Tag: Republicans should block the nominee at all cost.

TRUTH about Hispanics and Democrats

TRUTH about Hispanics and Democrats

When Democrats derailed a GOP Latino nominee

While this is a fairly old article, I don’t want it to be forgotten.  We need a person in the HIGHEST Court in the land that is not biased by color, or liberal agenda. Nor do we need one that is too far right, we need balance and what we as a nation are subject to since we have elected a liberal POS Racist to PRESIDENT, is RACE being the deciding factor in any issue.

An excerpt from the article:

In November, 2001, representatives of those groups met with Democratic Senate staff.  One of those staffers then wrote a memo to Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin, informing Durbin that the groups wanted to stall Bush nominees, particularly three they had identified as good targets.  “They also identified Miguel Estrada as especially dangerous,” the staffer added, “because he has a minimal paper trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment.  They want to hold Estrada off as long as possible.”

It was precisely the fact that Estrada was Hispanic that made Democrats and their activist allies want to kill his nomination.  They were determined to deny a Republican White House credit, political and otherwise, for putting a first-rate Hispanic nominee on the bench.

Durbin and his colleagues did as they were instructed.  But they had nothing with which to kill the nomination — no outrageous statement by Estrada, no ethical lapse, no nothing.  What to do?

Yep libtards blocked a HISPANIC from advancement purely on RACE… So who really is the party of RACIAL EQUALITY? The facts are overwhelming aren’t they liberal pukes? And the truth hammer swings wildly, although the media and liberal racists keep ducking it will eventually hit them square in the jaw!