Category: Democrats

More Gun Control Needed… NOT

More Gun Control Needed… NOT

I’ve heard about all I can handle about the need for more “Gun Control”

After every shooting involving “White people” there’s a common chorus of elite liberals screaming about more gun control. We have the far left idiots who really want confiscation, to the “Gun Supporters” who think we should do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.

Here’s the problem with both ends of the argument folks, very simply put:

1. Confiscation- The 2nd amendment keeps that from happening. For now. If the only people with guns are the law and the government. The people are then subjects. This is bad and has been proven bad throughout history.

2. Gun Control- If we find people who are so dangerous that they shouldn’t be able to possess a gun legally, shouldn’t they be locked up immediately? Why would we let someone walk around freely who is identified as a threat if he/she got a gun? why are they freely walking the streets?  If you can determine that a person is dangerous, or could be dangerous in 10 years, why do we need judges, jury’s or DA’s? We can just shoot them before they do something right? NO.

Facts are miserable things. The one state in the nation that REVERSED its position on gun control and actually went to full 2nd amendment support is Arizona. They don’t require a permit to carry a firearm open or concealed. They don’t require registration either. You can pick up a gun like you do a pack of skittles for the most part. And the results since they’ve done that? CRIME IS DOWN throughout the state by a very large margin.

The laws that are in effect in CA are many: Registration, 10 day wait, Background Checks, Magazine Capacity limits, gun type bans and ammo stamping etc. Has that stopped gun crimes? Murders? Mass shootings? Nope, so the Cannibals (Those who say they support the 2nd amendment) say we can do more to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. The Liberals want confiscation…

There’s a lot of common sense arguments against any more gun control in these United States of America. The problem is, the anti-gun crowd lacks common sense. They fail to see the unintended consequences that are possible/probable.

Legal American citizens, Legal Driving American Citizens being killed by Illegal Drivers, Illegally in the country. That happens more than AR-15’s are used in crimes yet there’s no outrage over it.

Drivers of vehicles kill more people than guns do by a very wide margin. We’ve made several laws against drunk driving, people still drive drunk. We don’t limit the cars ability to go faster than 65MPH do we? Why do you need to go faster than that?

There’s so many ways we can protect life rather than focusing on the tool that is used to take life. Liberals/Progressive elites look at the American public as too stupid to be able to own guns, except for them of course. Truth be told, there’s plenty of folks who probably shouldn’t have guns and I DON’T WANT THEM DISARMED because I have a feeling they’re bad people. I just want the ability to defend myself and others from them should they truly be bad.

Wake up folks, no more baby steps to confiscation. Hold the line where it is or reverse course on the control issue.

The V.A. Scandal at a glance…

The V.A. Scandal at a glance…

A few quotes from the campaign Trail:


“As President, I won’t stand for hundreds of thousands of veterans waiting for benefits. We’ll hire additional claims workers. We’ll bring together veterans groups and the VA to work out a claims process that is fair and fast. And instead of shutting veterans out, we’ll make sure that our disabled vets receive the benefits they deserve, and we’ll allow all veterans back into the VA health care system. . . . We will stand with veterans in their hour of need, . .” Barack Obama 2007


“When 400,000 veterans are stuck on a waiting list for claims, we need a new sense of urgency,” said Sen Obama in 07

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting. (Source)

Flash forward 6 years:


“I’m mad as hell” “I read about the VA issue reading the papers” “I always take responsibility, but this was an issue under my predecessor”

Then we get:

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki is gone, but the VA scandal isn’t going anywhere.

Basically its the same democrat/Obama doctrine. Deny knowledge, Blame others, Appear Mad, accept a retirement/resignation/administrative leave of someone and let media point to something else within a day or two.


National Debt- INCREASED, Credit Rating-DOWNGRADED, Benghazi-LIES, IRS Targeting-LIES, DOJ-LIES, EPA-LIES, NLRB-LIES, Fast and Furious-LIES, Economic data-LIES, Unemployment number-LIES, Obamacare-LIES, Syria-Egypt-Ukraine-Iran-Russia-Afghanistan-Iraq-POLICY FAILURES, Marine held in Mexico-INACTION, Illegal Immigration-IGNORING LAWS and SUING STATES THAT ENFORCE LAW, Over reaching-Executive orders, Veterans Memorials Shut down, V.A SCANDAL …etc…

But hey, Obama is the best POTUS ever because He ignored DOMA and eliminated DADT!!!!…

But here’s the kicker, I don’t fault Barack Obama for this, I knew what he was and who he was before he became president. How did I know, you ask? Well, I’m an INFORMED VOTER. I did my research and I found something odd, Obama never ran anything and voted present or didn’t vote when he was a senator on every tough vote. So how is he to run a nation? That requires the ability to see all sides of an issue and make a decision. The VA is the best example of how Obama and his defenders view America.

images (1)

Obama is far from the first President to have a government shut down. He is the first to deny veterans entrance to memorials in their honor. That should tell you how really feels about veterans. Then throw in the VA scandal now and it should be evident what kind of man he is.

