Category: Barack Hussein Obama

Democrats throwing Tantrums…

Democrats throwing Tantrums…

I hope you folks are understanding what is going on in America today. I see the current events in a different light than most I guess…

Ferguson, New York, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Torture report, Amnesty, Funding bills… etc.. All these issues AFTER November 4th election… Sound odd?


Not if you understand today’s democrats and their vindictive nature. If you have been paying attention to time lines and understand the hatred Democrats have for American values.

Ferguson, could have been handled well before Nov 4th. It wasn’t because Democrats knew that the outrage wouldn’t turn into votes for them, it would turn into HUGE numbers against them. Amnesty, same thing.

Ferguson is the temper tantrum for losses in Nov. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson along with Obama and Holder pushed the reaction. The facts however have given America a winning hand agains the agitators. This has provided America with more ammunition in 2016 than we ever had before.

Move on to Amnesty, that is another one that will make a democrat POTUS in 2016 a severe long shot. (But if the GOP puts another RINO up the odds even up)

The latest in the temper tantrum is the Torture Report, Gun Grabber Extreme, Diane Feinstein, who by the way was INVESTIGATED/SNOOPED on by the CIA releases a report on enhanced interrogation. Why would democrats do it? Because they can’t be tied to it in any way.. Well, they are tied to it, but they’re denying it. (If you have read my blog for any time, you know I’m good with any torture performed on any islamic prick at any time)


But here’s the kicker on this torture report temper tantrum: Obama says “We need to be open and honest and apologize when we do bad things” Anyone notice that? So, if its not him involved, he’s quick to apologize. He’s been real quiet about Benghazi, Fast and Furious which involved DEAD AMERICANS, he’s silent about IRS abuse, he’s silent about breaking the laws he swore to uphold. But he’s okay apologizing for what another POTUS did after Americans were killed.


Basically what we have is a democrat temper tantrum, stompyfooters running around upset because they see their Obama led utopia collapsing because the results don’t match the rhetoric.

Its going to get real interesting the next 2 yrs. Arm up, prep up and be ready for anything. Nothing is out of bounds for these democrats.

Ferguson On Fire…

Ferguson On Fire…

On Monday, the Grand Jury’s decision came in. No True Bill. In other words, there’s enough evidence that Officer Darren Wilson was justified in his shooting of Mike Brown to not even take the case to trial. And personally, I was pretty sure they would indict the officer. After hearing all the social media’s evidence and the media’s speculation I wasn’t sure that the grand jury would have the guts to go against all that.


BUT THEY DID! Thank You Grand Jury (After reading the transcripts you did it right)

The LIES that were told that day and the week immediately after the shooting, about the confrontation between Mike Brown and a lone officer ranged from “You got to be kidding” to “Well, maybe that did happen”


I had a hard time believing that a cop, any cop would open fire on a person with their “Hands Up” and saying “Don’t shoot” I had a hard time believing that A cop, any cop would get out of the car gun drawn over a SUSPECTED simple strong arm robbery (No weapon) and do it without back up. But I did have doubts. I didn’t have all the facts, but what I heard from these “Eye witness’s” was pretty damning.

The things we DIDN’T HEAR were the most compelling reasons to discount all the sources of “Facts” from social media and Obama’s media group. What didn’t we hear that week that we started hearing later?


We didn’t hear in the first week, that Mike Brown ATTACKED Officer Wilson through his car.
We Didn’t hear in the first week, that Shots were fired INSIDE officer Wilson’s car.
We didn’t hear in the first week, that Mike Brown’s hands were not up.
We didn’t hear in the first week, that Mike Brown was only a few feet away not 50 feet.
We didn’t hear in the first week, that Mike Brown had a criminal record.
We didn’t hear in the first week, that Officer Wilson was an exemplary officer with NO ISSUES


Then three months passed. Information begins to leak out about testimony at the grand jury. And now common sense must kick in. This was a perfectly executed self defense shooting. I say perfectly because the right one is left breathing.

Some of the big players are involved:


Obama sends Holder, Al and Jesse are on site. all the players are in place to effectively ramp up this situation no matter what the truth is. So, we wait.


