Tag: George Zimmerman

This is what Our Leaders say you can’t do…

This is what Our Leaders say you can’t do…

You are not allowed to defend yourself, you should be required to run away if you can, if you can’t, you must take the “ass whooping” so you don’t get called racist.

half cracker

This is what our illustrious leaders in government and the race pimps are saying.

You must not tell the police dispatcher the race when they ask for a description of the person you suspect of being “up to no good” Unless the person you’re suspecting is other than black.

You must not watch out for your neighbors.

You must allow the person you are observing to finish what they are doing before you call the cops. This way the person if they are black, can have a fair shot at getting away.

You must not arrest black people because to do so is racist. There’s too many black people in jail already so putting more in jail is racist.

Listen to the news today, every so-called news organization is showing the congressional black caucus/Al and Jesse and those white guilt slave masters like Bob Beckel, Chris Mathews and Piers Morgan talk about “Trayvon” Trayvon was just a kid coming home from the store bringing grandma some skittles.

According to these liberpuke fungus ridden parasites this is what occurred that night in Florida:

Saint Trayvon was wearing traditional religious attire and actually floating on a cloud of righteousness when Zimmerman, a 300 lb professional gun fighter and mixed martial arts expert who worshipped satan and killed kittens for fun, ran up on Trayvon. Trayvon asked politely “Sir, can I help you, I’m headed to the orphanage to bring skittles to white kids who asked for them” At this point, Mr Zimmerman put on his KKK robe and hat burned a cross and hung trayvon from the nearby tree. Trayvon at this point was getting pissed off and kicked at Zimmerman and broke his nose. This is when Mr Zimmerman shot Trayvon 82 times with an Assault Rifle .


This may sound ridiculous but its as close to the truth as what the race pimps are claiming. Fact is, Racism had nothing to do with Zimmerman/Trayvon incident. Everyone in the world knows it. This is why there hasn’t been and wont be any racial charges against Zimmerman. But listen carefully, the left didn’t get their way so what to do? Oh yeah, go after gun laws.


Had Zimmerman NOT had a gun, he could have been killed that night. His life was in the hands of Trayvon. Anyone who says “Trayvon wouldn’t have killed him” is an idiot. Its the wrong question. The question is WHY DOES TRAYVON GET TO CHOOSE IF ZIMMERMAN LIVES OR DIES? He didn’t Zimmerman did.

I will carry my pistol no matter what the elected morons say. I will carry my firearm because its my right to protect myself from idiots like Trayvon. I will carry my firearm and if I should have to use it in an area that doesn’t have a stand your ground law and their is no witnesses, I’ll treat it like a criminal. A very smart criminal. No body, No gun, No suspect, No Problem.


What this is, is an assault on your right to defend yourself. What this does is make you hesitate. Hesitation will get you killed. You feel threatened? Act, seek cover, seek crowds, if not, attack to end the threat using whatever you have. If you’re unarmed and incapable of fighting of 200lb ex cons or football players you better have an equalizer or you are at their mercy.

This case is an example of controversy for pay. Al and Jesse race pimps making noise, blackmailing city’s into doing their bidding or they will stir up trouble. FACT.k51tmw



Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

Misdirection, Deceit and Lies…

What we are seeing now is the best effort to hide the lack of leadership our nation is going through EVER. We have the media focused on the George Zimmerman witch hunt and subsequent stake burning, while the White House is on fire… The nation is suffering, the world is suffering but hey, some guy who would have liked to be cop rather than a bad guy shot a thug on a dark night after he was beaten.. OH MY GAWD!

As much as I enjoy a good circus, the Zimmerman trial ended for me yesterday. The defense is on solid footing within the facts, the prosecution on the other hand is emotion first. Emotions are strong motivators but rarely do they lead to good decisions. And that’s where we are now.

Emotions led to Obamacare, which in case you didn’t notice got delayed until after the 2014 elections. Is anyone asking questions? Nope. How about media ask these questions:

1. How can a President delay a law that was signed and SCOTUS approved with a stroke of the pen? Where in the Obamacare law does it state that a President has the right to enact it whenever its convenient? IF Obama can delay it and implement it at will, does that mean the next POTUS can retroactively delay it, stop it, kill it?

2. The Congressional Budget office COUNTED on the 4.8 BILLION dollars of revenue that implementation would generate through business penalties to make Obamacare “Deficit Neutral” without those dollars for another year, what is the outlook for the national debt?

Just off the top of my head….

Then there’s the Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, NSA scandals that have taken a back seat to Trayvon’s rotting corpse… Oh and don’t dare look at the gas prices up to 4.00 a gallon and the job market declining and the food/energy prices rising…  “But hey ya’ll I gotta go to Africa, cause George Bush did good things there…”

Political strategy?

Democrat thinking: IF the senate refused to pass Amnesty, Obama would have implemented Obamacare as it was LAW. But since Amnesty passed the senate, Obama and his democrat cronies aren’t sure what the house is going to do, they are counting on Boehner to kill the senate bill, then the dems will run against racist republicans the same old story that usually works. Right now, the dems don’t know if the house will pass Amnesty and if they do, coupled with OBAMACARE Train Wreck, they think they may lose the house and Senate…I disagree with that thinking.

If the house passes Amnesty, the house is full democrat in 2014. The senate is going to stay majority democrat anyway unless the RINO’s get Primaried. Most conservatives are fed up with RINO’s and Democrats. Enthusiasm is gone for Republicans in the senate.

Your thoughts on any of this?



Zimmerman Trial

Zimmerman Trial

Been a bit busy again lately. It’s tough being the minority and working for a living. But I’ve been watching the circus.. I mean, trial of George Zimmerman.

What I’ve seen so far is pretty much universal among FREE THINKING people. If you are a racist liberal progressive who is overcome with white guilt you may disagree with my synopsis.

The prosecution has been laying out its case for 2nd degree murder. But it seems that they’ve only made Zimmerman’s case for self defense stronger.


First we had the “jabba the hut” witness, who supposedly wrote a letter that she couldn’t read. She also injected the fact that the only racist words uttered that night came from Trayvon Martin.


Then we had the detective who said he believes Zimmerman’s story. Ouch, that’s gotta hurt.


What we have here is a trial because the black racists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. As well as the media who is absolutely overcome with white guilt have to have someone to blame OTHER THAN the poor saint Trayvon.

In my opinion, the only thing left for the defense to do is to rest its case. The prosecutors actually made the best case for the defense.

Free George Zimmerman and then Zimmerman should sue Al and Jesse for defamation of character plus damages.