Tag: Gun Free zones are a crime

The latest effort in 2nd Amendment DEFENSE!

The latest effort in 2nd Amendment DEFENSE!

Some good ol boys from Texas have put together a forum for REAL Americans, (not those faux intellectuals cowering in the L.B.C).

Texas Fred and friends have built a good communication tool where an exchange of ideas, news, legislation and commentary about the 2nd Amendment can take place. There are areas for humor and weapon knowledge as well as a lounge for all the other stuff, there is also a store for all your TGOA merchandise. You don’t have to be “Texan” to join we are all brothers in the fight to save the 2nd.

TGOA longhorn large

Make no mistake, the Obama Administration is going to oversee the most stringent ANTI-Gun Laws EVER in the U.S.A, there will be ammuntion taxes, laws and bans that will make you think we are in China proper. Call it “Fear mongering” or whatever you want, but Obama, Pelosi and Reid do not scream “Constitutional leadership”.  The 2nd Amendment is written so easy even a dumb ass mechanic like me can understand it, BUT our elected leaders and Morons in robes seem to want to complicate things. The 2nd amendment is my Concealed Weapon Permit. Join the Texas Gun Owners Association.

Gun Free Zones equal multiple victims.

Gun Free Zones equal multiple victims.

Ted Nugent: Gun-free zone a crime unto itself
Law-abiding citizens shouldn’t end up defenseless victims

By Ted Nugent, Texas Wildman

Sunday, December 14, 2008

There is no bigger advocate for criminal control than me, so long as we do not go about manufacturing criminals out of otherwise law-abiding people.

Enter New York Giants player Plaxico Burress. He accidentally blew a hole in his leg with his Glock handgun while in a New York City nightclub. His list of crimes against responsible gun handling is too long to share with you here. He’s a Numbnut of the Year award winner.

Ah, but this is even more idiotic: New York City is going to throw the Sullivan Gun Law book at Burress for merely having a handgun.

Only a select few people are given permits to carry a gun in the Big Apple. For this, Burress could get quite a few years at the Cross Bars Hotel.

Criminal thugs, of course, are not deterred from carrying guns by New York City’s draconian gun laws. Mayor Blowhard Bloomberg and other Big Apple elected buffoons who forbid NYC citizens from defending themselves are complicit in turning innocent, law-abiding citizens into defenseless victims.

By review: Gun-free zones, are a murderer’s dream zone.

With the recent Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, Burress’ legal sharks should argue that New York City’s restrictions violate the Second Amendment.

While the media spotlight has been on Burress, a little-reported story is more telling.

St. Louis Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe stated that people should indeed get guns and carry them in order to protect themselves, as cops clearly can’t be everywhere. His point is undeniable.

Our Founding Fathers wrote extensively about a person’s right and obligation to carry a gun for self-defense. To be unarmed and helpless is irresponsible. In the eyes of everyone I know, it is unforgivable. You should really read the rest of this article

In this writing, Ted speaks TRUTH to power; the man makes perfect sense if you boil our rights down to its very core, if you take away all the bureaucratic bullshit, and the “Liberal SHEEP mentality.” IF a terrorist strike occurs in a “GUN FREE ZONE” prepare a lot of body bags. I would bet that a terrorist attack will NEVER occur at a Gun show a hunting ranch, or shooting range. Terrorists are not STUPID, we are, and we have allowed our “Leaders” to restrict our GOD given right to self-preservation. WE voted for these SHEEP to lead us WOLVES into the slaughterhouse. WE as in OUR INNER CITY VOTING PUBLIC. WE as in our UNEDUCATED, or OVER (FAUX) EDUCATED fellow Americans, have elected the lawmakers that have handcuffed US, rather than the “BAD GUYS” THIS MUST CHANGE!

To Quote Ted: “The world watched in horror as terrorists in Mumbai, India, killed almost 200 people and wounded more than 300 others. The unarmed victims were slaughtered like defenseless sheep. It took Indian SWAT teams hours to even begin to respond and more than three days to finally wipe out the killers. I like bad guys wiped out before the carnage.” EXACTLY!

So, what has to happen now? Well first off we need to support any and ALL candidates with a PROVEN record of GUN RIGHTS ADVOCACY, and REMOVE all those that can not see that the 2nd amendment is the ONE Amendment that guarantees all the OTHERS! IF they keep chipping away at that we become SHEEP, and I for one will not be unarmed EVER. I will never allow these assholes in suits to take, restrict, or otherwise dictate my rights as to when MY self-preservation is acceptable to protect.

I’d rather be carried by 6 than judged by 12.