I fault the mainstream media, I fault the Press corps in the white house. I fault the CBS/NBC/ABC and CNN’s I fault the racist people who insist that Barack Obama get a pass because of his skin color. I fault those democrat elites who refuse to hold Barack Obama to the same standards as they held every other president in the history of this nation.


The media has took it upon itself to provide cover for their poster child for affirmative action. If Barack Obama were a white democrat, the press would be relentless in holding him accountable for everything mentioned above. They would do it in a very polite manner compared how they treat a Republican in office, but they’d be much more alive in investigation.


CNN actually broke this VA scandal wide open, but only after they prefaced most of their stories with “This was an issue under George Bush” which takes away from the sting that should be felt by dear leader. Obama had 6 years to fix what he campaigned about being broken. He never has mentioned it since.

My feeling is that Obama is shielded from information so he has deniability, he is not told what is really happening because all he sees in MSNBC newscasts..


The VA scandal is bad, but a resigning General isn’t the problem, the problem is from Obama and the democrat/RINO party to the media elites…

GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS, because its obvious our leadership doesn’t.

Trust, Truth and Democrats

Trust, Truth and Democrats

A quick question: Have you paid attention?

Benghazi, IRS, DOJ, Stimulus, Sequestration, Global warming, Gay Marriage, Racism, War on Women, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, Fisker, Education needs more money and several others, now we have the Veteran healthcare issue.

Barack Obama didn’t know about many of these issues until he saw it on the news.

With all the verified LIES from the democrat party leaders and their minions, how does anyone trust anything coming out of government?

When you hear the blame game, the “This is going to happen if we do or don’t do this…” Has any of it came true? Sequestration was supposed to kill millions of jobs, how many were lost? Obamacare was going to decrease cost and provide job growth, it increased cost and killed jobs. Stimulus was supposed to jumpstart the economy, 6 years later NOPE. Etc Etc…

How in the world is there any democrats in office right now? UNINFORMED VOTERS!

36K Criminals Released

36K Criminals Released

Well folks, I hate to say I told you so, but I sure as hell did.

I said it back in 2006 that we would, as a nation be heading the direction of California. Gov. Brown released over 50k Criminals here due to “Overcrowding” and “Lack of funding” Here we go:

Report: 36K criminals freed

NEW YORK – The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released 36,007 convicted criminal aliens last year who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings, according to a report issued Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The report is for 2013. While the democrat party (and some RINO’s) were trying to limit law abiding citizen’s right to obtain and possess firearms for protection, the administration was releasing dangerous criminals. Let that sink in.


Now the amnesty push appears to be gaining steam. So much so that Obama himself is no longer using “Immigration Reform” its “Amnesty Legislation”

Lets ask ourselves, out of these 36,000 criminals, how many are going to work in hospices, hospitals, high tech or even volunteer at homeless shelters? Yeah, not likely. These 36k are going to end up killing/raping/robbing etc. I sure as hell hope there’s some records that ICE is keeping so we can count…

Don’t be a victim folks, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

CIA Spying on Senators?

CIA Spying on Senators?

Well Well… Funny how times change. Dianne Feinstein is upset that the CIA may have spied on her and her staffers… I remember not too long ago, the good senator was defending the NSA for spying on us… Almost, dare I say hypocritical of Mrs Feinstein.

The head gun grabber in the senate is having a problem with the apparent abuse of the 4th amendment? She doesn’t seem to care about abusing the 2nd amendment so others abusing her 4th amendment should be perfectly okay shouldn’t it?

In the next administration, when a scandal or perceived over reach warrants a deposition and a REPUBLICAN pleads the 5th amendment, I thoroughly expect people like Feinstein to lead the charge for revoking the 5th for said person.

The bottom line in liberal land is: Its up to US to decide if the constitution applies to you or us. Liberals will pick and choose which laws or amendments to follow or allow. The constitution is not for everyone anymore. Its a living document that we can change on a case by case basis.

The election in 2014 will hopefully see a senate changing hands. Hopefully MORE Ted Cruz’s less McCain’s. But if SCOTUS goes full liberal, the nation will look like Venezuela now by 2020.

Democrat Ideology is working as expected.

Democrat Ideology is working as expected.

Not only is America failing Americans, America is failing the world. The one place the oppressed could count on to help is gone. The one nation who has stood up for the little guy for years is now a shell of its former self. It took only 5 years to get to this point.


Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Benghazi, Ukraine etc… All of these foreign policy failures under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and now John Kerry, should be evident to all that democrats should never be in charge of foreign policy.


Obamacare, IRS targeting, Stimulus, Solyndra, Debt and more.. Should be evident to all that Democrats should never be allowed to be in charge of America.


But if you listen to America news media, AKA “democrat propaganda News Channels” like CNN,ABC,CBS.NBC you will hear words like “Bullying” “Disrespect” “Racism” “Extremists” etc as excuses for all the failures. The question that all of us Americans should be asking is “If these policies and ideologies are working and are so great, why do we need excuses, explanations and number manipulations?” but we’re not asking. Well, Some of us ARE. The media isn’t.


