Democrats and the KKK…

Democrats and the KKK…

Since this 2012 election will be about race more than about character/performance/ability and experience, perhaps a lesson in history is needed… Mrs Garafalo and Mr Freeman should listen and learn why they are being lied too…
HT to The Macho Response

We have the Democrats excuse for this phenomenon: “Well the party’s switched places, now the Republicans are the democrats and republicans have became the Democrats”… Um, yeah when did that happen?

Probably about the time Democrats decided it was pointless to continue to fight to keep blacks from voting republican by killing them. They devised a plan that is working to this day.  USE them to vote Democrats in power by MASSIVE giveaways and programs that kept black folks in need of GOVERNMENT.

Perhaps that was the way?… Just sayin.

Get off the plantation the Republicans are running the railroad to freedom and all you got to do is get on board.


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