Democrat Scandals

Democrat Scandals

Leland Yee, a CALIFORNIA Senator who was a very public figure in the gun control legislation process was arrested/charged with GUN RUNNING.

This particular democrat scandal should convince every NORMAL THINKING voter of the danger of voting based on feelings. Lee, was extremely anti-2nd amendment. He pushed anti-gun laws from Sacramento which have impacted California’s RIGHTS. But what he actually did was to create a business opportunity and then exploited that opportunity for monetary gain. As I said, the law makers with their tax everything mentality are creating black markets in CA. From Cigarettes to Firearms, from Transfatty foods to 32oz soda’s.. Black Market opportunities arise from the pen.

Obamacare is another example of democrat do as I say. How many in congress who voted for this disaster are enrolled in it? Yeah thought so.

There’s the mayor of Charlotte who was indicted recently, Mayor Nagin who was convicted.. You remember him right? The Mayor of NOLA who blamed George Bush for everything.. Oh dang, the truth is out now, like we said it was back then.

Basically, we’ve been right about democrats since day damn one. And only the most staunch Democrat operatives can’t see it, or wont see it. Most likely the reason is they’re getting something back.

Just remember in 2014. When the democrats strategy is as it always is: Blame Racism, Blame Income equality, Blame War on Women, say things like “Extremists” and “Teabaggers” and use buzz words like “For the children”

You will notice the Democrat platform will not be “Results” from their policies, because for democrats to do that, they would have to show jail cells and unemployment lines.


3 Replies to “Democrat Scandals”

  1. Unfortunately, until the professional victims stop voting for the biggest handouts, these creeps will keep getting reelected.

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