Union Head to America: “War”

Union Head to America: “War”

Jimmy Hoffa(1), one of the most notoriously corrupt heads of the Teamsters Union back in the day turned up missing. Jimmy Hoffa (2) seems to be pushing to find out what happened to his dad first hand.

Hoffa on tea party, congressional conservatives: ‘Let’s take these sons of bitches out!’

While warming up a Detroit crowd for President Barack Obama’s Labor Day speech, Teamsters union president Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. said unions need to fight a “war” against tea partiers and congressional Republicans. “President Obama, this is your army,” Hoffa said. “We are ready to march. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and take America back to where America we belong.”

I guess this is the new tone we are supposed to be observing. According to the liberal elites the tea party is a group of terrorists but this rhetoric is acceptable? Mmm.. Okay then here goes.

The AFL/CIO the Union who are represented by the stupid son of a bitch known as Jimmy Hoffa can bring it on. I would be extremely happy to oblige any of these SON OF A BITCHES in a war of their choosing. I will be extremely happy in my work to exterminate the enemy in that war. That war of which they speak is coming and I ask one thing of those listened to Jimmy Hoffa’s speech:

When that “War” kicks off, Look to your left, look to your right. Then ask yourself “Are these the people who share my values?”. On your side will be ANSWER, ACORN, The Socialists of America, The Communists of America, La Raza, The New Black Panthers, The Congressional black Caucus members and their constituents…

Then look on the other side.. IF you still hold firm to your worship at the foot of a UNION who is ruining our work force to deepen their own pockets, then so be it.. You will be in my sights in that “WAR” and I don’t miss. See ya on the battlefield.

5 Replies to “Union Head to America: “War””

  1. Hoffa ran his mouth and incited VIOLENCE in America, but he did it in support of Obama, so, it’s all good, the corrupt POTUS will protect his corrupt supporters…

    Lock and load man, the next time you go to a TEA Party it might get violent, and Obama will back the attackers..

    1. Obama can back the leftovers. The dead won’t talk much. FK Em. You’ll know if it gets rough. There will be a lot of wet spots around the dead because I’ll be marking my kills by pissing on em. Seriously, they want a war? Well then, bring it or shut the fuck up. All this jaw jacking is for grade school, they don’t like what I stand for? C’mon man swing or step the hell off.

  2. Union members, 90% of the black race & illegal aliens are going to do something forceful to keep him in power. Something that would allow him to declare martial law, suspend voting and rule like fidel and hugo. And I’ll bet the sob is working with those two to bring this country to it’s knees before there is a chance for the legal system to be used. A dirty bomb in NY, or race riots in large cities across the US where he must bring in troops to suppress it, but this time the troops won’t be enough.

  3. Damn…everytime I read these blogs I find I need MORE ammo…But it may be wise,before anyone resorts to things that go BANG, to carry a can of pepper spray on your belt. This stuff really is effective and if for some reason it isnt…you can always use an alternative….

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