FLorida School Board Shooting After Action…

FLorida School Board Shooting After Action…

After watching this yesterday I decided to post on this: I decided since nobody was saying this I would.

I want you to look at the part in this video where the lady, the only one with an ounce of nuts in the entire room attacks the gunman with her purse.

Did you notice where the gunman was? He was directly over everyone on that board and could have shot point blank the first two idiots on that panel. The lady, who should be regarded as a HERO was left hanging after her attempt to disarm the gun man. The gunman’s attention was diverted and he lost control of his targets, at that point the man closest to the gun man had the opportunity to go on the offense and save all the lives in that room. The entire panel should have over powered that man at point of the lady’s attempt.

Some of you may say “Sure you would have attacked a guy holding a gun”

I HAVE! On a greyhound bus in my teens in AZ. A man holding a gun to the bus driver was distracted by a baby scream, I took advantage the opportunity and grabbed the gunman’s arm. He was an older man suffering from mental issues. The bus was stopped and a number of passengers assisted me in disarming the man. Now I don’t know if my actions saved folks, but I do know the control of my life was no longer the gunman’s after my actions.


We must not be SHEEP, the world has changed. It is no longer acceptable to be at the mercy of some idiot. FIGHT, STAND and survive or go down swinging. Your obituary hasn’t been written yet, stand and have it written in a way you would be proud. FIGHT BACK. MY GAWD Are you folks that soft? NOBODY in the room was going to save you, YOU MUST SAVE YOURSELF.

Have we learned nothing from all the carnage?

To the lady who went on offense, KUDOS, to that worm in the Red shirt at the end you are extremely lucky that nobody died in that room, your name would be slung around as the new definition of cowardice.

6 Replies to “FLorida School Board Shooting After Action…”

  1. That was what shocked me about the video when I saw it on Fox – the lady had courage, everyone else just sat there. What were they thinking? Oops, she shouldn’t have done that? I mean damn, help someone out who could have just left and minded her own business but instead tried to get the drop on the guy to save your asses. Guess it goes to show you what kind of men serve on School Boards.

    This lady should get a medal, and run for some office more than school board, at least she has some guts.

  2. “Oh PLEASE don’t DO this… ”

    Sat there like bumps on a log… Do you remember the post I wrote after Virginia Tech? About the people that rolled over and gave up?

  3. Fleece, Yep, When that lady hit the gunman’s arm that was the ONLY time the board had a chance to stop the idiot. The lady risked her life for them and they left her out to dry. I wonder if the headline read “School board gunned down by gunman” and this video was shown what would the reaction be?

    Fred, Yep I remember our conversations about the VT shooting and this video shows HOW that happens. That toad in the red “He wrote the order to fire your wife” and his whining about HIS wife and family shows exactly what kind of man he is. I bet money he voted for Obama and he probably has a daily KOS article or two. That’s a progressive mentality.

    The guy in the middle did about all he could from his position, he tried to reason with the guy. They missed their chance to take control when the lady pur her life on the line. Bunch of intellectual sheep.

  4. I don’t understand why those men just sat there when the woman tried to do what she could do. It would have been the perfect time for them to take control of the situation. Obviously, none of us know what we would do if faced with a situation such as this, but I would like to think I wouldn’t sit there and do nothing if the opportunity presented itself.

    One thing we always told our daughters. If someone tried to take them in Wal-Mart, out in the public, to stomp, throw a fit, bite, scratch, and scream. DO NOT GO QUIETLY! If the person in question wanted them to be quiet, then make them make you be quiet. It never made sense to me when I heard the experts say don’t antagonize them. They are already antagonized, so it’s best to take control of the situation.

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