Hello…Is Anyone listening?

Hello…Is Anyone listening?

Obama…Ooops excuse me, Oh king Obama, the bringer of life spoke to kids this week. His message was pretty damn good actually, but what I’d really like to see is the speech he PLANNED to give. He came under such a firestorm of criticism based on his “planned Speech” excerpts that he had to change it. He did, and since he did change it and made it more “Presidential” I give him credit for a speech well given. I hope the kids listened to it and actually are better for it.

Now we get to the other issue of the week, Van Jones…LMAO yep that’s a dumbass. But the real Dumbass is the POTUS.
See that little “Ripple” of truth? it’s about to be a tidal wave. Obama has surrounded himself with like minded individuals, just like all POTUS’s do. Bush did and he was roundly criticized for it EVERY DAY! But did ya notice, how many media outlets really pressed the Van Jones thing? NONE Zero Nadda other than Glenn Beck they were all sleeping at the wheel.

Olberdouche the head Bush basher over cronyism, and bad policy and bad speeches was throwing a fit over Van Jones being “Ran out by right wing maniacs” I was rolling…. In my best Billy Mays voice….BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!

ACORN….Nuff said… :rotflmao:

Oh then there was:

Joe Wilson just made a fan. While it was probably wrong to blurt that out in a presidents address, it is typical of how the left treated Bush, the charges of “Liar” the “Boo’s” and the media fawning over the lefty politicians that bashed Bush at every turn got a little payback the other day…BUT the media is not doing the same thing, Odd huh? Instead of heaping praise on Joe Wilson for standing up to the president, he is now a racist…. :rotflmao:

I love this, that “Racist” term is being used so much the negativity of the word is losing it’s luster. WE ALL can’t be racists, perhaps some of us just see a POTUS lying his ass off, and a corrupt Government from top to bottom…There are a whole lot of folks in DC, Texas, and elsewhere today that don’t look like racists to me, I see a whole slew of AMERICANS tired of being lied to showing up and telling the idiots in DC we are done with them.

Keep calling everyone that doesn’t blindly follow the “Messiah Obama” into the abyss Racists, it really helps…. :rotflmao:

This is such a target rich environment right now I just wish I had more time to post and point it out. Huh Meatlicker? ( one of my liberal trolls came back to say hi)  One day Meatlicker will move out of his mamma’s house and get a job, then he may grow and see the real problem is folks like him….But until then MB… :finger:

4 Replies to “Hello…Is Anyone listening?”

  1. Elmo, Libturd Guy and Thinking of Meat… Damn, you and a few others are drawing some real winners…

    Here’s the deal, when libber trash like Elmo, Libturd Guy and Thinking of Meat are all pissed off and posting tons of SHIT about us on their echo chamber blogs, you KNOW that we’re doing the RIGHT thing… :greensmiles:

  2. Fred has that right. Elmo has often visited my site at TOTUS. I came by your a short while ago and left a comment under “Kennedy RIP” or something to that effect. I often see you on Texas Fred and enjoy your comments. Yours is a great site and the theme appeals to my conservative senses—althought they are far to the right of most. I’m known as the silver fox on Freds site and everywhere as Ron Russell—reason to long to go into here. You are correct about about Joe Wilson—he spoke the truth, no shouted it and although it was a violation of protrocol and political correctness he is beginning to stand his ground now and thats what counts. Anyway that aside I’m adding you to my blogroll at Totus. Visit me sometime and if you have sorry for the oversight—I’ve had a lot going on lately.

    1. Howdy Ron, and yeah I’ll make an appearance over your way in the near future..Elmo is an idiot, but he’s our idiot.. You can use and abuse him as you see fit but return him when you are done.. We need show and tell for our kids as of what NOT to become…

      Thanks for dropping by again.. I don’t post as much as I used to but when I do it’s probably going to ruffle a few feathers… LOL

  3. I see a whole slew of AMERICANS tired of being lied to showing up and telling the idiots in DC we are done with them.

    I was at the 9/12 March on Washington and saw what you did — a lot of fed-up Americans.

    Of course, the media are not reporting the event accurately is making this even more of an uphill slog. So many of my friends who don’t read the web don’t even recognize what Saturday’s event was!

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