Category: Liberal Idiots

Communication BLACKOUT Date Set for 11-9-11

Communication BLACKOUT Date Set for 11-9-11

Does anyone else see some oddities here?

November 9th’s USA Nationwide Communication Blackout 

It is more than passing strange that the Feds will cut off all TV and radio broadcasts at 2 p.m. EST on November 9.

In its wisdom, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a Public Notice on June 9, 2011 (PDF) that its first ever nationwide diagnostic test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) would occur on November 9.

Reasons sketched out by FCC for the Nov. 9 test date include not wanting to test in the traditional hurricane season and to complete the task before severe winter storm set in.  The 2 p.m. test time will minimize disruption during rush hours while ensuring the test occurs during working hours.

First and foremost the date: 11-9, little “9-11ish” for me…

Second, the power to disrupt communication between citizens can be a useful tool for tyrants. If it wasn’t for communication abilities, Egypt, Libya and Syria wouldn’t be in such turmoil. But in the eyes of someone like Barack Obama, those are PERFECT reasons to have that ability. America is PISSED the Fk OFF. IF Obama gets 4 more years, there’s a better than 50% chance of a violent uprising HERE.

Do you know WHO had communication blocking abilities? IRAN. So What does that tell you?

The other notable thing about this issue is: IF Obama loses in 2012, the “Ability” to halt internal communication of America’s citizens might be used against Obama’s cronies… Wouldn’t that be huckin filarious?

Suggestion for all my buddies: Get some 2 way’s with long distance capabilities. Make sure your family keeps them in their cars and fully charged. Communication is a necessary tool in the event of disasters. Obama is about the biggest disaster our country has ever had to deal with. Be prepared.

Another Tyrant DEAD! Libya Celebrates.

Another Tyrant DEAD! Libya Celebrates.

Well I’m not real sad that Kadaffy is dead. I couldn’t really care less. But (You know there would be a BUT didn’t you?)

Libya is a lot like Egypt and Tunisia. The “Arab Spring” is all good now right? Lets do something that leftists have a hard time doing, look forward a bit.

Libya, Egypt and Tunisia were all ruled by dictators and were deemed “Tyrants” by their populace. However; The very same “rulers” kept their dangerous elements within their borders at bay. So now what?

Egypt is already falling into the same “Radical Islamification” as Iran, Syria, Somalia and the like. in 5 years (if we’re lucky it will take that long) we are going to see a lot of chaos over in that part of the world. More than normal and there’s a better than 60% chance that it will be a major war involving Israel.

Syria is a HUGE gain for the Muslim Brotherhood. And now that Kadaffy is gone, the new enemy is going to be… You got it, Israel.

Islamic radicals and our own LEFTISTS need an enemy at all time. Now that the revolution is over and governing must ensue, how do you keep the population happy when you have no structure to rule from? Well, they will take a page from Obama’s book.. BLAME SOMEONE! Israel is always the fall back…

Just wait. 5 years tops. Israel will be in a fight for her very existence. IF we don’t remove Obama from office, Israel stands alone and will be tested like never before.

Obama embraces the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Obama embraces the Occupy Wall Street Movement

I find it funny… Obama, who has created the environment which has caused the people to hit the streets, is embracing their cause… Um, can someone please tell me their cause?

Obama likens civil rights to economy fight at memorial

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama gave a partisan-tinged speech to dedicate a new memorial to Martin Luther King Jr., likening the battle for racial equality to his political struggles in a divided Washington.

So the whining little piss ants crying about “Something” are now just like the civil rights movement… WOW.

Martin Luther King would is rolling over in his grave watching this dumb shit.

I read today that somewhere around 75% of people support the OWS movement. I’m having a tough time believing that. I for one haven’t heard anything coming from those morons in the street that I agree with. IF their entire message is “DON’T BAIL OUT BANKS” then I’m all in. BUT it’s not. Their message is a hodge podge of bullshit coupled with liberalism/communism/and socialism with a side order of anti-semitism.

This so-called “Movement” is nothing more than a temper tantrum and for the POTUS to “Support” gives it credibility and will be extremely dangerous. Right now, there’s NOBODY that can point to a singe tea party arrest or violent outbreak at a rally. There’s been THOUSANDS of arrest at these OWS moron outings.

These little piss ants shitting on the constitution on one side, while quoting parts of it they like are nothing more than spoiled brats. Over educated common thugs hoping to make the nation think that Obama is on the right track. Wake up America before it’s too late.

There is a lot to lose, the OWS movement will continue, will the tea party be silent? Will the rest of the world be happy if the OWS crowd won? If there are NO rich people left in America would that help the world? Would that help the OWS people?…. NO!

You don’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor. Misery loves company and these little whining bastards are just using this “Movement” as an excuse for why they are worthless. Don’t stand up work hard and succeed, blame rich whitey for my failures… Idiots.


California sets the bar LOW again…

California sets the bar LOW again…

California, the state with the second most natural resources and highest unemployment has struck again. The reason California is DEAD can be traced right to the liberal leadership of this state. The liberalism mantra is basically “I know what’s best for you, and if you don’t do as I want, I’ll make a law against it”…. So here we go:

First up: Brown signed the “open carry gun ban”… Not a big deal to me personally because I see this as a GOOD thing. Here’s why. There’s a HUGE push nation wide to get our gun rights BACK. The law in CA was Legal open carry of UNLOADED firearms. This appeased many and kept the “MAY ISSUE” status of California’s CCW’s at bay. NOW without the ability to carry open at all, we see a legal challenge to the “MAY ISSUE” status based on the Heller ruling. Fight on.

