NAACP Boycotting Nascar?

NAACP Boycotting Nascar?

NASCAR and NAACP at odds.

Rebel Flag

A flag fight is brewing in southern Florida.

Members of the Miami-Dade branch of the NAACP want the Confederate flag banned from the Homestead-Miami Motor Speedway, and they will meet Thursday to decide whether to boycott a NASCAR race slated there for November.
Debra Toomer, the branch’s chairwoman of press and publicity, said a planning session has been scheduled to decide on a course of action regarding the display of the flag at the Nov. 20-22 event, as well as its presence at city-sponsored events like last year’s Veterans Day parade.
“The concern is there,” Toomer said of Confederate flags. She declined to comment further before the meeting.
But officials at NASCAR and the raceway say there’s little they can do to prevent spectators from displaying or waving the Confederate flag.
NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston told that NASCAR’s “longstanding policy” prohibits displays of the Confederate flag on its cars, uniforms, licensed merchandise or in advertisements.

I love this..The NAACP is threatening a boycott of NASCAR…. Well that’s it damn it! I’m boycotting B.E.T…It will have about the same result.

I NEVER watch B.E.T, nor do I buy any Rap CD’s, call my women “Biatches or Ho’s” and I sure as hell am not using any damn Afro-sheen…So my boycott will not be very painful to B.E.T’s bottom line.

I think I know what will happen if this is not resolved VERY soon with an apology from the NAACP.. You will not find a place on the infield of that race track, nor a place in the stands that will not have the REBEL FLAG flying proudly. This might be the only race I watch all year, and damn it; I’m putting my “Rebel flag” up right under my American flag off my front porch on race day, in a show of solidarity with my Gator Country Brothers.

Crossed em

20 Replies to “NAACP Boycotting Nascar?”

  1. Greywolfe you can lump the ACLU, LA-Raza, and a couple other morons that haven’t a clue about the heritage of the south. We know it’s a symbol of OUR history so it must be removed for the Mexican flag, the Black power fist and the African flag…Screw that, tolerance is a TWO way street.

  2. :rotflmao:
    This is so funny that I have to go change !
    I just went out and bought my flag for race day !

  3. Well, you and Blue got my dander up. Heh. Had to do my own post on this puppy. I’m not a NASCAR fan, but I can guaran-damn-tee….I’ll be watching my very first race, beginning to end, come November. 😎

  4. I have a very special message for the NAACP, La Raza, ACORN, and all the rest of those *reparations*, asshole racists in disguise.

    KISS MY WHITE REBEL ASS!! :finger:

    At least I make no secret of my racism… Photobucket

  5. This Just IN: Muslims are boycotting Jimmy Dean Sausage, The Amish are Boycotting the internet, and PETA is boycotting KFC and the Dixie Deer Classic.
    Eskimo’s are here to for Boycotting Speedo’s too… :worried:

    Yeah Kate I think this type of thing is good for Nascar, it grows their fan base, I have always liked Nascar, I just don’t follow it as much as some. NOW, I’ll be there more often…. I just wish Nascar would come out and tell NAACP The GFY.

  6. Guess what folks — it WILL grow NASCAR’s fan base, precisely the polar opposite of what they want.

    And yes, Robert, you’re correct: respect for this or ANY issue is a two-way street.

    African and La Raza flags, my ass.


  7. They find the American Flag offensive too – – – but that gay rainbow flag flies proudly next to the American Flag as you enter West Hollywood, and I bet if I contacted them and told them it was offensive to me, they’d tell me to go pound sand. The Left practices selective political correctness. To them, there is no two-way street about it.

  8. To many, it’s just a flag…

    To many, it’s offensive…

    I am NOT one of those people. That flag represents one of the most important parts of American history and it is the flag of my forefathers.

    I can’t speak for ALL NASCAR fans but I am betting that if NASCAR does acquiesce to the demands of the NAACP, then NASCAR had best be prepared to market their sport on BET, Black Entertainment Network, because there are thousands upon thousands of fans that will abandon NASCAR and finally see the management OF the NASCAR activities for exactly what it is, a money making business that is trying to everything to everyone.

    As the saying goes, dance with the one that brung ya!!

  9. The flag itself is not a symbol of racism. That would be like saying that the very existence of the South is a symbol of racism. Bullshit. The flag is a symbol of the South–period. That means a helluva lot to many folks, and those that don’t like it can pound sand.

    Kudos to NASCAR for not bowing to the victim brokers.

