Category: Leadership

The Job is too much for Obama

The Job is too much for Obama

I found this little gem at “Socialism is not the Answer

issues Which are Above Obama’s Pay Grade

In August of 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked at what point a baby gets “human rights.”

Obama, who is passionately anti-life when it comes to innocent, unborn life sidestepped the issue by saying “… whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity … is above my pay grade.”
As it turns out, much to the chagrin of the American people, Barack Hussein Obama has a lengthy list of issues which are above his pay grade.

As of March 13, 2011, the issues and problems that are above the pay grade of Barack Hussein Obama include:

( ) American history

( )The United States Constitution and Bill of Rights

( ) Foreign affairs and policies

( ) U.S. military principles and policies

( ) War on terror

( ) Rudimentary economic principles and fiscal management

( ) Higher education

( ) Health care and the U.S. Constitution

There is more HERE

And the author is correct. He makes some very excellent points. the funny thing (Not so funny now) is WE all knew what kind of POTUS we were going to get if Obama won in 08. We all knew it, and WE voted the socialist in anyway, thinking he had to be better than GWB… NOW? GWB looks like George Washington and Ronald Reagan all rolled up in one.

Granted the GOP didn’t give us much of choice in the matter, but the real damage was caused by the media. The media HID, LIED and deceived the nations weak minded in order to push a liberal agenda. WE all warned people that Obama was not the one we wanted on the other end of phone call at 3am. We all KNEW the type of leader Obama was but it was hidden or WORSE called WRONG and RACIST to point it out.

Obama is voting present ON EVERY ISSUE NOW. He has waited so long to act in Libya a no-fly zone is like pissing into the wind. He has done NOTHING a good leader would do in a crisis. In a crisis your ideology, your belief structure is called into action. IF you are a Christian, you are going to act in a way that JESUS would. WWJD. IF you are a Liberal, you act accordingly. Obama hasn’t even done that. A liberal even the most staunch liberals would have acted one way or the other in Wisconsin, in Libya, in Japan, In Egypt, In Unemployment and the list goes on. They wouldn’t wait till the political winds blow in a certain direction before action. They would act in accordance with their beliefs. Obama even fails there.

People criticized GWB for acting too fast on some issues, NOT fast enough on others. I have to imagine Obama being in office when Katrina hit NOLA. Folks used to say Obama would have handled it better. After the last 2 years of Obama do you really believe that now?


The Danger of Weakness, Obama and the world…

The Danger of Weakness, Obama and the world…

The turmoil going on in the Middle East is really not new. Most of the nations located in the area are always upset about something. The riots in the streets of Cairo are but an escalation of the culture in Islamic nations. Egypt is 90% Muslim, although they are by a wide margin more moderate than their counterparts in the area. Obama started his “Tour of service” after he was elected by going to Egypt and apologizing for America.

Obama is NOT seen as a strong leader, Obama is not seen as a “Patriotic” American by the rest of the world. Obama and his cabinet are seen as extremely weak in foreign policy. This is seen as an opening for those that feel America has “Wronged” them in someway.

America has NOT been “Fair” in world affairs, that’s a fact. However fairness is in the eye of the beholder. America has been playing both sides of the fence for so long our vision, and mission in the world is extremely cloudy to EDUCATED people. For people that are far less educated the cloudy aims of America are just oppressive. There is no middle ground when you are dealing with 7th century air breathers.

Weakness in any form, by a leader of a nation is very dangerous. You can be kind, you can be fair and you can be reasonable without being weak. Obama is WEAK. There is seldom a time when he speaks FONDLY of his nation. There is seldom a time when he says anything kind about the nation he leads to the world audience. And that allows our enemy’s to feel they have a friend in the White House.

What we are seeing in the world is “Change” and for those of us that like crystal clear battle lines that “Change” may be somewhat welcome. We are very close to a huge tipping point and this tempest in a tea pot may be the catalyst for something that will change the world as we know it. The way it changes is totally within control of America at this point. We have many options, we still have friends and we still have the ability to “move” our priorities to fit the ground waves. But you can’t do it from under a desk holding on to a teddy bear….

The United States of America is NOT Rome, we don’t “Conquer” and create empires. We have let our heart strings and our need for goods run our foreign policy. After 9-11 we added security to our list of reasons for engagement. IF the world sees America as weak, this has consequences far beyond our shores. The masses in other nations know that the big guy on the block WILL come to their aid if they can put fourth a compelling story and get their message out. When you take that away, where do they turn? They turn to the “Next” biggest, and in the case of the middle east, the biggest guy is always the Fundamentalists of the Islamic faith. Pick your poison.

I for one am not real optimistic about the way this thing is going to turn out.

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

Democrats: “Don’t repeal Obamacare, Create jobs.”

WOW, I heard that on the news today and couldn’t contain the laughter. Harry Reid actually said it…. Umm, lets see:
Democrats have had majorities in the House, Senate and they own the big chair in DC… Unemployment was at 9% (Roughly) before the Obamacare debates took place. They spent over a year on this backroom crafted, job killing, bribery laden debacle and NOW they want to create jobs? Unemployment has been growing, it’s now at 9.4 (Adjusted) the actual percentage is closer to 15% But NOW they want to work on jobs? :rotfl: Even Tingles is going to have tough time with this one…

Repeal this bill and start over. Just the mere mention of this bill being dropped is going to have a big impact on the unemployment number. The bill gets tossed, and the unemployment rate may actually get to that 8.6% we were promised…

Typical Democrats, have the power to do something DON’T, then point the finger of blame…. How come people don’t see the adults in the room are NOT the Democrats?

