Category: 2014 Election

GOP Establishment Declares War on Tea Party

GOP Establishment Declares War on Tea Party

Well, it didn’t take long to see the effects of RINOism. The disease is rather contagious I guess.

Speaker Rebukes Tea Party:

Read the full story if you need to, click the above link. One of the quotes that stuck in my head was this little gem:

“They’re misleading their followers,” Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters at the Capitol. “I just think that they’ve lost all credibility.”

“Misleading” Their followers? So, Congressmen and Women who were elected in 2010 based tea party principles, that swung the balance of power so that Mr Boehner could take the gavel from Nancy (Hag in the house) Pelosi are now misleading? The very people who gave you the power to RESTRAIN Obama’s Government are now not credible?

If it is a war we must have, then let it be in my time so that my kids do not have to fight.

This is the bottom line for me. You can stand with me, or you can continue down the status quo path. The path that we are STILL on is unsustainable and WE ALL KNOW IT. We demand a change of direction and we will not allow Democrat or Republicans to continue this dive into the abyss.

In 2014, I support every primary challenger to every Republican RINO who voted for this new “Deal” Everyone of the RINO’s who failed to stand with Senator Ted Cruz during the Government shut down battle. You remember Senator Ted Cruz right? The one who wanted to negotiate with Obama about Obamacare, who refused to vote to fund it when he was elected to fight it. You know that guy right? The one that was VINDICATED every day since October 1st. He was RIGHT and every RINO in DC knows it. They didn’t support him and now they fear they are out of their jobs in 2014. THEY ARE!

IF the RINO’s survive the Primary, then I will be abstaining from voting for the first time in my life. The reason is simple. IF the same RINO is sent back to congress to do the work of Democrats, might as well be a Democrat in the seat. I just can’t vote Democrat so, I’ll take myself out of the action.

I hope the message is sent in the primaries. If its not clear enough, then say hello to Madam President Hillary Clinton in 2016. Scary huh? Yep.

The GOP Committing Suicide…

The GOP Committing Suicide…

Now that Senator Ted Cruz was vindicated for his stand against Obamacare. The GOP establishment has a new strategy. They are bashing the tea party and the tea party Senators/House reps. This is a great plan.

I actually like that idea. This will separate the men from the boys. There was some confusion between Democrats and establishment Republicans. That confusion is now solved. There is no difference between the two party’s.



Lindsey Graham, Peter King, John McCain and Mitch McConnell as the establishment FAUX Republican party vs the NEW kids on the block Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Mike Lee.


You will note, only four of the eight participated in dinner with the king during the gun control debate that failed because of the NEW Tea party supported candidates.


It would be best if there were just the two party’s to deal with, however; since the GOP has decided to go full idiot, lets get it on. The only talking point I will assert in any debate with any GOP elite backer is this:

Of those you are supporting, how many were in office the last 10 years? Of those 10 years how much better are we off, and what did your guys do to stop any of the damaging legislation that has been enacted? I rest my case.

Good Bye GOP 2014 will either see a rise of the tea party backed candidates and full control of both house and senate or America will continue it’s run to the history books as a fallen nation.

The way forward…

The way forward…

After a few brave House Reps and Senators stood on principle and got stabbed in the back by the establishment, many of us are done with the GOP. (See TexasFreds for more on this topic)

The question is now what do we do? I submit we have only three choices:


1. Fight and keep fighting the same way and hope we eventually wake people up. This may be the way for some, for me I don’t think we have enough time.

2. Join the Democrat party and apologize for ever thinking we could stop the train wreck.

3. We fight like there’s no tomorrow to primary out all RINO’s and elect some serious fighters in 2014. If that doesn’t work then from 2014 to election day 2016 we allow ALL LIBERAL LEGISLATION to go through unchallenged. The thought behind this is the same as the “Let Obamacare collapse under its own weight.” crowd.


#3 is where we’re headed. See California for the example of a prolonged fight without honesty in media. CA is totally controlled by far left ideologues now and if you want that for the country, keep doing what we’re doing. The reason I use CA is I have watched it first hand. Think about this:

We fought, we voted for moderate Repubs with business acumen only to have them raise taxes and follow democrat ideology. (Since Reagan) The Republican party spent BILLIONS here to try and fight the liberal scourge only to get to this point. We got here because of give aways to voters. And we’re collapsing now at a rapid rate.


If we allow the democrat agenda unimpeded the damage they will do to their own ideology will be quicker and less expensive. It also removes the blame game. They can’t blame us for the results. In CA every election was NEGATIVE about why Republicans didn’t allow this or Did this or that… Even though Republicans haven’t had a majority in the legislative process for over 20 years.


IF in 2014 we do not change the senate and keep the house, we need to really consider #3. Because show and tell is a better campaign slogan than blame…

Media and Polls say Republican are to Blame

Media and Polls say Republican are to Blame

Well, here’s my take on the Mainstream Media’s assertion that Republicans are getting the blame for the shut down. They are citing “Polls” as their reasons for reporting it.

The very same “polls” said Romney would win in 2012 by 5 points. Romney lost as we all know.