  10. Judaism is not merely a “religion,” as many Jews are overt atheists or agnostics, and they do not consider themselves less Jewish for all that. Jewry is also not a race even if it is true that a “trained eye,” most of the time, can recognize a Jewish appearance, that is to say, a characteristic pattern which is the result of their strict observance of endogamy for centuries. Jews see themselves as the “chosen ones” of God, and marriage outside the community is strictly frowned upon. However, mixed marriages do exist and have also helped to renew the blood of Israel during all the centuries spent in the various ghettos where the Jews preferred to live, separately and apart from the rest of the population. The essential condition for such mixed marriages is that the mother be Jewish, since Orthodox Rabbis recognize as Jewish only the child born of a Jewish mother. However, having just a Jewish father or grandparent can suffice for a person to identify completely with Judaism. Jewishness is therefore a “mental race” that has been shaped over the centuries by the Hebrew religion and the universalist project of Judaism.


    Judaism is essentially a political project. It is important for Jews to work toward the emergence of a world at “peace,” a peace meant to be universal and permanent. It is therefore not a coincidence that this word “peace” (shalom in Hebrew) is found frequently in Jewish discourse worldwide. In the perfect world that they are building, all conflicts will disappear between the nations. This is why Jews have been militating tirelessly for many years for the abolition of all borders, the dissolution of national identities and the establishment of a global empire of “peace.” The very existence of separate nations is considered to be responsible for the triggering of wars and turmoil. so they must be weakened and eventually replaced by a world government, a “one world government,” a “New World Order,” one single world-ruling authority that will permit happiness and prosperity to reign, Jewish-style, on earth.

    We find this idea more or less developed both in the writings of certain intellectual marxists such as Karl Marx himself and the Jewish-French philosopher Jacques Derrida and also in the discourse of liberal thinkers such as Karl Popper, Milton Friedman and France’s Alain Minc. The idea is to unify the world by all means necessary and to generate cultural conflicts that will weaken nation-states. It is for this One World that intellectuals Jews labor tirelessly all over the world. Whether they call themselves left- or right-wing, liberal or marxist, believers or atheists, they are the most ardent propagandists of the pluralistic society and of universal miscegenation, that is of racial mixture.

    Thus, all their strength the Jews — basically, ALL the vocal Jews in the world — encourage non-white immigration into every country in which they are located, not only because the multicultural society is their fundamental political aim, but also because the disintegration of national identity in each nation and the massive presence of immigrants is designed to prevent the original white population from succeeding in any nationalistic outbursts against the Jewish sway over finance, politics and the media. All Jewish intellectuals, without any exception, are focused on this question of building the “pluralistic society” and for this they practice constant “vigilance against racism.” In France, influential writers and journalists such as Bernard-Henri Levy, Jacques Attali, Jean Daniel, Guy Sorman and Guy Konopniki agree on pluralism and anti-racism despite their political divergences in other areas. This obsession, which is very characteristic of Judaism, is also manifested in movies, where many producers and directors are influential Jews. As soon as a film starts defending and promoting interbreeding, “tolerance” and pluralism, we can be sure that the producer of it is Jewish.

    Now we can understand better why the former communists and leftists of the 1970s did not have to make such a big leap to become today’s “neo-conservatives.” They have merely switched to a different strategy to achieve the same goal: the rule by racially pure Jews over a racially mixed society. The fact is that after the Palestinian intifada began in October 2000, the Jews in France and the rest of the Western world have realized that nowadays the danger to their interests and their project comes primarily from Islam and from young African immigrants, both Arabic and black. Their aim is to strengthen the modern race-mixing and race-blending society, which they have contributed so much to establish in our country of France. But this mosaic now threatens to break up into separate communities, and this the Jews do not want. They want no separate identities or separateness at all, except a separate Jewish identity and Jewish separateness. Former marxists in France such as Alexandre Adler, André Glucksmann and Pascal Bruckner thus support nowadays, along with Alain Finkielkraut, the right-wing, pro-Washington, pro-zionist party of Nicolas Sarkozy. And yet they have not become French patriots. They react only for the exclusive benefit of Jewry, asking, as American Jews proverbially do on every issue: “Is it good for the Jews?”

  11. My Awakening… Exactly what does this post have to do with Jews? I’m really interested in your opinion :rollingeyes: But you should maybe pick a topic that suits your diatribe…Just a thought.

    Hey JJ where ya been??? Yeah exactly.

    And Fred, “dance wit da one dat brung ya” is poetry my friend. IF NASCAR even partially capitulates to these racist fucks I’ll never watch another race…

  12. Where the frick has naacp been for the last fifty plus years of NASCAR?

    The Confederate flag has been a part of the infield at every race since it’s inception.

    Attempts at “forcing” diversity have failed, because let’s face it – only real motor heads are interested in building a car and running it at the ragged edge for hours on end. Most members of the minorities don’t see any sense in that, and they don’t participate.

    I hope that naacp DOES boycott NASCAR – and makes a big stink about it – then, maybe the broadcast channels will carry more coverage of the feeder series, such as ARCA races and even local dirt tracks…

  13. Anything I choose to display, will be displayed because it means something TO ME. I am completely uninterested in what my display represents to someone else. If you want to boycott me the odds are good I’ll enjoy not having to provide service to you.

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