Tag: Communism

Socialism, Communism on the move in the USA.

Socialism, Communism on the move in the USA.

I had NO IDEA the amount of believers in those failed ideologies. On my post “Michael Moore in Wisconsin” I have received over 4o comments. Most of them were from PRO-Idiocy folks Evan and Scott Jones. After looking at my site meter to see where they came from I noticed Europe, and Canada. Not sure who is from where, and I really don’t care. If you read their “opinions” on the subject of Communism, you will see why.

I remember a day when COMMUNISM was a dirty word. I remember a time when Communism was denounced by BOTH SIDES of the aisle. Now it’s getting a huge push from people in college. The youth of our nation have been “Saved” from the truth about that ideology. In an effort to be PC in all things in college, the truth about a government structure with GOVERNMENT at the top is lost. Any government in total control of it’s people will ultimately end in a lot of bloodshed. There is NO apparatus for change, and in society where the government gives and takes at will, only the very top will be happy. As of now America is NOT THAT type of country.

In America the PEOPLE are in charge, or at least have a seat at the table. In Communism, those in power hang on to power until there is revolution.

In America, we have some problems. YES, We are not perfect. YES. We do need CHANGE. But is that change a failed ideology that has murdered MILLIONS of people?

If communism ever came to America it will be over my dead body. It will be over MILLIONS of dead bodies. It will show up only after people like me have long gone, and our sons and their sons are gone. We are the last line. We the people.

If you have children and are not educating them in history. You are a part of the problem. IF you are not involved in your child’s education YOU are the problem. We allowed our schools to be indoctrination centers. We’ve allowed our professors to run loose with the truth in order to “Present a political point of view” based on liberal lies.

Arm up the fight is coming.

Democrats END GAME?

Democrats END GAME?

I found this very interesting. I suggest ALL Americans spend the 10 minutes and watch this. A former KGB Official spells it out pretty well.

This was recorded 25 years ago. Ask yourself where are we now? Where is the truth? The lines between right and wrong have been blurred so badly there are now doubts?

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
Winston Churchill