Where is MY candidate?

Where is MY candidate?

My candidate would:

Stand up for AMERICA.

Stand up for Israel.

Stay on message.


Be ANTI-Abortion as birth control.

Be PRO-Free Markets.

Be PRO-Energy exploration on our own shores.


Be Pro-Rule of law.

Be Anti-Islamic law.

Be PRO-Common sense.

Be Pro-2nd Amendment rights and be vocal about repealing those laws that go against this RIGHT to BEAR ARMS!

Be Pro-Hunting/trapping/fishing and conservation

Be ANTI-GORE Globul warming hype.

Be PRO-Removal of all public funds from ANY entity that supports ANY political party.

Be Pro-Freedom

Be ANTI-Government intrusion.

Be PRO-Death Penalty and Actually set fourth a plan to make prisons less country club and more chain gang.

Be Unabashedly American. And actually speak the truth no matter the audience. STOP PANDERING to interests.

Stay on message means being brutally honest about the ills of liberalism/Communism/marxism/socialism.

Stand up for our allies, take no crap. Where is our Reagan? Where is the candidate that is so brutally honest about our dire future, that  if we continue down this road we will be ruined? Where is our candidate?

We have some choices to make. Choose wisely.



4 Replies to “Where is MY candidate?”

  1. You and I are on the same page.
    We are giving out some great technology to tea parties across the county to make a difference in the 2012 election.
    please drop me an email.

  2. Where is your candidate????? Why his picture is just to the right side of the big 2012 sign A&P. We need this man to get
    this country back to it’s greatness!! C’mon people, sign that petition nowwwwwwwwwwww.

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