

Why has there been NO MEDIA coverage of this?

Young white couple raped and killed in Knoxville Tennessee

It was the kind of crime that strikes terror into the hearts of  parents everywhere.

A bright young couple were carjacked after a Saturday night date and murdered in the most brutal way imaginable.

Christopher Newsom, 23, was tied up and raped, shot in the back of the head and then dragged to a railway track and set on fire.

His girlfriend, 21-year-old University of Tennessee student Channon Christian’s fate was even more horrific.

Her death came only after hours of torture, during which time she was raped and savaged with a broken chair leg.

She was beaten in the head and a household bleach was poured down her throat and over her bleeding and battered genital area in an attempt by her attackers to cover any evidence of rape – all while she was still alive.

Then she was ‘hog-tied’ with curtains and a strip of bedding and a plastic bag was wrapped over her face.

Her body was stashed inside five bigger rubbish liners and dumped in a bin, where, according to the autopsy report, she slowly suffocated to death.

On Monday, the alleged ringleader of the gang accused of the killings goes on trial in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Can anyone explain to me WHY this is not a front page story rather than the “Balloon boy”?
This type of shit happens all the time, but let one black guy get murdered by a white guy and AL and Jesse are all over it, the media drags it out for weeks and it is a “Teachable moment”

This crime was horrendous it was savage yet the D.A. doesn’t believe “Race was a factor”? Bullshit! This was racially motivated and I’m sure during the crime there were racial slurs, and all kinds of fist bumping…Unfortunately unless the worthless pieces of shit admit it and detail it we will never know, and chances are even if they did admit it, the powers that be would bury it.

Death is too good for these thugs.

9 Replies to “Racism?”

  1. These “NIGGERS”, (they are different than “black” people) should have their balls wrapped in a piano wire noose, hooked to the bumper, and shoved out the back of a pick up truck at 75 mph on an asphalt highway.
    Same goes for jesse jackson and al sharpton for EVEN thinking about
    defending this bunch of low life filthy frikken pond scum.

  2. All you have to do is LOOK at the perps… Says more than I ever could…

    And the MSM will NOT make much of a deal out of it…

    But no, it’s not about race… Really… :devil:

    PC bastards are killing this nation…

  3. OMG! JimB .. I would SO agree with ya, but imo that’s not nearly ‘good’ enough for these… pieces of humanoid debris… they deserve so much more. :devil:

  4. This horrific crime occurred in January of 2007 and still these worthless scum sucking bottom feeders have not been punished. The media has ignored this story from day one. The victims are white who cares.

    But if you are a black woman who hates whitey and you make up a rape story you are media gold. (Brawley, Williams, Duke.)

    This is why hate crime legislation serves no purpose.

  5. This crime is not worthy of the MSM, had the couple been black and the freaks white it would have been all over MSNBC, CNN and all the major networks. I never have supported hate crime legislation as I feel its only passed to gain support of special interest groups and is a tool of the left. Thank you for this great post. As usual Fred has it right. Linking to you at TOTUS. :devil:

  6. Easy. Because the victims were white and perceived rednecks, and no so-called “journalists” have the guts to go against their editors or others in the newsroom; wait, make that “propaganda room.”


  7. I have to tell you guys, I had nightmares after reading this story, it is so horrible. :devil:

    You know Fred, I went to read your link and was struck by something.. I am always amazed that every time some criminal is caught, the first thing their lowlife attorney does is clean them up put glasses on them and buys them a nice suit. The message being, “look at him, he’s too clean cut and smart looking to be a criminal, he’d never do what he was ACCUSED of”.. *wink, wink*

    The last thing the people of the US need is these guys sent to prison so they can convert to Islam.. jeez!

    Personally, I think death by torture would be too good for people like this.

    How about we smear’em with honey and tie them to one of them southern United States good ole fire ant beds for a few weeks, preferably in a desert.. then let the ants do the deed and the buzzards and coyotes finish it off nicely. Oh, and have a couple of nice big pics of the couple, before AND after the attack right there posted on all sides to look at as they slowly die, so they can’t look to any side and not see them..

    Yeah, it makes me shudder every time I even think of the horror that these people went through during this attack.. gonna be a long time before I forget this one. :sadblinkingeye:

    (aka. LittleOlelady)

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