Pay attention Obama, that’s how it’s done!

Pay attention Obama, that’s how it’s done!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to the UN and unloaded on the hypocrisy and uselessness of that body. He didn’t apologize for standing up for what’s right. He didn’t make excuses, he didn’t throw his friends under the bus. And he did his nation PROUD!

I am not an Israeli, nor am I jewish but after his speech, I was proud of the fact that MY NATION has supported his nation since the 40’s… I am also very saddened by the fact that our apologizer in chief is blaming Israel for all the troubles. I suppose that’s what happens when you are educated in Kenya, and raised in Chicago under libturd professors.

Well Done Mr. Netanyahu. ALL Israeli’s should be very proud of you and be proud to be Israeli.

10 Replies to “Pay attention Obama, that’s how it’s done!”

    1. He appears to have more than that Fred, He’s got character, he’s got heart, he’s got honor and he’s got common sense…Other than those things he’s exactly like Obama…*Sigh*

    1. I hope he has the “Balls” to do what needs to be done to Iran, because if he’s waiting for Obama to apologize Israels way out of a nuclear attack, I will really miss Israel.

  1. I suppose no one thinks of the consequences any more. You want Israel to “go it alone” against Iran? Then I predict: they’ll go BIG or they won’t go at all. You cook off even a small battlefield nuke and you’re going to have the Middle East in a burning cauldron. With the US knowing that it COULD have stepped in to make a difference and minimize the threat. How does 1) No gas or 2) $20 per gallon gas sound to y’all?


    1. Damn Elmo, that’s about enough of that sick gay crap…I understand that you have a man crush on Fred, I even understand that you are gay, but this is neither the place nor the time to announce your desires….you sick fuck.

  2. It might take a nuclear bomb on Iran to calm the middle east. If you could eliminate the mullahs and terror pushing networks that stem from this point. Imagine all the cash would cease and all the arms filtration.
    Iran has threatened to wipe Israel off the face of the earth repeatedly. Why should Israel not take them serious and take action first? It doesn’t have to be a really big bomb.

    It might make for a few bad years of terrorists and hostility but I think in the end, the middle east would be a lot better.

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