Tag: Bloggers gun rights taken

I am TJIC!

I am TJIC!

I didn’t hear of this until today, I have an opinion on it after the story:

From the Borepatch


I’ve linked several times to posts over at the blog Dispatches from TJICistan.  TJIC is an outspoken (some might say extremely so) advocate of smaller government.  He’s also a firearms owner in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts.  While he owns guns, it appears that he’s no longer allowed to possess any:

ARLINGTON (CBS) – A blog threatening members of Congress in the wake of the Tucson, Arizona shooting has prompted Arlington police to temporarily suspend the firearms license of an Arlington man.
It was the headline “1 down and 534 to go” that caught the attention. “One” refers to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in the rampage, while 534 refers to the other members of the U.S. House and Senate.

Police are investigating the “suitability” of 39-year-old Travis Corcoran to have a firearms license

Let’s ignore for the moment how many people were investigated for making similar comments about George W. Bush.  Let’s look at the “logic” being exercised by the Arlington Po-Po, shall we?

Okay, I gotta say that statement on a blog was pretty harsh… Funny as hell though…

Did that statement warrant the reaction by the feds? HELL NO.  And this is an outrage. We have the freedom of speech, we allow Phred Phelps and his idiots to protest our soldiers deaths by saying FAR MORE HATEFUL things… Does Phred own a gun?

The “Professional Left” has been guilty of far worse printed words than that was there ever a “Gun search” or “Removal of rights” because of it? And why is this not on the front page of every newspaper in the land? Ohh that’s right, he’s a conservative blogger…

Get the word out yall, we need pressure on the powers!