Tag: Sign of the times

Berghdal Trade is a sign…

Berghdal Trade is a sign…

I’ve been hesitant about labeling Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl a traitor or a deserter. I’m still hesitant about it… However, this trade is a sign, its a sign of total incompetence. 

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The Obama administration expected a euphoric celebration over the release of an American POW? Nobody did the “What if’s?” nobody within the entire democrat party said before this action that this could backfire big? That is a huge red flag, its a glaring neon sign of incompetence. As if the VA Scandal, Benghazi, IRS targeting, the Economy, Obamacare, DOJ, gas prices and fast and furious weren’t enough proof, this should lay to rest any doubt.

Think about this, if Marcus Latrell (Or any other soldier captured in a firefight) were to have been captured after Operation Redwing and traded for five High Value Targets from GITMO, there may have been some questions about negotiations, but 99% of Americans would have been okay with that trade. We would be talking about the message sent by trading, we’d be talking about potential issues but that would be ALL we’d be talking about. With this Sgt Berghdal thing, we have a possible deserter who possibly aided the enemy, who possibly got several GI’s killed because of his walking off the base, it stinks. It stinks so bad even some democrats are crying about it.

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What this trade was supposed to say to the American people: “I’m ending the war, George Bush started, I got the only POW out of the war and I won’t leave any soldier behind” He expected accolades from his media hacks, he expected bi-partisan approval and he expected a jump in the democrat polls. He also hoped to deflect the VA scandal issue.

What this trade did: “I’m surrendering to the Taliban on behalf of America, I’m going to give them 5 of their senior members back, but I had to get something for the American people or they’ll say I’m weak, so give me berghdal.”

Lets look at who Obama has protected more over his six years in office, Muslims or our Military? Who closed down war memorials to veterans? Who has been in charge for 6 years and saw the VA spiral down in care? Who has cut pay and benefits for Active duty? Yes.. Barack Hussein Obama.

Eventually, this pretender to the throne will be out of office. Until then, we better pray and pray hard that America is strong enough to fight the enemy abroad and within.