Three Weeks before the decision from the Grand Jury came in, Obama tells the Ferguson protesters to “Stay the course” and a week or so later, Obama gets a message from the American people. Republicans take over Congress and several state houses. It was a butt whooping by any measure. And Obama is PISSED.


Remember “Stay the course?” And Right after the November 4th election, Barack Obama summons Al Sharpton to the White House to discuss “How to deal with new Republican congress” Really?

Then we hear that Al Sharpton has called for protests in several cities “No matter what the decision” Really?


So the grand jury comes back on Monday the 24th of November with NO TRUE BILL. No Indictment of officer Wilson and Ferguson erupts. The pieces were all in place for it and there’s now evidence supporting White House involvement in lack of National Guard response.


All week, in various cities “Spontaneous outrage” protests occur. With the grand jury report out for everyone to read, these protesters are now hurting the cause of police brutality perceptions. If you have the perception that cops are racist and abuse their authority, protesting this one removes any credibility you may have had with other examples. Similar to protesting the duke lacrosse players… Remember that? Yeah Al Sharpton drove that one too.

Feed Your Brain These Interesting Facts 007


So here we sit, waiting for the next “StompyFoot” temper tantrum protest over a white cop shooting a black THUG. And the questions are still coming.

Questions are more about what the protesters are protesting than what caused Mike Brown to lose his mind like he did. The facts are 100% in Officer Wilson’s side of the story. If you care to take the time to read the statements of the “Eye Witness’s” as well as Officer Brown. You’ll see the Grand Jury had NO CHOICE but to rule the way they did.


If the Grand Jury came back with another decision, any other decision, a trial would occur. At that trial, EVIDENCE would be produced as well as past history of BOTH involved. NO JURY, Not even a 100% 12 member black jury if picked by a skilled defense lawyer would convict Officer Wilson on the evidence. Not feelings, EVIDENCE!. That’s important. Now, if Grand Jury decides there’s enough evidence for a trial (For fear or political reasons) And the cop is acquitted, this little stompyfoot parade pales in comparison to the riots that would happen after that verdict.



Here’s a few things to consider liberals:
1. If it were a black cop in the same situation and killed Mike Brown exactly the same way, would you be as “Outraged?” If NOT, You should search your heart for the racism you project.
2. If Mike Brown killed Officer Wilson with his own gun in his car, would you have even heard about it outside of Ferguson?
3. The DA didn’t have to take this case to the grand jury and he didn’t have to be as thorough with the grand jury as he was. He took the extra time to make sure the decision was the right one based on facts not feelings, is there any possible way that he could have done this better in your mind?
4. If you haven’t read the transcripts of the report yourself and not just the parts that some liberal media or far left idiot points out as a difference, you are missing the truth.



Read the full report, I’ll make it easy for you its HERE and its the NEW YORK TIMES. So its gotta be true for liberals right? Read Wilson’s statement, Read witness’s testimony that counters others. Read it, then make your mind up. If you come to the “They should take it trial” You’re too far gone to help. This is a movement killer for you. Keep on protesting in honor of a thug who made the decision to force a cops hand. He’d be alive IF HE JUST MOVED OUT OF THE STREET.


Facts are miserable things and just because you’re vested in a lie doesn’t mean you have to make it worse by making up more lies to cover up the fact you were duped by others.



Dear Leader Executive Order Amnesty

Dear Leader Executive Order Amnesty

And as we said would happen, Barack Obama will grant Amnesty to MILLIONS of illegal Immigrants.. Right after the nation made it very clear, America wants a change of direction. Obama and the democrats have been pushing for Amnesty for a while, well in election years anyway. So when America voted to send democrats to the unemployment line, of course that means Obama needs to continue with the policies America voted out, right? Of course not, don’t be silly….


So, why will Obama grant amnesty? Is it for future votes? Yep. To help the economy? Nope. To help his crony’s his businessmen friends? Yep. And to be fair, there’s a few RINO’s that are absolutely fine with Obama doing this. For the same reason. MONEY. Cheap labor..