Second up: The California dream act, yep we don’t give enough to the illegal’s here in Cali so we need to give them more… Aren’t we broke? All Illegals in AZ and Texas please hurry and get to California. Soon we’re going to offer free sponge baths and land in Malibu for 3 peso’s.

Third up: Ban of teenagers using Tanning beds… Yeah that’s a needed thing. Them damn tanning beds are dangerous. Well wait, didn’t Obama care tax them more too? I think this is a racist ban and tax. How many minorities use them?… just sayin.

Fourth up: Ban of cities banning circumcision… Damn, this is a bill that should be signed I guess but WHY THE HELL DOES THIS EVEN NEED A BILL? Any government that is large enough to stop you from cutting off your kids penis is large enough to cut yours off I guess…

These are just the big ones. Any one who thought Brown was going to do anything to help this state’s job prospects was smoking pot on election day.

I don’t feel sorry for anyone in California, I live here and I pray everyday that this state falls into complete chaos. I hope that this state falls off into the Pacific or shakes so bad that it wakes the sheep up. I’m here so it will affect me too, but I’m very well armed and a damn good shot. I’m thinking my family and I will be fine. We will be very entertained too. Watching these MORONS try and live without their starbucks and Burger Kings will be fun for hours…… FK YOU ALL.


Democrats and the KKK…

Democrats and the KKK…

Since this 2012 election will be about race more than about character/performance/ability and experience, perhaps a lesson in history is needed… Mrs Garafalo and Mr Freeman should listen and learn why they are being lied too…
HT to The Macho Response

We have the Democrats excuse for this phenomenon: “Well the party’s switched places, now the Republicans are the democrats and republicans have became the Democrats”… Um, yeah when did that happen?

Probably about the time Democrats decided it was pointless to continue to fight to keep blacks from voting republican by killing them. They devised a plan that is working to this day.  USE them to vote Democrats in power by MASSIVE giveaways and programs that kept black folks in need of GOVERNMENT.

Perhaps that was the way?… Just sayin.

Get off the plantation the Republicans are running the railroad to freedom and all you got to do is get on board.


Buffet and Ron Howard.. Truth?

Buffet and Ron Howard.. Truth?

Note to all these so-called “Tax the Rich” Rich folks.. Since you are playing in the field usually only occupied by Al Gore. I ask you to show the people that you have contributed ADDITIONAL Taxes on your personal tax forms over the last 10 years. Hell have you done it in the last 3 years?….

Unless you have PERSONALLY took it upon yourself to add to your OWN TAX RATES by checking the “Voluntary tax contribution” box on your returns. STFU. You are acting a lot like Al Gore. Al, as you know is famous for telling us to mind our carbon footprint while his footprint is increasing and is larger than most small towns.

Show me that you have “Put your money where your mouth is” and I’ll support your “Tax the Rich more” push. You have NOT led by example, You are a hypocrite and in typical liberal fashion you want to “Tell people what is right, while you do something different”…

IF the taxes on the rich go up, and unemployment rates climb, will YOU be hiring more people? Will you NOT reduce your personal work force to maintain the bottom lines of your respective companies?

In short, don’t tell me how to live while you sit on your throne doing as you please. Don’t piss on my foot and tell me it’s rain.



Obama is improving CANADA’S Economy

Obama is improving CANADA’S Economy

Obama’s BUST Tour was performed by Buses BOUGHT FROM CANADA. Now his Labor Secretary buys a car made in Canada…Wait what????

HT to Weasel Zippers 
To Show Her “Support For American Workers,” Obama’s Labor Boss Buys Canadian-Built Car . . . Wait, Canadian?

(US News) — To show her support for American workers, President Obama’s labor secretary, Hilda Solis, has junked the standard black limo and purchased a new Chevrolet Equinox to ride around Washington in. The problem: the crossover SUV is built and assembled in Canada from parts also made in Canada.

Solis proudly arrived at a media breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor today in the shiny silver vehicle, which she has dubbed the “bullet.” She was asked about why she traded the standard-issue limo for the SUV. “What better example could I set if I encouraged my staff to go and purchase and seek how we could acquire a vehicle that would for me would send a signal that we’re for supporting our American workers, American-made products, fuel efficient as well,” she told the Monitor’s Dave Cook, who provided this video of her answer.

Solis added that she was inspired to buy the Chevy because of the pride she saw in American auto workers during trips to U.S. car and truck plants. She said that she was wowed by “the pride that they take making our automobiles here in America.”
The car is made at two Canadian plants and has been so popular that General Motors has been hiring more workers in Canada to keep up with demand.

So lets recap, Obama and his Labor secretary both have made sure the vehicle industry in Canada is booming. Why is the left not outraged? Why is GM making cars in Canada? Why would the administration elites not buy American?

Here’s the bottom line:

If Barack Obama **(THHO)***  and his minions are not stupid they are the best actors in the history of earth. There is NO REASON on earth that 35% of Americans can APPROVE of Obama (THHO)

***See WhatBubbaKnows for explanation of this new acronym***