The very same “polls” said that if the Sequester was implemented the economy, the stock market would collapse and Republicans would be blamed. The sequester actually lowered the unemployment rate and stalled the debt. The stock market has had their best year in 6 years.

So when the media and Democrats warn Republicans that they will lose seats if they don’t cave in to Dear Leader’s demands, there’s history that shows it’s a scare tactic.

However; IF the republicans DO CAVE I can guarantee that 2014 will be a disaster for the GOP.

House of Representatives ACTS!

House of Representatives ACTS!

So lets recap: The House that “WE the PEOPLE” took back from “Them The Communists” in 2010 have done SOME things. I shudder to think where we would be with Nancy Pelosi still in charge.

While I am extremely unhappy with Speaker Boehner’s job performance and just as pissed off at the RINO’s in the house and senate. There is SOME things that the Republican house have done. Think about this:

Without the tea party caucus in the house: Several GUN CONTROL LAWS would have sailed through. Amnesty would already have been done. Obamacare would be implemented and our economy would have already collapsed.

So as we chastise the RINO’s in both houses. Realize this: WITHOUT control of the PEOPLE’S HOUSE America would have been transformed fully by now. And we may not recognize our nation now.

IF we the people can take the senate in 2014 we will NUT OBAMA and his minions for the following 2 years. This must be done or we will continue to languish in mediocrity while we pile on debt, become more divided and be laughed at worldwide.

Call your senators if you have a couple on the fence. I live in CA so calling Senator Boxer or Feinstein is wasting oxygen. But those of you who have RINO’s or Democrats who are coming up for re-election CALL THEM. Tell them to defund Obamacare or else.

The will of the people can be heard and America can become great again.

Obama deflecting again…

Obama deflecting again…

So, Obama decides to give warnings to Syria, talks red lines like a boss. Then after the red lines are crossed like a school girl playing hopscotch, he goes after America’s 2nd Amendment… Wow.

Think about that for a second. Just open your eyes for a second and your mind and think about that.

Obama wants to get involved in Syria because Syria bombed Syria. He wants to send the rebels, also known as Al Qaeda guns/ammo and other weapons. While at the same time eliminating YOUR Right to own firearms. Wow.

Personally, I’ love reading about muslims in Syria being killed by other Muslims in Syria. It gives me a chubby.

Here’s the facts folks listen up I’m only going to say it once.

The Obama presidency is the result of affirmative action. Its the result of a politically correct society gone impotent. Obama is what happens when a society decides that you can get something for nothing. Obama is what happens when a society fails to hold our leaders to the same standard as all the other leaders. When the bar is lowered because of the color of ones skin you get the Obama administration. And when that administration has 95% of the media in the tank you get the democrat party on steroids. You get exactly what we have now, you get a world in chaos because American leadership is missing, because the president of the most powerful nation in the world, is the enemy of the most powerful nation of the world. We have allowed a virus in the nations bloodstream and we have not yet realized the cure.

The cure is CONSERVATISM. Not RINOplasty, Not DEMOCRATS..

Time for a change…

Think about this:

Think about this:

If it wasn’t for Fox News, a few high ranking bloggers and a couple of AM talk radio conservatives. What would Obama and company be getting away with?

Think about WHO and What has pushed which stories that are a source of distraction for Obama. Think about it. Now ask yourself WHY is the NSA spying on ALL of us?

The fact is, the democrats are 95% complete with their take over. Their agenda is moving forward. 5% of media can’t stop the looters from supporting the thieves. You will see very soon that the democrats are concerned about that 5%.

Bills moving through leadership in states/fed will aim to eliminate freedom of speech from bloggers and to decrease Fox news viewership.

Think I’m lying? Think I’m out there in left field?

Tell me in about a month.


We Must have this Fight! GOP vs WE the People

We Must have this Fight! GOP vs WE the People

We have an obligation to our kids, to our parents and to the founding fathers who created this nation. We must have this fight because too many in the GOP have decided that being politically correct and “Compromising” with far left Democrats is the only way Republicans will gain power.

John McCain, Lyndsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and several others are being hailed as groundbreakers for their backstabbing of We the People. The media and the democrat party are all a flutter with the potential that Republicans will follow these traitors. I submit that will not be the case.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and several others are standing firm and WE the PEOPLE must stand with them. The surest way to get the GOP’s attention is to show them a true RED LINE. The red line for me is AMNESTY.

All these RINO’s who are FOR Amnesty think that they can get on TV and say things against ObamaCare and we’ll forget the Amnesty. Its not going to happen.

The GOP needs to realize that if Amnesty passes and is signed by Obama, the house/senate will be FULL DEMOCRAT MAJORITY in 2014, and Hillary or Biden will be POTUS in 2016. We the People will stay home again and the few pick ups they get will not be enough to sway the vote.

There is a way that the GOP can win the day and save America. This is the road map. DEFUND Obamacare and KILL the Amnesty bill. They do that and in 2014 conservatives will turn out in droves. McCain/Graham/Rubio are on their own. I will support any primary challengers to those three.

GOP has a decision to make. It’s a matter of life and death. I hope they choose wisely.