Here’s some real fuel for the fire here. Obama will do this illegally, he is figuring on the public perception that he is the victim of evil republicans if they impeach him or sue him or even talk bad about him. He figures that just like Obamacare, once the gift is given, nobody can take it back or they’d be labeled evil… Its a bold play, its a play that puts power of party, legacy above good of country. And that should be enough to keep democrats out of power for generations. But it won’t. We are a nation ruled by people who are elected because of the ignorance of the population.


So as you’re watching the most wonderful dear leader ever on prime time tomorrow. (I won’t be watching) Realize that this action is nothing more than a hail marry pass hoping that the latino/hispanic caucus will be able to push Hillary over the top in 2016. Hillary is white so the black vote is going to be back to normal levels. So the democrat party NEEDS a large turnout of Latino/Hispanic voters. FACT.

I find it hilarious that Obama was elected in large part due to the 95% of black voters in both POTUS elections going to him. Yet, the only thing he’s done for the black community is make a statement about Trayvon, Show up in Ferguson and say cops acted stupidly… Other than that, he’s been a disaster for blacks. But he’s been fabulous for gays and mucho el awesomo for hispanics…. Funny how that works huh?


In his book, “Dreams of my Father” Obama said this:

“[T]here’s no denying that many blacks share the same anxieties as many whites about the wave of illegal immigration flooding our Southern border—a sense that what’s happening now is fundamentally different from what has gone on before. Not all these fears are irrational. The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole—especially by keeping our workforce young, in contrast to an increasingly geriatric Europe and Japan—it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”

He knew this, he knows this is true, but he has a plan. His plan is “Raise the minimum wage” That will do it… Nope. It will create high tech jobs and cost jobs in minimum wage fields… But all of his plans have worked out so far.. sigh.

Obamacare, IRS, DOJ, FastAndFurious, Job Numbers, Solyndra, Shovel Ready.. Just a few LIES, but believe Obama now.. LOL.

Lame Duck Session, GOP Should do…

Lame Duck Session, GOP Should do…

Well, the euphoria of Tuesday’s election results has faded. Now America will see the true colors of Barack Obama. The GOP has but one choice to make. You can allow the lame duck session to inflict pain on America or you can stand up and stop everything.

If Harry Reid didn’t think the bills he’s about call for votes on were important enough to do BEFORE the election, surely they can wait 2 more months. The GOP the Minority in the lame duck session, should stop/delay or filibuster ANY BILL, no matter WHAT IT IS. They need to push as much of Harry’s bills to the next congress as possible. They need to stand up and block ALL appointees by Obama. The first of which is Loretta Lynch, who Obama just nominated to fill Eric Holder’s position.


Why Loretta Lynch= Black Female replacing Black Male. Obama can’t nominate a white man/woman for such a high profile position, he needs someone within the “Victim Mentality” realm to be able to cover Obama’s ass.

NY Congressman Michael Grimm Indicted On Federal Fraud Charges

Any objection to Loretta Lynch will be met with “Sure you’re lynching a black woman now” You honestly think her name had nothing to do with her appointment? There’s a thousand better more qualified candidates to fill Holder’s vacated position. So just as Barack Obama is, Loretta Lynch is an affirmative action appointment. To call her on her anti-Americanism, her anti-constitution belief’s is to object to her because of her pigmentation… Liberalism at its finest. Not to mention this appointment is thumbing the eye of Republicans/Conservatives/Indy’s/Libertarians in favor of his far left liberal base.


Remember GOP. Your mandate is to stop Barack Obama not do his bidding. We are sending help, your job is to hold out until it gets there. If you surrender before help arrives, you place the helpers in a hole. You must deny this appointment by any means necessary. You must require the next AG be an honorable person not an Eric Holder Clone. You must not fall into the trap of deflection and baseless racism cries of liberals and their media lackies. IF You allow this Loretta Lynch appointment you will essentially nut the next congress. Remember, everything Obama does is an effort to politicize and blame not govern and work for America.

The choice is yours GOP.


Democrats who lost their seat in the senate should also understand, the reason you lost your seat was Barack Obama’s policies not so much how great the GOP is. So if you’re on your way out and vote to confirm this activist, you will tie your wagon to the losing horse again. Your vote in the lame duck session will cement shoe you with Obama socks. We won’t forget.

