened, so I guess it didn’t… Move along, nothing to see here….

So here we go guys, the gun grabbers will use this incident in their attack. I’m waiting for the worthless POS Bill Maher to make another statement about guns, you know he’s the “Elite Authority” on what we need….

Facts are shaky about this incident, but you can pretty much read between the lines if you have any common sense and are not brainwashed by the liberal media. Look at the area of the incident. Look at the #1 crime in the area. Look at the gangs in the area…You can come up with a few “Possibilities” of what happened here.

From the story:

“A mother who was waiting to hear from her 14-year-old son, Michael, said the school has a reputation for gang violence.”

So with that knowledge, I’m betting on these reasons: (Purely speculation of course)

1. The kid was being threatened or felt threatened by either a gang, or gang-member. The kid may have been recruited and said NO! The kid brought the gun to school so he could defend himself. Not saying it’s right but I’d sure understand the kids motive. (This will more than likely be his defense in any trial)

2. The kid WAS in a gang and WAS going to use the gun to make a name for himself. Probably ONE person on the target list, a rival or someone that disrespected his gang… (This would be the easiest explanation, but gang members usually don’t say “Sorry” when they are done shooting folks)

From what I’ve heard through a few folks that have a bit more knowledge than the media does, the kid wasn’t currently in a gang, nor was he a tea party member… 🙄

My Condolences to the victims of this incident.