Tag: Convention

The Real Hussien Obama?

The Real Hussien Obama?

There are still several questions surrounding Barrak Hussein Obama, and the more I think about the “Family History” of this seeker of the throne, the more I am concerned that the lemmings in Denver are missing the facts.

The fact is, all we have heard is rhetoric, we hear how upset he is at the Bush administration, we hear how he wants universal health care, he wants better everything and he has come up with plans on top of plans that don’t hold water. HE talks about change as if all change is a good thing. IT IS NOT. Some change is good, some is needed, some change is called changing for the sake of change and that is the most dangerous type of change.

I am of the opinion that our nation needs change too. I am not very thrilled about changing the White House Occupant to a former “Muslim” during a war with over zealous Muslims. IMO; WW3 starts as soon as Israel no longer believes the US will assist in her survival, and when Obama takes the Oath that will signify that very thing.

There is nothing in his past that makes me think Barrak Hussein Obama might be the best man for the job. I do know this: McCain will not “CHANGE” America so we are a third world nation. McCain loves his country, I do not doubt it. Obama is not proud of his country, His wife is not proud of his country, And his pastor is ANTI-America. Mr McCain gave 5 years in a prison to his country. Obama gave his country some really good speeches. Mr McCain has 72 years of living life and making decisions. Obama? he has a couple of years as a senator, as which he either abstained or DID NOT APPEAR for votes that might be viewed one way or the other… Indecisive. Not a good quality.

Do I believe that Obama will destroy our nation? Not alone he wont but it appears the LEMMINGS that are buying this crap might be of the useful idiot variety.

The McCain Camp better come to play, if McCain makes the wrong choice for VP, winning the White House will require divine intervention. This post is anti-Obama, I do plan on being fair and balanced though, during the RNC stay tuned.