The fact is WE the PEOPLE are being systematically denied knowledge, denied answers and denied truth because of the ideology of democrats. The ideology is simple: Demonize questions, demonize opposition, marginalize anyone who doesn’t toe the line. Use labels, use buzz words, use emotional tugs. Make it hard to ask questions without appearing hateful and racist.

Journalists are the front lines. Journalists lost the credibility battle for ideological sake. The big 4 news networks decided in 2008 that they would toss their journalist cards in the trash and wear the Democrat Propaganda Badges instead. They felt it was for the good of the nation. Barack Obama was their Golden Child, he would save the nation from George Bush’s war for oil….


Now what we have is information/results vs Information/Spin. The results come in about economic growth and they are not good for democrats. So MSM spins the data for the party. People hang on to those SPIN numbers and the democrat party hangs on to the faithful. It works like that in everything. The latest one is the most telling one:

CNN story headline “Putin Bullying Obama” WOW.


Kennedy vs Khrushchev, Ford or Carter vs Brezhnev, Reagan vs Gorbachev, Bush vs Putin NEVER was the American POTUS “Bullied” Never was the American president viewed as this weak. Carter was about as close as it came… Now our POTUS is being “Bullied”

This is the democrat ideology in a nut shell. “Victimhood” We must view our President as a victim to elicit support. Think back to the time Obama wanted to bomb Syria. The MSM painted Obama as strong but he was being victimized by republicans who wouldn’t support his bombing campaign.


I honestly believe this: IF the Ukraine were a muslim nation, Obama would be much more of a hawk on stopping the Russian take over. He desires to be seen as “One of them” in the Muslim nations. I would be willing to bet at some point in high level discussions a comment was made regarding it. I bet someone said, “it’s too bad the Ukraine isn’t muslim” if nothing but an off the cuff remark.

Things are about to get real in the baltic areas. They are truly on their own. But that’s not the worst part. The world sees the last best place on earth being no better and no worse than any other place. This weakness can give life to other challenges that would otherwise never occur. That’s the scary part.

There’s another really sad part about the state of our nation: IF Russia invaded the USA now, a very large segment of our population would view it as a liberation. Never before has that even been thought.

Thanks Democrats, RINO’s, fence sitters and those of you who don’t pay attention yet still vote.

FCC Part two…

FCC Part two…

Looks like there was enough outcry (For now) over the FCC installing “Monitors” in “Free Media Newsrooms” to stop the stupid… BUT I have a few questions that people should be asking their congressmen, themselves, friends, family and anyone who will listen…

1. What was the purpose of the “program?” What was the desired effect?

2. Who’s idea was this “Program?” Did it come from the top or within the top tier?

3. Did this “Program” perform its duty’s already? Was the message received? Meaning; “It’s a nice newsroom you got there, it’d be a shame if something happened to it”

4. At what point did the outcry change the minds of the “Program authors?” Was it when they heard from the liberal wing of the party and even they said it was a dumb idea?

These are but a few questions I have. I think I know the answers to all of them.  I think YOU know the answers to all of them.

This is Chicago politics folks. This is how it goes down in the elite progressive establishment centers.. You don’t like the questions, intimidate the inquiring minds so they don’t ask. Make them an offer they can’t refuse!

The “Effect” of the “Program” isn’t known yet, but I suspect there will be one network that will make a very concerted effort to show that they are not biased. Even though, that network is by far more “Fair and Balanced” than CBS,ABC,NBC,CNN and MSNCB… But hey, this is Thugitics, this is gangsta politics.

Perhaps, electing a constitutional conservative like Ted Cruz isn’t exactly the right thing to do in 2016? Maybe we should elect a very angry, capable of revenge on a level of Scarface conservative who would go around congress, use power to shut down opposition and intimidate people to do his bidding? That would be acceptable to Obama supporters right? You know, elections have consequences…

Did Christie Know?

Did Christie Know?

Yeah I’m trying to control my give a shit impulse. Fact is, Christie is a RINO and he spent a lot of time with Barack Obama before the 2012 election. Remember that election, the one where the Mainstream Media hid, deflected, lied and basically failed in their duty to report Benghazi? Yeah, FOUR Americans died, Obama partied in Vegas… BUT Hey, Christie knew about a bridge closure? Or did he?


Now remember the NEW YORK TIMES reported “NEW FACTS” on Benghazi that proved Al Qaeda wasn’t involved in the attack on 9-11-11 in Benghazi? Which was disputed by the STATE DEPARTMENT less than 2 days after the NYT story came out? Yeah but we’re to believe this story without question? No.

Look, personally I don’t give a damn about Chris Christie. I’m not voting for him in 2016 anyway. I don’t care if he’s going against Sandra Fluke or Piers Morgan for POTUS. I’m done with the RINO brigade. But I do care about journalistic standards. I care about hypocrisy of media/Political party’s.

What I would suggest is this: IF Christie knew and he abused his power in this manner, then he should resign NOW. And since we KNOW Obama knew about the IRS, DOJ, NSA and Benghazi he should also RESIGN NOW. That’s consistency. So if you’re not a party hack, you should be for both of those resignations and push them both to hit the road.
