Some thoughts on Gustav

Some thoughts on Gustav

I saw the devastation first hand shortly after Katrina struck NOLA and the surrounding area, I hoped and prayed that our nation never suffered such a disaster again. I came home and increased my disaster preparation fund, my home insurance and our emergency stock-pile of goods. And I know a majority of people that went to offer aid shortly after Katrina did the same thing. The incredible amount of suffering after that storm, could have been eased by some prior preparation, and common sense. I am not criticizing anyone I am stating a fact.

Gustav is barreling down as I type this, it is going to hit in roughly the same area as Katrina, it may not be as big, it may not cause as many problems, and it might just be a little storm. But, one thing is for sure, the leaders in Louisiana are WAY more competent now than they were then, the DEMOCRAT Governor at the time of Katrina couldn’t find her ass with both hands, and the MAYOR, which the good people of NOLA seen fit to Re-Elect was as useless as tits on a bull.

NOW, Louisiana has a very good man leading the charge, he also has the benefit of seeing what went wrong during Katrina. I hope for the best mind you, I have some folks in that area that I would not want anything bad to happen to. But if you stay behind after the warnings, if you decide you will ride it out, I don’t want to see your ass on a roof top crying for help.

I did like what the Mayor said “Looters will be sent to Angola and placed in the General Population”. GOOD, but it worries me a bit, I mean it might be a good way for family reunions to take place on the governments dime. Now you know you were thinking it!

The other thing about this storm that has me pissed off is the Demorats. The sorry little bastards talking about how this is Gods way of saying he is on the demorat side. I highly doubt that, I would imagine that God in his infinite wisdom and all knowingness would be a Republican, or at least more in line with the RIGHT side of the aisles thinking. Baby Killing, same sex acceptance, and atheism are all things frowned upon in the bible.

I think GOD is a Conservative… Even he didn’t want George Bush and Dick Cheney to speak at the convention…again YOU WERE THINKING IT!

Our prayers are with those in the Gulf Coast right now, I wish the first responders and disaster recovery crews the best of luck in their work. Those folks will need every prayer we can muster.

4 Replies to “Some thoughts on Gustav”

  1. Funny how a disaster can case even Republicans to be Americans, but the disasters the Republicans cause are forgotten about?

    Keep supporting George Bush and his twin brother McCain….

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