Tag: Quran

Gas Prices, Islam, History and Repeat.

Gas Prices, Islam, History and Repeat.

Since the raging Ragheads are still raging over a perceived “Wrong” committed against a book. I thought it appropriate to bring a little more TRUTH to the discussion. The truth being, Islam as an entity in the world has been hijacked to some degree. While I DO SERIOUSLY believe that Islam is a cult. All Cults are not dangerous. And I also know there are some fine Americans who happen to believe the Quran is the truth. While I disagree with them on philosophical and spiritual lines, they have that right as Americans.

Islam as it is practiced in the Middle East is NOT compatible with the 21st Century. It will never be compatible. Afghanistan for all of our effort will NEVER be anything more than a 7th century country and the population of those nations do not wish to evolve.

Let’s understand a couple things. Islam is at war within the religion and without. Sunni’s Shiite’s all kinds of different factions within them and all kinds of fragmentations along tribal lines in the very rural areas like Somalia, Afghanistan etc.. The only thing that binds them together is the enemy. We are the enemy. Any nation which doesn’t bow to the Islamic teachings without question is the enemy. To which extent the enemy is hated varies. We Americans have sided with Israel so we are the sworn enemy of Islamic Radicals across the globe.

Those three paragraphs are just to set this up:

How do you deal with the enemy if you don’t understand or comprehend the enemy? You can’t fight an enemy if you can’t name the enemy can you? How long have we been putting up with Islamic destruction/terrorism? I’ll be nice, 40 years. I’m setting something up hang in there.

40 years ago or so, Iran was holding hostages, gas prices through the roof, gas lines, inflation, high unemployment and the talk was “We need to get off the tit of foreign oil”….

We’ve been openly and covertly fighting with Islam at the very least that long.

it is 40 years later, gas prices are through the roof, inflation, high unemployment and the talk is “we need to get off foreign oil..

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