So what has this accomplished?

So what has this accomplished?

Liberal lies and deceit on this latest act of INDIVIDUAL violence.

What have we learned?

1. We learned that any violence against anyone with a D in front of their name is immediately the fault of the tea party, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Riley, Rush Limbaugh and US.

2. We learned that even after there is undeniable PROOF that the assailant was NOT among the supporters of ANY of the above, the narrative still sticks and there is no apology forthcoming. (See Ft Hood Shooter, Census worker suicide, Florida School board shooter for examples)

3. We learned that when we fight back against the false allegations leveled upon us, we then become hatemongers and we are continuing the rhetoric that started the murderer(s) on his spree in the first place which then makes the next one automatically our fault again.

4. We learned that a funeral/memorial is a great place for the POTUS to continue the lies started by his lapdogs in the media that was found to be false…

5. We learned that our country is so divided, that a civil war could break out if one more act of violence comes our way (Well unless it’s committed by a Muslim, then we must remain calm and not blame anyone)

6. We learned that the time it takes for law makers to go from tragedy to gun control legislation is measured in light speed.

7. We learned that despite Arizona having the BEST damn gun laws in the nation, at the Safeway in Tuscon on Saturday, far too many didn’t take advantage of that fact.

8. We learned that there are SOME pretty good folks on Both side of the aisle when it comes to respecting the dead, blaming the criminal and not making matters worse by using the tragedy as a (false) political talking point.

9. We learned that no matter where you are or who you are you can be killed by a madman.

10. We learned that a Democrat who was by all measure a MODERATE suffered a life changing gun shot wound to the head. And the killer got off over 20 rounds before he was stopped.

11. We learned that no matter what happened to the OTHERS in the shooting, the media cared about the congresswoman far more than they did for the 9yr old, until after the facts killed their “Tea Party” connection.

12. We learned that the minute the gun goes off, the gun grabbers follow. The very same people that have ARMED guards for themselves and family, are ready to tell you YOU don’t need guns.

13. We learned a crisis will never go to waste as long as we have liberal/Progressives in power, and as long as we have NY and CA we will have them in the worst possible position of power.

We learned a lot, but we have learned it before. We have been through this since Obama was elected. Any dissension is HATE SPEECH, any incident of violence is the Tea Party’s fault. We fight the same battles every time, we win the same battles every time, we will do it again at some time.

I pray that there is NO ATTEMPT on any congress critter or POTUS or Potential POTUS. IF there is one thing we on BOTH sides of the aisle know is: The enemy watches our news.

If there were an attack on our leaders again it could very well shatter our republic. And that is something we would not like.

This might not be helpful..Intense Speech?

This might not be helpful..Intense Speech?

Probably the most intense speech I’ve ever seen in my life…It’s a little hard to watch but you can’t deny the passion…

To paraphrase a line for that Rodney Dangerfield movie “Back to School”.. He’s very passionate, about what, I have no idea”…

WOW….I think this will go viral in a short time… and I also bet the Demorats will have a field day with it. Have fun.

What would a real leader do?

What would a real leader do?

Some friends and I were discussing leadership today, we are all leaders in some form or another and it occurred to me that there are traits which leaders have, that others do not.

I think back to 9-11-2001; Islamic Terrorists hijacked planes and killed 3000 people in three different places. Everyone knows the story.

George W Bush showed true leadership during the first couple of years, and looking back that’s what the country needed. But I do have a bit of criticism for ALL of the “Leaders” of that time. WHY were the buildings not immediately rebuilt? I think a strong leader would have came out and said “We will rebuild these buildings one story higher and the top floors on each building will be memorials to those that died here”… And then DO IT! That shows the islamic world that we are strong, we are not deterred and we will not allow this to stand.

Right now there is a hole where the towers stood, and little more than a stick in the ground. Right now Islam is planning to poke the eyes of the victims with a bigger stick. HAD there been true strength, at that time this discussion we are having now would have been rendered moot.

I think back to Obama’s Speech the other night where Obama danced around responsibility for dividing the nation in war time. A real leader admits when a mistake was made by himself or his underlings. A real leader garners respect from those he leads by showing he’s human, a real leader has the courage and the mentality for humility that is higher than your average person. A real leader comes out and tells the truth.

We wonder why our country is divided, our country is divided because we no longer trust our leadership. We no longer believe they are working in our best interest. We are divided because after 8 years of media bias, liberal smears, lies and misrepresentation of facts, the politicians have decided to play that way. We do not trust ANYONE in Government anymore. It’s a shame but it is what it is…I think the only way out is simple:


A true leader that has earned respect and is willing to do what it takes to keep it. Our current POTUS has done nothing to earn respect from the American People, he has done a lot to earn respect from our nations enemies and he’s getting slapped for it. Our current leadership has been tarnished beyond repair. Corruption, lies, deceit, and bribes have all caused the population to lose respect for those in office. This is why we are divided. The only ones still believing these assclowns are party before country type people and they are worthless anyway. We need a leader, we have a pretender. We need leaders in Congress, we have career politicians that are more concerned with their jobs, than the country. They will do whatever it takes to stay in power and that’s a recipe for destruction.

We are currently on a ship headed out to sea without a captain. IF we don’t find one soon we will be finding the ice berg.