Marine Mexican Prisoner Released…

Marine Mexican Prisoner Released…

Well, for an October surprise this is pretty pathetic. By now everyone knows that the Marine who has been held in Mexico for over 8 months has been released, so I won’t bore you with the details. I’m extremely glad he’s home now and I hope he recovers from his ordeal quickly.


With that being said, the timing is very questionable and that is where I’m choosing to take this post.

I said back in August that the Marine should have been home within a week of this incident and under ANY OTHER PRESIDENT in recent memory, besides Jimmy Carter, he would have been. Barack Obama is not a president that commands respect, he’s a president that demands submission. If he did more than make a cell phone call while he was lining up a putt I’d be surprised.


This release was planned for, timed for and is being used to deflect from the midterm election disaster that looms for Democrats in 3 days.

Let this sink in:

The Marine was held in Mexico for 8 months. A judge 4 days before the election rules for his immediate release and the Marine is on American soil within hours. Why? Did Obama promise Amnesty executive order after the election? Did the Obama admin hope to swing momentum to democrats? Was this a hail marry?

Either way, in any scenario understand that the elected official, the commander in chief of the nations armed services, allowed this Marine to sit in a foreign jail for political gain.


This is the problem we have people. We have a leader who so hates the nation that elected him and the military that serve him, he will use them in this manner.

The fact that this election is even close is damning proof that our nation is truly in distress.

Buckle up folks, this is going to be a very rough 2 years.

Ebola has a New Czar!

Ebola has a New Czar!

If Barack Obama appointed Marion Barry as Drug Czar, at least Mr Barry has some experience with drugs.. Just sayin.

From CBS ( no link to the democrat media wing, find it yourself)

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — President Barack Obama on Friday turned to a trusted adviser to lead the nation’s Ebola response as efforts to clamp down on any possible route of infection from three Texas cases expanded, reaching a cruise ship at sea and multiple airline flights.

Are you surprised about who Obama appointed? If you’re surprised, you haven’t been paying attention the last six years.


Lets go back to 2009- Obamacare. A bill that wasn’t read, voted on by politicians, pushed through with bribes and kickbacks, supported by insurance companies and lawyers, very few doctors/nurses wanted this 2000+ page disaster but we got it anyway. Then Obama admin spent the next 3 years and over 50 million dollars to get a super website to handle the disaster. Which compounded the disaster. Designed and implemented by a foreign company… So yep, there’s a record of incompetence. (Actually there’s about 200 records)

Now, we have a Czar who has no experience with healthcare, disease management anything that would set him apart from other potential professionals who do have those experiences. What is his qualifications? Solyndra, Joe Biden’s buddy?


Not to mention we already had a Czar who was in charge of this type of thing:

Weasel Zippers has the story of Dr. Nicole Lurie. She’s the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, (Read it at WZ)

So why do we have this new Czar? Its not to solve the crisis, avoid an epidemic or prepare the nation for a possible epidemic. Nope, its to spin every aspect of this disaster Obama has allowed into positives for Democrats before the next election.


Democrat Racism is Real.

Democrat Racism is Real.

We’ve heard for six plus years, opposition to Obama is racist. In order to believe that, you must first not know who Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton are and you must believe that the same people hating Obama love them all…. But I digress…

(Image stolen from Bloviating Zeppelin )


Here’s a scenario: You witness a man in a wheelchair struggling to get up a hill, do you just grab the handles on the wheelchair and push or do you ask the man in the chair if he would like some help? If you’ve ever encountered a situation like that and just grabbed the bars, you’re liable to get yelled at for it. Most physically handicapped people have a sense of pride, a need to do for themselves. If you ask them, they’ll likely take you up on your offer, if you just help without question, you’re saying to that person “You can’t possibly do this, you’re handicapped and I’m not”… That’s perception.


So, in the Obama error… (Yes, era) the media, the democrat party, even the RINO elites have since day one GRABBED THE HANDLES for Obama without asking. Media has covered for him, democrats have made excuses for him, RINO’s have compromised with him…. Why? Well, he’s black and he can’t possibly do this job and be measured the same way has previous Presidents. We must lower the standards, we must protect him and his job performance because he needs us to… Media/Democrats/RINO’s.

