Tag: Lost Emails

IRS Lost Emails?

IRS Lost Emails?

Lets put aside the obvious LIE of the “Lost Lois Lerner’s emails because of a computer crash” statement from the IRS. Even CNN won’t try and put that out as truth.


Let us instead look at a few alerts that the “Loss” brings up.

1. If the IRS can lose 2yrs of records they’re mandated to keep. Does it worry anyone that the IRS is also the agency tasked with OBAMACARE collection/enforcement. How can you now be sure your payment records are safe? When you go to the doctor and you need immediate care, what if the IRS payment records were lost?


2. Who benefits from the “Loss” of those emails? Yes, we know that Lois Lerner is breathing a sigh of relief, but who else? Remember Elija Cummings rant? Remember the illumination of data that showed Elija may have been in communication with Lois Lerner? Barack Obama as well may have been in email communication. So is there a concerted effort to go down for Obstruction or tampering rather than the truth of this ever come out? I say YES.


The emails in question must hold some very high value to the players. America deserves the truth, if the administration will go to this level to hide the truth in a targeting case, how far will they go to hide truth on larger issues?

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You will notice that every time Obama gets stung in policy/lies/scandals he moves very fast on social issues to galvanize his base support. He’s running out of gay agenda give aways, he’s moving to illegal Immigration, next I assume will be reparations, maybe making being white illegal. I don’t know for sure, but I know, Obama has proven to unbound by character or morals or law.


With all the democrat scandals, lies and failures of policy, NO DEMOCRAT should be elected to office for the next 20 years. But we live in a new world, one of starbucks and kardashians… Be afraid folks, be very afraid.