Tag: Get involved

Ted Nugent at the NRA Convention.

Ted Nugent at the NRA Convention.

Get involved or get buried. The basic message here and he’s absolutely CORRECT.

The problem is this. Many hard core conservatives are PISSED that Romney is the Nominee (Yeah I know, not yet but it’s going to be him) They plan on either sitting out or voting off ticket.. And I’m sure they will continue to snipe Romney because he’s not our guy… That’s pretty lame if ya ask me.

We have one enemy in 2012. That one enemy is Barack hussein Obama. IF we can vote him out, our republic can start to rebound. IF we keep him in, there’s no recovery. It will cost us for generations if we survive.

Right now the markets are banking on “Change”… You will notice the markets are forward looking. When Romney gets stung the markets fall, when he stings they climb. The business community, the economic engine is on hold. The ENEMIES of America are basing their actions on what is perceived in this election year. The NRA the entire being of America is at stake in November and if you are NOT actively working to remove Barack Hussein Obama from office YOU are the problem.