Independents look at results. Conservatives look at results. And let me tell you. IF Obama’s performance was measured the same way as every previous President, Obama would be Impeached and/or in prison NOW.


Think I’m wrong? Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job. Nixon was impeached for wiretapping and Lying. How many lies has Obama been caught in?

Every statement, the first statement Obama comes public with has been a lie. From “Shovel Ready” to “Highly unlikely Ebola will get to the USA” Yet media has been relentlessly silent in their questioning of the lies, congress has been legislatively impotent over the lies. WHY? Because to impeach the first black POTUS would be racist!


So when you hear voter ID is racist, what does that say? Yep.. Black folks need us to grab the handles of their wheelchair without asking because they can’t possibly be smart enough to get ID to vote.

Obamacare and Ebola…

Obamacare and Ebola…

Knowing what you know after six years of Obama’s corrupt government, do you really think this Ebola scare is a “Unforeseen event” or just a coincidence? I submit it is not.


Obamacare is the signature legislation of Obama’s two terms. He and Democrats need it to be successful so bad they will do ANYTHING to get it passed the “Rough start” So what was the first “Crisis?” Well that was the border crisis. The “Kids” who are being sent all over the nation. What healthcare program will they be signing up for? These ILLEGALS who “Will not be eligible for Obamacare” and now ARE ELIGIBLE and signing up in droves. What did we get when we got the illegal invasion? We got Entivirus along with criminals for potential votes.. But that plan was backfiring BIG and created a real problem for democrats up for election…. So… What to do…


Ebola from Africa.. And who’s family just spent MILLIONS on a trip to Africa?


Now this all sounds kind of tinfoil hattish I agree, but do you really put it passed them? I ask you to think back a bit:

Would you have ever thought a Secretary of State and a President would concoct a lie about a video rather than send help to a consulate under attack on the 9/11 anniversary before an election? Would you have ever thought those in power would put an election above the lives of Americans in a foreign land under attack? I wouldn’t have but they did in Benghazi.

Would you ever have thought a President and AG would use the power of the IRS to stifle opposition? It’s been happening for at least 5yrs.

Would you have ever thought that an administration would put out bogus Unemployment rate prior to an election then right after the election raise it back up? It happened in 2011.

Would you have ever thought that President would close down war memorials to veterans at the same time denying them healthcare? It happened.

Would you have ever thought that a president would hear and watch a video of an American being beheaded by terrorists, make a statement where he said “He has no strategy” then go play golf? It happened


And there’s a long list of firsts this President and his corrupt power hungry minions have done to remain in power and if Ebola helps in that effort, you best believe it was manufactured and led to impact the 2014 elections.

Think about this: Obama can’t fight true enemy’s of the nation because he’s been so anti-War. A disease has no feelings that can get hurt. He can attack the disease like it was the tea party and come out looking like a hero. October surprise coming up. A miracle cure/vaccination or some wonderful “Only Obama had foresight to combat this” solution that will magically appear prior to election night. I’d bet somewhere around Oct 26th.

Obama hasn’t closed the borders, he hasn’t ordered planes from Ebola outbreak nations halted, he’s smiling about the situation while panic is the order of the day for us peons.


Now I’m also not putting it past the nutjob islamists to use ebola as a weapon or even Russia. Lets not forget the Russia connection… But it all leads back to Obama’s dereliction of duty…

Either Obama is driving this disease to benefit him/democrats or we are about to come into a bio-warfare era and it was unleashed under his watch.

Lots to think about, no conclusions but wise men think of all the angles and wise men learn from the past. Obama’s past is littered with examples of him manufacturing a narrative or crisis to suit his legacy or power. I look at every incident from this crook in the prism of his last lies.

Shovel Ready, You can keep your doctor, The border is secure, I ended the war in Iraq, but it wasn’t my decision, Benghazi was caused by a youtube video, not a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS scandal, Unemployment numbers best its ever been in Nov 2012 but Dec were back to dismal, ISIS is JV, Ebola is highly unlikely to come here, etc..


Trustworthy? LOL